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Topic: vulnerability - Sundar Naga Started 9 years ago
Posted 9 years ago
My wife of 37 years and I have always shared a basic love between us. However, both of our fp’s have obviously played their roles and so there have been several occasions of problems between us as to be expected on the basis of Gary’s teachings. Once in 2010 or so the problem reached its peak. Thanks to Gary and Linda, I was able to recognize the role of fp’s. I sat down with my wife, had a discussion with her, referring to certain important points from their books including the one on spiritual partnership (my wife has never read any of them, but had some ideas as I used to share them now and then with her). On that day we resolved that we both would be spiritual partners of each other. We consider that day to be a day of our being married again. The most interesting thing is that we could recognize how opportunities kept coming one after the other to help us address the fp’s more and more actively and replace them with lp’s. The Universe was playing its role as always, but we could recognize it more and more. As time passed by, I started to notice a big change in my wife – her being intimate with me. Gary and Linda say in the beginning of the chapter on Intimacy: Intimacy does not mean a close relationship with another individual, although that can happen when you experience intimacy. Here I mean in both ways – my wife exhibiting such a close relationship with me as well as our intimacy being a measure of the energy leaving our system in love and trust. In the past I would have never ever assumed that being this intimate was in my wife’s nature at all. So, it is a big surprise to me, but a pleasant one of course. I enjoy it so much that I really wonder whether it would have been so enjoyable but for the past problems that were created by the fp’s. It appears to be something like one should be in the severely hot sun outside in order to be able to enjoy the power of the shade under a big tree. In other words, intimacy requires vulnerability. That is, the fp’s are there for a reason. No need to complain about them. By design, I am vulnerable. And, very soon on p. 114 itself (in The Heart of the Soul) Gary and Linda say: Vulnerability is dangerous. Thus, intimacy requires vulnerability, but vulnerability is dangerous. In other words, it is by design that I am vulnerable and I am completely prone to allowing my fp’s become active, but, at the same time, I am expected, again by design, not to yield to them. It is important to make them inactive as quickly as possible during my interactions with everyone so that I can start enjoying intimacy with everyone, of course including my spouse. I hope I am clear enough. If not, I would be glad to answer questions. This is how I understand Gary and Linda’s use of the term. I could be totally wrong in my analysis. Doug and other spiritual partners, please share your analysis and understanding. If I need to correct mine, I would be glad to do so. Thank you all in advance. With love and trust, |
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Posted 9 years ago
Sundar, It seems that throughout this journey this past year I have discovered that many of my thoughts and actions that I assumed would be loving were in fact frighten reactions of my personality. Acceptance and tolerance were examples for me. Gary and Linda taught on that and intellectually I got it and the truth of my behavior became so much more clear. But at other times I don’t have the time or the knowledge to know if am in a FP before I respond to one of the Universes many opportunities to learn. In those times it has been helpful to use my emotions as a signpost to what my current state actually is. At other times I feel great pain in my heart area for example and it is not obvious to me why even though I believe my body it trying to tell me that I am experiencing fear. I generally reach for the “Authentic Power Guidelines” for some intellectual reminders for what I should be asking myself or telling myself before I respond. Those Guidelines are extremely helpful to me. I don’t believe I have heard you mention your use of emotions, sensations in your body, or the guidelines in your experiences with discerning loving parts from a frighten part. I would love to hear about that as I am just beginning to practice with these tools consistently. I hope to respond later to your many post as there are many points that interest me. With love Doug |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, You wrote: “I don’t believe I have heard you mention your use of emotions, sensations in your body, or the guidelines in your experiences with discerning loving parts from a frighten part.” You are indeed correct. The reason is simply the following. As you know, I started this thread because of my confusion regarding the meaning of the term ‘vulnerable’ as used by Gary in different contexts. And, I started the thread with the question: What does the term ‘vulnerable’ mean when Gary says on p. 157 of The Mind of the Soul that the old Chinese man was vulnerable? Thus, the original intention of this thread is only to intellectually discuss Gary’s concept of vulnerability in order to understand it as well as possible so that the understanding can be applied effectively in life. But, to my surprise, some spiritual partners felt that some fp might be active in me and in order to support me they lovingly wanted me to check it. Since this occurred repeatedly and it appeared that even an effort to analyze and understand Gary’s teachings was considered as an indication of an active fp, I had to digress to address it, actually after a considerable degree of hesitation on my part. As you know, during this digression I pointed to the importance of BOTH head and heart. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have said anything about ‘head’, namely intellect, either in this thread, let alone ‘heart’, namely emotion. Given the original intention of the thread, I continued to discuss vulnerability by quoting the different contexts in different books in which the term is used by Gary and Linda. I still like this thread to focus on the discussion of the concept of vulnerability. I haven’t sent my question to Gary and Linda yet. I prefer to first hear the thoughts and comments of spiritual partners like you on this subject. You said: “I hope to respond later to your many posts as there are many points that interest me.” I feel joyful to read this statement of yours. Please do so as and when you find the time, and I am very eager to read your posts. One fundamental idea I have always emphasized in my family (consisting of my wife and two children), is: What is important is not who is right, but what is right. I strongly, strongly believe that Gary’s teachings are right in every way regarding life. I want to understand them correctly, including the concept of vulnerability which, to quote Soula, seems to be rich and complex. You wrote: “I don’t believe I have heard you mention your use of emotions, sensations in your body, or the guidelines in your experiences with discerning loving parts from a frighten part. I would love to hear about that as I am just beginning to practice with these tools consistently.” I understand. However, this thread might be out of context for that. We can start a different thread either now, or later after a suitable live call happens, and address this there. Very eager to hear from you and other spiritual partners. With love and trust, |
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Posted 9 years ago
Dear Sundar, The intention you mentioned in your last post to apply what you learn from this discussion to your life is to me the most powerful and the most beautiful. It implies to me a hypothesis that we must understand before we can do. For me there are so many things that I do that I do not understand why I do them. All of my bad habits, many of my fearful reactions such as anger, resentment, or judgement of others or in my particular case judgement of myself. I recall at the 2015 Journey to the Soul event having the opportunity to privately ask Gary as we walked together why I won’t commit “all in” to my spiritual growth. I felt I was in many ways holding my full self back from fully applying myself. Gary’s answer was simply one word, fear. I believe he is 100% correct in this statement but as you know I have a lot to do to both comprehend and experience the depth of that concept. For my spiritual growth, my ability to not respond from my old habits, my ability to not react or respond from fear, my ability to create authentic power instead of external power, is predicated on my understanding of my fear. What I am learning is that the universe has provided me so many more tools to understand my fears than just my intellect. My intellect helps me understand authentic power and the tools to create it but I have found my intellect also hinders me from applying the very tools I have learned about because my 5-sensory thoughts don’t really believe things like pain and emotions are signals of my true intentions or the unseen energy I am sending. The surprise you are experiencing from some of the replies you have received are signals from the Universe to you. Why are you surprised? How is this surprise making you feel inside and what thoughts come to mind when it is being suggested that your post might actually be written while you were frightened which means your post were written by you to create external power for you. The point is not whose right or who is wrong, the point is that I learn about myself and you learn about yourself from these interactions. Do you feel a need to defend yourself? Do you think they might see something you don’t? Whatever your thoughts are, simply ask why am I thinking this way and wanting to respond this way. For me this learning has required my willingness to accept that my emotions are important, perhaps for the moment more important than what I am thinking. They go together for me, I check what my emotions are saying, then I check my thoughts and what they are saying. But what to conclude if they appear to conflict. The Seat of the Soul suggest that my emotions cannot lie but my thoughts and conclusion can or can be wrong. That is powerful to sit with, my emotions cannot lie about if I am in frightened part or in a loving part. Wow. But for me, learning to speak the language of my emotions is not easy. I have trusted my intellect to guide me for so long. I am learning to trust my feelings and my intuition more than my thoughts because my thoughts at times are based on wrong perceptions and biased agendas. I would love to continue to share our journeys with creating authentic power together if you are willing. With love, Doug |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, You asked: “Do you feel a need to defend yourself?” No, not at all. You also asked: “Do you think they might see something you don’t?” Definitely. And that is what spiritual partnership is about. It would have been really nice if Luz, Tim and Patrice had indicated how they saw the existence of an fp in my first post in this thread where I raised a question. I expected them to do it themselves. Maybe that was a mistake on my part. Now I will request them to do so. I don’t know if they still read this thread. In case they do, I would be very appreciative if they point to the specific statement(s) in my first post and explain how it is a possible indication of an fp being active in me. Especially Patrice who wrote: “What I think I am noticing in your writings is a FPP that wants to understand and get it right, intellectualize rather than feel. Maybe you could challenge the FPP and scan each of your energy centers and feel what is happening in them.” When I read this, the automatic thought I have is: Yes, I do want to understand the correct use of the term vulnerability. What is their to feel about it? As you say, Patrice obviously saw something in my posts I couldn’t see. I would very much appreciate if she explains what she saw. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, I don’t know with what intention you wrote the previous post. I do not intend for this thread to become a kind of “fight” between heart on the one hand and head on the other. That was not the intention with which this thread started. This thread started with the genuine intention of understanding the concept of vulnerability just because I felt confused by its usage in different contexts. A confusion is an indication of not understanding something, missing something, etc. So, I wanted to get clarifications. That is all. Yes, head plays its role here. But, that does not mean at all that heart is ignored. Heart is indeed important in every context where it plays its role. I have kind of pointed it out in earlier posts also. I cannot make it any clearer. I am really sorry if I am not clear enough. I hope you will continue to contribute, in the spirit of this thread, to the understanding of the concept of vulnerability, if you have anything to share. I am very much looking forward to creating authentic power together with you. My spiritual partnership with you has been a joy so far and I know it will continue to be a joy. With love and trust, |
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Posted 9 years ago
Dear Sundar, My intention is to both support you in creating authentic power and to learn about myself as I journey towards me creating authentic power. The Authentic Power guidelines also known as the Spiritual Partnership guidelines have been essential to help guide me in recognizing when I am in a frightened part of my personality or in a loving part. Studying words and the meaning and wisdom of words is something I have done a great deal of in the past but for me at this time of my journey is not something I value as greatly as my emotional awareness and my intuition. I currently see greater value in seeking my spiritual guides (not humans) help through intuition. I understand you started this thread as an intellectual discussion on Gary’s use and meaning of the word vulnerability throughout his various books. I believe that path would lead me to creating external power and won’t lead to my authentic power and therefore I don’t want to go that way but I respect your intention with this thread and I won’t post further here so as to not distract from your purpose. I do believe I see a frightened part active in you that sees being intellectual as of great value both in life and in creating authentic power. I believe the spiritual partner guidelines and your intuition will help you find if that is indeed a frightened part in you. Only you can find this answer for yourself. The Universe will always answer your questions if only you are willing to ask and then are willing to listen to the universe over your own thoughts. With love, Doug |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, Thank you so much for sharing so clearly. I realize you completely understood my previous post. I also thank you for genuinely expressing your belief in the third paragraph and I appreciate such genuineness. I prefer not to continue the discussion on this point in this thread. It is probably time to start a new thread where we can freely discuss just this topic and spiritually grow together, which I will start. I am not sure whether ‘head vs heart’ is an appropriate title for the new thread, but since I am not able to think of anything better I will go with this. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Sundar and Doug, |
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