Intentions of Love
Intentions of love create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life…
“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”
– Gary ZukavIntentions of love create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life…
You cannot amend your past. It is done. You can learn…
When a fear-based part of your personality becomes…
A conscious life is challenging, rewarding, and transformative…
Pay attention to physical sensations in your energy processing centers…
When energy passes through your energy centers (chakras)…
Sharing what you notice, if appropriate, when someone acts…
When you shift your attention to a loving part of your personality…
You cannot choose the emotion you experience in the moment…
Stretching myself beyond the limited perspectives…
The first step in creating authentic power is to feel…
Observing your thoughts is necessary to creating authentic power…