“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”

– Gary Zukav

Recognizing Equality

Date Added: January 15, 2014

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Equality is more than your actions or words — it is your orientation.


EQUALITY is the perspective of your soul and loving parts of your personality.

You are EQUAL when you see others and yourself as souls.

When you are EQUAL you are:

  • open to intuition
  • fully present
  • appreciative
  • relaxed and comfortable
  • sharing without pretense or second agenda
  • laughing easily
  • experiencing no separation

INEQUALITY is the perspective of frightened parts of your personality.

You are UNEQUAL when you see others and yourself as personalities
(and feeling inferior or superior.)


  • loneliness
  • emptiness
  • separation from others
  • inauthentic interactions
  • second agendas
  • judgment and blaming