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Live Session Discussions
Topic: vulnerability - Sundar Naga Started 9 years ago
Posted 9 years ago
Dear spiritual partners, I am joyful about the topic of the last live call being vulnerability. I always knew that this is a concept whose depth I didn’t (couldn’t) understand when I read Gary and Linda’s books. Certain aspects were confusing to me. I can’t wait to listen to the above video again after it is uploaded. In the meantime, I looked for the entry ‘vulnerability’ in their books that have an index at the end. The three that have this entry in the index are: The Mind of the Soul, The Heart of the Soul, and Soul to Soul. I read the corresponding pages in all three books again and I still have questions as certain things are still confusing. I would really appreciate any helpful responses. First, the one from the Mind of the Soul – Chapter 20 on ‘Sharing’, p. 157. Here Gary describes his experience during a lecture by an old Chinese man to American audience more than 30 years ago. Gary sat amazed at the depth of his thoughts and the clarity with which he spoke. He offered insights without pomposity. He laughed often and, once, he cried. His talk flowed effortlessly. Gary’s mind was alive with his ideas and his heart was full. Just when Gary was wondering in his mind whether he shared his thoughts in that way frequently, the old man said: “Even for ten thousand ounces of gold I would not sell the way, but I will give it for free right at the crossroad if you can hear my sound.” Gary then indicates that although he had listened to many lectures before the above and happened to listen to many since then, he remembered that old man’s lecture because he had given Gary a gift. Next Gary says: “He was VULNERABLE. I had never before seen a speaker cry during a talk. He laughed as well, and I knew that his laughter was real.” Gary found out from the translator of the Mandarin language in which the old man spoke that he always speaks without notes and she translates what he says as he speaks. Gary realized that he was at the crossroad and the old man’s words were appropriate for him. “He meant them, and he shared them. He gave me a gift that he would not sell at any price.” What does the term ‘vulnerable’ mean in the above context? Quite a while ago when I read the above, I had checked the dictionary and written on that page the following meaning for vulnerability: “the inability to withstand the effects of a hostile environment”. I think at the beginning of the live call Linda also shared a similar meaning. So, does it mean that the vulnerability frightened part was active in the old man? I find it hard to assign such a meaning in the above context. It doesn’t seem to make sense to me. What am I missing? Is there another meaning in which I am supposed to interpret ‘vulnerable’ when Gary says that the old man was vulnerable? My heartfelt thanks in advance to the spiritual partners in this community for any help in my genuine effort to analyze and understand Gary’s teachings. With love and trust, |
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Posted 9 years ago
Dear Sundar, Sundar, I have an intuition that is wanting me to ask if there could be a FP active in part of your question. I know I have a FP about asking this question and I do not want to proceed, but because I have tried to delete this question, I know I must have courage to challenge my own FP that doesn’t want to say something wrong. Love, |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Luz, Thank you so much for your response. If I understood the video call correctly, vulnerability was considered to be an fp (those who attended the video call, please correct me if I happen to be wrong in this). Assigning to it the meaning such as open, clear, present , etc. implies to me that it is an lp. So, I assume you meant vulnerability to be an lp in the context of the old man giving the lecture. In fact, my original confusion is indeed a result of this apparent conflict in the meaning of vulnerability. Sometimes I have felt that the term is used as an fp and other times as an lp. Since it cannot be both, I have always felt that I am missing something here. This is the reason for my original post. When I asked my question to Gary and Linda during the live call, I used the term vulnerability only as an fp, thinking that that is how they both were using the term. Only later when I started to read the corresponding pages in the three books I mentioned in my previous post, I recalled that I was confused about this term during my earlier readings. As I still remain confused, I really appreciate any further help from the spiritual partners. Or, if any of you who have been in direct contact with Gary and Linda through workshops know of a method by which I can directly ask the question to them and directly get a response, please let me know. I have sent some questions online in the past to them. The impression I have developed is that they do not send responses directly to the individuals asking the questions (which to me is understandable given the possibility that they must be receiving too many questions). They select questions and answer them on the video. If I am wrong, please let me know. That will be very helpful to me. Thank you so much in advance for any help. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello, Sundar, |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello Jaye, Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it. In case you thought about the answer to my question in the post that started this discussion, namely “What does the term vulnerable mean in the above context?”, please share. When Gary writes referring to the old man giving the lecture, “He was vulnerable”, do we take it to mean that the old man ‘felt his heart race, his stomach area push out and tighten, as well as his throat tighten with a lump and scratchiness’. It is possible this happened when the old man was crying once during his lecture. And, what I like to ask myself and make sure of during the process of my understanding Gary is: Is this what Gary is actually implying? I consider it an essential question to ask and find the answer to in this process of understanding Gary’s mind-boggling teachings. Is it also possible that ‘the thoughts came in the old man that he might get hurt by being open’? I find this somewhat hard to see, given Gary’s own account of the nature of the old man, especially the powerful quote regarding ten thousand ounces of gold. But, who knows? That is what probably Gary means. If so, that is what I want to know and understand by starting this discussion here. I sincerely thank the spiritual partners for their contributions to this discussion. Jaye, thank you again so much. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear spiritual partners, Next I like to share the one from Soul to Soul, pp. 47, 48, in the communication titled First Sight. I see what I had written very next to the title during one of my earlier readings: ‘v v powerful message’ It is about a man who had been blind from birth and had never seen anything but blackness. One day his doctor shares the good news about the invention of a new surgery that should allow him to see. The man asks the doctor and his friends what it means to be able to see. He couldn’t understand answers such as ‘you will be able to see stars shining in the sky’. After putting a lot of thought into the decision he had to make, the man finally asks the doctor, “Will I be able to use my cane when I see?” He says that he doesn’t want to see if he can’t use his cane. The message Gary conveys is that a new life is calling each of us toward harmony, cooperation, sharing and reverence for Life, a life that involves sensing, seeing, feeling, or hearing intelligence, wisdom and compassion. Then he says, which brings us to the core of this thread, “This new life requires challenging every fear – the fear of being VULNERABLE, of loving and losing, of being loved and losing, of trying and failing, of being betrayed, of being used, of not having enough, and of having too much. These are our canes.” In this context, it seems clear that vulnerability is treated as an fp, not as an lp. Here, its common meaning such as ‘the feeling of being susceptible to be hurt, being open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.’ seems to be applicable. In fact, while answering my question during the live call last Saturday, Gary said: Vulnerability and shouting in anger are related. They both come from the same place, fear. However, the question seems to remain: Was the fear of loving and losing, of being loved and losing, etc. active in the old man as he was lecturing, which probably led him to cry? It is possible. I just want to know whether that is what Gary implies in what he writes in the Mind of the Soul. Or, maybe the connection I am making here is totally wrong. I am grateful to those who bring about any degree of clarity in me. When time permits, I will share the ones I found in the Heart of the Soul. With love and trust, |
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Posted 9 years ago
Dear Sundar. It is great that you are researching the meaning of “vulnerability” for you. Luz also asked you the following: Did you have a change to reflect on her question?
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Tim, Good question, a question that seems to keep coming up. I really appreciate it. Please see whether the following quote from what Gary and Linda said at the very beginning of the last live call helps with the answer. Linda: “I am excited to talk about the subject that we are going to be talking about today. It is the nature of vulnerability. And the reason I thought about that, and Gary and I talked about it, is that in the last month or so I have been hearing, overhearing I should say, a number of people talking about how vulnerable they feel or how they felt so vulnerable in their life for different scenarios of vulnerability. And I realize that they didn’t really understand about vulnerability from a multisensory point of view. So, I wanted to share with all of you about that in case you still have some misunderstandings about that.” Gary, in continuation: “And, if you are not sure if your understanding is correct or not, that is what this call is about. We are going to be talking about the nature of vulnerability.” I sincerely hope this helps. (I do like to continue the discussion on vulnerability by quoting Gary and Linda’s references to this concept in three different places in the Heart of the Soul, when I find the time, with the hope that the spiritual partners that are as bent upon understanding this concept as I am would contribute their thoughts and help the discussion.) With love and trust, |
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Posted 9 years ago
Sundar, Perhaps my life examples will share light. My wife and I have been married for 35 years. This past year I consciously chose to tell her that I have had a life long attraction to pornography. I had never shared this with her before. Why would I voluntarily “come clean” after a lifetime of concilement? I did this to challenge my fears. There is an Authentic Power Guideline in the Courage section that says “Practice integrity at all times” and another says “Take responsibility for my actions”. I deeply want to be loving and honorable to my wife and I knew this behavior and secret is neither honorable nor loving. Fearful parts of my personality told me I would hurt my wife or worse loose my wife if I were honest with her. I told her because because I want a new life, a life of love and not of fear, a life of integrity and not a life of lies. As you noted in the passage you posted, “this new life requires challenging every fear – the fear of being VULNERABLE, of loving and losing, …”. A part of me was afraid of being vulnerable and of losing my wife’s love, a frightened part of my personality. But a loving part of my personality was not afraid of this vulnerability. In this example I believe my willingness to be vulnerable with my wife was from my loving parts. Another example is this, I find dancing (me dancing) is embarrassing. I feel awkward and self conscious and generally avoid dancing if at all possible. A frightened part of my personality see me dancing as an opportunity to be criticized and to suffer loss in many ways. During last summers Journey to the Soul event an exercise included listening to some energetic music and if you felt like it dancing to the joy of being alive. As the music began and the room came alive with movement and dancing I made my way to the wall to watch the others dance with no intention of participating. A line of joyful dancers formed and made their way around the room. As the line passed near me many in the line made eye contact with me and some encouraged my to “loosen up and join them”. A frightened part of me felt great peer pressure and at one point in what might be termed a moment of vulnerability I faced an observing dancer and moved my feet and waved my arms in what might have been interpreted as dancing. Why did I face my fear of dancing in public? Was it for me, practicing integrity or showing love. I believe it was because I wanted to be accepted, to fit in, to not appear to be without joy. But that moment of vulnerability was from my frightened parts. You could say that this post is my being vulnerable with you and with this community. Why would I Be vulnerable to share my private feelings and experiences, to be open to criticisms or judgement? My intentions determine if my willingness to be vulnerable is from my loving part or from my frightened part. I have found that truly knowing my intention requires skilled emotional awareness and this is an area of my life that I am just learning and am not skilled at. Which means there have been times when I thought I was acting from love when I was actually acting from fear. At times my spiritual partners discern my frightened parts when I cannot and they do their best to help me reflect deeper on my action. They do this by asking me to reflect and it takes courage to even accept their asking. At times I know to reflect on something I have said or done without their asking. Reflecting on what I have posted this morning is something I will do because I want all my words and all my post to be from love and I need to learn. Love Doug |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, “You could say that this post is my being vulnerable with you and with this community.” I honestly don’t know what exactly this statement implies. I am still in the process of understanding the term ‘vulnerable’ as correctly as one should. But, I can, for sure, assure you that after reading your post, my admiration for you has gone sky-high, waaay high indeed. Already your posts made me admire you so much. But, the effect of this latest one is extremely powerful. Thank you so much for sharing it with love. I post my questions only with the hope there would be some like you who would come forward with a genuine discussion. I have to read your post again, maybe a few times, and try to make a connection between the contents and my original question: What does it really mean to say that the old man that Gary describes in the Mind of the Soul was vulnerable? I am busy with my work, but definitely I want to find the time for this. In the meantime, if you have any direct comments on this connection, please share. I do appreciate it. Thank you again so much, Doug. What an honest, loving, thought-provoking post! With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, I just read your post intently a few times during my morning walking exercise. It is indeed deep. I really think I see a light at the end of the tunnel. After my first post which started this thread, I have been wondering on and off whether ‘vulnerable’ could be this, could be that, etc. One thing I have all along been wondering is whether there might be a subtle difference between the two phrases ‘being vulnerable’ (as a matter of fact) and ‘feeling vulnerable’ (in the sense of an fp). Your post seems to make me consider a continuation of my analysis along this line, which I intend to do and have already started. As a part of the process, I want to listen to Gary and Linda’s live call video on the nature of vulnerability again a few more times (which I have already started) and read the concerned passages in their books again a few more times, trying to compare and contrast all the information, including that in your post, on the basis of an alleged subtle distinction between the above two phrases and see whether that clarifies my confusion. I just wanted to update you. When I am kind of done, I will post my further understanding for you to check and tell me whether I am on the right track or not. I really appreciate the two examples you have illustrated in your post to bring about, I think, an important contrast. They seem to me to bring out the depth of your post. Thank you so much for being a genuine spiritual partner. I really appreciate it. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello, So very much appreciate this thread, it’s richness and complexity. Before Linda and Gary’s life school call on vulnerability I thought that being vulnerable was about expressing my feelings to the other person. From a multi sensory perspective there is more that is in play. A recent event at work was very significant for me in that chose to challenge fps that were tolerant of certain behaviours that were not in my integrity. Due to the suppression (tolerance ) I had indulged fps of anger and resentment primarily, that while using my courage to be in integrity and be vulnerable about my feelings of the behaviour the energy of these fps were also at play. The vulnerability was coming from fps that had the intention to judge the behaviour and blame the persons involved. The vulnerability that was coming from loving parts was using my courage to say what I needed, in this case, employees that I can trust, and this behaviour has triggered a part of me that feels disappointed and hurt. I took responsibility for these feelings by choosing to use this as an opportunity to feel this old deep pain with the intention to learn about the emotional need that was not being met for a long time in my life, unbeknownst to me that I had this need. The fps that were tolerating this behaviour for many years were trying to get this need met through manipulating and controlling others. I chose to be vulnerable by sharing my feelings with the intention of love/ integrity to meet my need of being truly seen and understood. The fps fears were being judged by my own inner mean judge and by others. The fear of not feeling worthy to be seen and understood as these fps do not believe it. So I took this risk/courage to challenge these fps in me to create a life where I attract others that do see and understand me genuinely because I am doing the same for myself so that I will be able to feel it and receive it in my life. Thank you all for your amazing shares, Love, |
Posted 9 years ago
Soula, Thank you for sharing. If possible, is it okay for you to rephrase the following sentence of yours or maybe elaborate? “A recent event at work was very significant for me in that [I] chose to challenge fps that were tolerant of certain behaviours that were not in my integrity.” I definitely don’t mean for you to divulge more details than possible. I tried to understand it in terms of what follows, but then realized I might be making assumptions as to what you might mean, which is not a good idea. Thank you. With love and trust, |
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Posted 9 years ago
Thank you Jaye, Doug and Soula for your sharing and self awareness. It was inspiring to read how you went in to understand where your thoughts and/or actions were originating from. Sundar, I may be mistaken, but don’t believe you answered Tim’s question directly. May I suggest using the authentic power guidelines then scanning your energy processing centers to see if this link has activated any FP’s within yourself? My FP’s don’t want to reply and continue this link forward. My FP’s just want to stay under the radar and not be exposed to avoid prejudice and ridicule. My FP’s judge others but in truth, they judge me much worse. Thus I know that replying here and now is an excellent learning tool for me to continue challenging FP’s, and exercising being in my Authentic Power right here, right now. It is also a moment to be a supportive spiritual partner. I am aware that my FP’s are attached to an outcome, and that is another experience I would like to challenge this moment by practicing Releasing An Attachment To The Outcome and Trusting in the Universe that this moment is perfect I am grateful for everyones sharing. Because of your sharing, I am going within at this very moment and am learning to be in compassion with myself and everyone (on their own path). I initially thought of writing to clarify to Sundar what Vulnerability meant to me after having watched the video, I understand that was a FP, care taking. I came out with more clarity for myself. Love, |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug (as well as other spiritual partners contributing to this thread and yet other spiritual partners reading this thread), As I indicated in an earlier post, I first listened to Gary and Linda’s video on the nature of vulnerability. (Actually, I normally prepare transcripts of their videos, whenever time permits. In this particular case I wanted to prepare such a transcript of the whole video first. Although it demands time, it seems to be worth it. After preparing the transcript, I read it a few times.) Then, I reread the three passages involving the term vulnerable or vulnerability in the Heart of the Soul along with the surrounding texts. Although it feels that I seem to understand the surrounding texts, whenever I try to ascribe a specific meaning to the term vulnerable or vulnerability in the sentences in which it is used, I think I am still missing something big time. The three contexts in which Gary and Linda use the term vulnerable or vulnerability in the Heart of the Soul are in the following chapters (I also indicate the specific pages on which the term appears): (1) Intimacy, pp. 113 and 114. (2) Anger, pp. 136 and 137. (3) Idol Worship, pp. 205, 206 and 207. I will share and discuss these one after the other in the ensuing posts, as and when time permits, with the confidence that you and other spiritual partners who can help me understand will do so. I would really appreciate the opportunity for me to understand this term, vulnerable, vulnerability, which now appears to me to be even deeper and more profound than I might have assumed before. With love and trust, |
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