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Emotional Awareness
Topic: Sitting with the pain - Kristen Richardson Started 10 years, 9 months ago
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Posted 11 years ago
Right now in this moment I have a strong familiar frightened part of my personality active. The pain is deep. My hands feel achy, my heart energy center is constricted and also has a deep ache, I notice a sense of urgency in my energy. I noticed the pain come up and the temptation arise to avoid feeling the pain so I chose to sit with it. I remember this FP from my childhood…feeling guilty, wrong, bad, ashamed, unloveable, unworthy of being loved through my pain, unworthy of support- forgiveness- unconditional love. When I indulge this FP I pull away, or try to prove I am worthy (a FP), I judge others as being unloveable (projection of my pain onto them). It’s the pain of powerlessness. This moment is the first time in my life I have been able to allow myself to begin to feel the depth of this frightened part of my personality. My intention is to heal this frightened part. |
Posted 10 years ago
Thank you for sharing this, Kristen. I love what you said about sitting with the pain. |
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Posted 9 years ago
I have been experiencing sadness and let-down from the holiday weekend, spending time with my son who continues to struggle with his depression. I feel so powerless to help him and fearful of saying too much or the wrong thing and pushing him further away from me. Because I am not connected with anyone on a regular basis to practice these principles, it took me until the last hour (it’s now 5:15pm and I have felt this way since early this morning) to remember that a FP is working here. I feel constriction in my chest and tightness in my belly. I have been fighting a sore throat since Thanksgiving night (when I spent the night at my son’s place) – I RARELY get sick – but realized instantly that there was something I wanted/needed to say, or not say. I recognized that I was feeling afraid but forgot to relate it to these principles, while I was still with my son and could have talked to him from this perspective. This FP believes that if I say too much or the wrong thing, that I will push him away and I will be more alone than I already am. I welcome feedback on this topic. Thanks so much – Diane |
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Posted 9 years ago
Hi Diane, Thank you for sharing. I think it’s significant and wonderful that you were able to realize that you had a frightened part of your personality active even after a few days. You can keep looking, feeling and noticing your thoughts moment by moment. Is it possible you still may have another very familiar frightened part of your personality active that quickly shifted from focusing on yourself to helping your son? What does it feel like in your body when you imagine talking to him? What does it feel like when you imagine not talking to him? Do you feel it’s coming from fear or love? Love, David |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Diane, I like to give the following feedback. If it makes sense, please consider it. The only thing that matters on your part here is your love for your son and your trying to make it more and more genuine and more and more unconditional, no matter what, without expecting anything in return. That is all you have to make sure of. And that is all you can make sure of because that is all in your hands. Once that is taken care of, everything else will work out the way it should. You can definitely trust the Universe and it will plan everything the way it should and create the appropriate circumstances for you. Those are not in our hands and are beyond our control. The nice thing is that we can rest assured that our souls, guide souls and Teacher souls (namely the Universe) would create the right circumstances as long as we understand that it is all about love. Love appears to be the only thing that ever matters. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
On further thought, I feel that I have tried to compress a lot of information in a few sentences in the previous post above, thereby making me wonder whether it is even clear enough and could make enough sense. So, I am going to try to elaborate on it a little more. Let me start with the most fundamental question that seems to arise in all of our minds all the time: what is this life all about? The answer provided by Gary’s immensely powerful spiritual theory is deceptively simple: spiritual growth. If life is all about spiritual growth, the next question that arises is: what constitutes that spiritual growth? The answer provided by his spiritual theory is: (1) to discover, challenge and change each of the fp’s my soul decided to bring with me in this lifetime; and (2) to discover and cherish each of the lp’s my soul decided to bring with me in this lifetime. Of course, questions such as ‘how to discover?’ arise immediately. But, putting those questions aside here, some other relevant question that I think arises is something like: is there a specific order to follow? more specifically, should I always first discover and identify my fp’s before I take any other step? At the moment I don’t know what answer Gary (who is the final authority) provides. I might have easily overlooked it in his works. If anyone has already spotted the answer in any of his works, please, please share the reference. I will share here what I happen to think (as a feedback to Diane’s post). After one gains a basic understanding of Gary’s spiritual theory, it appears to me that the order does not really matter. In other words, even when I am unable to exactly identify what specific fp is controlling at the moment my actions and words (through the corresponding thoughts inside), as long as I am able to realize that some or other fp happens to be at work, I can start telling myself something like: “Just love the other person involved here. It doesn’t matter what fp of mine is trying to overpower me. Whatever it is, I just need to make sure that I simply love the other person. Let everything else take its own course.” Of course, I am not undermining the need to identify the fp involved. Our goal should be to identify it, but it might take quite a while (as it happened in my case). Given that possibility, it might not be efficient enough, especially if we want to make the process as fast as possible, to wait until the specific fp is exactly identified. So, what seems to be important here is to tell myself: It is all about love. Love is all that matters. Let me try to love the other individual, no matter what. It seems to me that during such an effort, my soul, the other individual’s soul, any other relevant individual(s)’ soul(s), the corresponding guide souls and Teacher souls elegantly plan the circumstances whereby gradually the identification of the fp becomes possible. Given their plans everything seems to work out really well in the end. As Gary’s spiritual theory claims, we can indeed trust the Divine Intelligence (which has formulated the 3 universal spiritual laws) and the world of the souls that have been given all the needed executive power. Now, to be specific. Hi Diane, I think my feedback for you to consider is: Keep increasing the intensity of your genuine and unconditional love toward your son. Be open to the circumstances that the Universe will create for you to address the current situation. Act or speak accordingly, love still being the basis of your actions and words. Don’t expect anything specific in return, namely, for example, whether he would go away from you or come closer to you. Whatever is the right thing at the moment, that will indeed happen. Yes, again, just make sure to love him unconditionally. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Just an afterthought: Yes, again, just make sure to love him unconditionally, which might be a hard thing to do, given the immense power of the fp’s, but that is simply what is expected of us in our lives in the Grand Design by the Divine Intelligence. If we want joy, not pain, we need to follow the corresponding laws; no other go, it seems. |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Diane, I like to elaborate a little bit more. Let us say that you continue to emphasize in your system love toward your son. Different circumstances develop on their own unexpectedly. You correspondingly act or speak in love toward him. He learns what he needs to learn, and continues to do so through your love. Finally, he is out of the current condition that has been bothering. Now, sit back and analyze the various circumstances that opened up on their own without even your own control, which eventually led to the desired result. It would feel really amazing. The feeling inside would be simply: wow! (I have experienced it.) This in turn causes a reinforcement of the trust in the Universe and shows how important it is to cherish that trust. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Sundar, I noticed that you repsonded to this posting 2 days ago then added additional posts over a few hours 2 days later. I am wondering what you may be noticing about yourself. Were there any Frightened parts of the personality active during this time? |
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Posted 9 years ago
Thank-you David and Sundar for your responses these past several days. MOST significantly, it is good to be reminded that I am not alone in wanting to approach this relationship with my son as a Spiritual Partnership. To begin by feeling the physical sensations in my body and recognize that if they are painful, a FP of my personality is presenting. I think that I need to just stay with feeling and feeling and feeling . . . . I grew up afraid and made many significant decisions in my life based on fear. Time to move forward and speak from LOVE!!! Really easy to do when I make this Conscious Choice to Communicate from LOVE because I do love this son Unconditionally – hands down!! the real challenge is to love Myself unconditionally – wow!!! Thanks again for being there for me – Diane |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Patrice, Thank you for your concern based in love. It means a lot to me. The reason for the additions 2 days later is what I said in the beginning of the post: “On further thought, I feel that I have tried to compress a lot of information in a few sentences in the previous post above, thereby making me wonder whether it is even clear enough and could make enough sense. So, I am going to try to elaborate on it a little more.” And, a major point I added was the following question I raised there: “is there a specific order to follow? more specifically, should I always first discover and identify my fp’s before I take any other step?” I wanted to suggest to consider the possibility that even if there is difficulty in exactly identifying the fp involved, it might be beneficial to apply the two fundamental ideas of Gary’s spiritual theory, namely it is all about love and we can always trust the Universe in our efforts. Any forum is associated with multiple types of benefits. Of course, in this forum one obvious benefit is for one spiritual partner to be supportive of another that might need that support at the moment. Another benefit can be to develop a healthy, constructive, intellectual discussion on Gary’s teachings. When I try this, it appears that I come across as being controlled by an fp in me (if my memory serves right, at least one other spiritual partner asked me in the past to check my fp). I wrote: “At the moment I don’t know what answer Gary (who is the final authority) provides. I might have easily overlooked it in his works. If anyone has already spotted the answer in any of his works, please, please share the reference.” I assumed this could lead to a potential discussion at least, even if no one has yet spotted the answer. Maybe I should point out the following about myself. Anything I happen to learn, I analyze a lot. I analyze Gary’s theory a lot (and thereby have benefited a lot). I teach thermodynamic theory and quantum theory, two of the mind-blowing, powerful theories in the sciences. I am always amazed by how just a handful of assumptions made in any powerful theory ends up helping us understand, make sense of and explain a whole slew of facts. In a similar manner, with a handful of assumptions Gary’s theory appears to explain everything about life and I like to go deeper and deeper into it. I really appreciate discussions on this forum. However, Patrice, please help me by pointing out which sentences I wrote in my posts or which ideas I conveyed in my posts happen to reveal the possible working of fp in me. I really appreciate it. With love and trust, |
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Posted 9 years ago
You’re most welcome Diane. Sundar, ~David |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello Brothers and sisters |
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Posted 9 years ago
Hello Leo – Thanks for sharing your experience with your own daughter and her depression. Again, it is so very helpful to realize that I am not alone. I have just finished watching, again, Gary’s short talk on “What is the next step after I feel my emotions?”. Taking this step by step . . . working to keep this process uppermost in my consciousness. Will order “Heart of the Soul” today and begin to read & work the exercises, as was suggested to me a week ago. With much gratitude – Diane |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi David, Obviously for anyone, not just for myself, that would depend on the specific nature of the post in question. What is your point, please? It might be helpful to be direct, plain and frank. I would very much appreciate it. I am extremely sorry if I am still not making myself clear enough. As an important part of supporting one another as spiritual partners, let us also have on this forum intellectual, constructive, high-level discussions on Gary’s wonderful ideas so that we understand them deeper and deeper. As a starter, how about considering the question I have already raised? Should one always first identify the exact fp involved in a given situation before taking any other step or could one go ahead and start applying any possible lp without wasting the time and wait to identify the exact fp involved as time passes by? If my question is not clear enough, I will be glad to try to offer clarification to any question raised. Please, please, let us have a great discussion, spiritual partners. |
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