Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Journey Call Aug 30

Live Session Discussions

Topic: Journey Call Aug 30 - Stephanie C Started 8 years, 5 months ago

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 57 total)
Posted 8 years ago


You wrote: “And if anything I have said bothers you, …, I hope you will speak up, so we can continue the discussion, so we may all learn and grow.”

Nope! Nothing you wrote is bothersome. I honestly feel the Universe has a plan in all of this.

Yes, I also believe that we should continue the discussion so we may learn more and more and grow further and further.

With love and trust,

Posted 8 years ago


No, I don’t think your “talk” is a big one from a small mouth. I consider it the right “talk”. Thank you for your contributions as a sincere spiritual partner.

You asked: “When you wrote your post this morning (which is a beautiful post, and a very important post), had you felt, experienced, and resolved your hurts and fears about the types of responses you have received in the past on this site?”

I don’t think I felt hurt. So, the question of resolving the hurts didn’t arise. But, if my above post you are referring to indicates otherwise, please do not hesitate to point out the parts that happen to reveal I felt hurt. That would be a valuable help for me in my spiritual growth.

You also asked: “Did you put your usual player out on the field, or your best most loving player, one that would generate more love within the community?”

Good question.

My post was honest, straightforward and genuine. I expressed the thoughts that I had. But, I was not attached to the result. As I said in that post, yes, since long I have wondered whether something was fundamentally wrong, and after reading that Stephanie happened to feel scared to post her thoughts, I did want a change to occur in this community board and I expressed it. But, that change is not in my hands. Those concerned might or might not agree with me. I have no control over that. Did I put my “best, most loving player on the field”? I think so. “Would it generate more love within the community?” I hope so.

You asked: “Was your expectation that you put out love for all people so you would generate and receive love from all people, not just some people?”

I am not sure whether I understand the question correctly. Please check it from the following response. I definitely have love toward those whom I refer to in that post. I want to make sure that I love them. As you mentioned, it was a very difficult post to write, but not at the cost of love.

But, above all, I honestly believe that the fundamental question here is not as much about love as whether what I expressed in that post is correct and valid, or I wrongly made up things. If it is the latter, the discussion, as far as I am concerned, ends right there. In that case I should ask for apologies and get out of my wrong illusion that a change is needed in the community board.

I would like to suggest the following (but it is a delicate one as I indicate next). When you started your first thread here, you raised the question: what next? I genuinely wanted to offer my help, however little it might be. And, in turn, I was asked whether my response to you came from a frightened part of mine. Please go back to that thread and after your analysis of the various posts there, let me know which parts of my response indicate that a frightened part must have been active. However, since this involves someone else also, not just the two of us, it might be delicate and difficult to discuss. Therefore, I leave it to your choice.

With love and respect,

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Sundar,

You said: ” When you started your first thread here, you raised the question: what next? I genuinely wanted to offer my help, however little it might be. And, “in turn,” I was asked whether my response to you came from a frightened part of mine.” (Emphasis on “in turn” is mine, SP’s)….
Later in your post you said: “Please go back to that thread and after your analysis of the various posts there, let me know which parts of my response indicate that a frightened part must have been active.

You are the master of your feelings. I can empathize, but I cannot know exactly or tell you how you felt. I attempt to give you some pointers for your consideration. Maybe that is misguided, as technically speaking you should just feel your own feelings and come to your own conclusions. But seeing that I am also afflicted by the thinking and analyses bug, here goes:

In some other posts through-out these chats, I have sensed or heard people say their frightened parts are activated when they are asked if what they said came from judgment, from the need to feel superior…

You, Sundar, offered me the gift of your wisdom. Instead of being appreciated and thanked for your gift, you were questioned about your motives.

Is it so inconceivable then that you did not experience love and all things nice warm and fuzzy as a result of being questioned thusly?

Since there are just two intentions – love and fear, if you did not feel love and the warm-fuzzies for the person who questioned you, is it at all possible you felt a negative emotion? And underlying all negative experiences, is the one and only FEAR! That is what makes me ask whether you were coming from fear. Not from love towards any person or thing = from fear.

I was brought up to be strong, stoic.. Fear, what fear? Are you kidding me?! I am strong, powerful… I felt no fear, or so I thought.

Now I am beginning to see that fear does not mean quaking in my boots, cowering helplessly… It may just mean not feeling love, connection to or compassion for the person asking the difficult, unwelcome question. It may just mean having your equanimity/equipoise momentarily shaken.

Have you heard the story about a person who accused the Buddha, and Buddha calmly responded that just as a gift that is not accepted goes back to the giver, accusations not accepted by the accused go back to the accuser. I don’t accept your gift, thank you very much, he said calmly.

Of course it would be difficult to have such equanimity here, since you are also seeking guidance, but that is perhaps the goal. If our equanimity is disturbed, we are in fear.


You also say: My post was honest, straightforward and genuine. I expressed the thoughts that I had. But, I was not attached to the result……..Did I put my “best, most loving player on the field”? I think so. “Would it generate more love within the community?” I hope so.

I do believe that your intention was a good one for the community (as a whole). And that you were not attached to the result. So, you were headed in the right direction. But isn’t there a saying that until the most vulnerable person in a community is secure, the entire community is not secure. Until the one person that appears challenging to you is loved, you don’t love the entire community.

How did you feel towards the person who asked about your frightened parts? Did you do anything to make him or her feel included and accepted and warmly regarded in your writing? Did you address them directly as a fellow traveler soul? With genuine love. As Linda said yesterday, saying something like “I will be waiting for you when you come back from the movies” not just paying lip service, but really meaning it.

Most importantly, was your post a “response” or was there an element of “reacting” in your post? I know it is a tall order. But can we for a second imagine that this interaction had included Mahatma Gandhi, or Martin Luther King, or Gary. How might they have responded, and not reacted? That is our goal post.

How can you and I and all of us get there?

If I am mistaken/ incomplete in my understanding, someone please speak up, as I am consolidating my own understanding by writing this, and hoping to apply it to a situation I am dealing with. Thanks all!

Warm regards,


Posted 8 years ago


First, a big thank you!

You wrote: “You are the master of your feelings. I can empathize, but I cannot know exactly or tell you how you felt.”

Very true and totally fair.

You wrote: “I attempt to give you some pointers for your consideration.”

Thank you for that decision because in my opinion it is probably not all about feelings only. It is your pointers that can help me see at least to some extent where you might be coming from. I have tried to understand them to the best of my ability and discuss them in the ensuing post(s). But, please please correct me wherever I happen to misunderstand and hence happen to be wrong.

With love and trust,

Posted 8 years ago


You wrote and also asked: “You, Sundar, offered me the gift of your wisdom. Instead of being appreciated and thanked for your gift, you were questioned about your motives.
Is it so inconceivable then that you did not experience love and all things nice warm and fuzzy as a result of being questioned thusly?
Since there are just two intentions – love and fear, if you did not feel love and the warm-fuzzies for the person who questioned you, is it at all possible you felt a negative emotion? And underlying all negative experiences, is the one and only FEAR! That is what makes me ask whether you were coming from fear. Not from love towards any person or thing = from fear.”

Yes, there are two and only two intentions – love and fear. Therefore, if it is not love, it ought to be fear. No dispute here.

But, can that all be to it in the Design of the Divine Intelligence before we reach that final destination of “all love”? To me the answer seems to be a no. I attempt to answer below why it seems to me to be so. And, I am open to the possibility that I could be totally wrong. I believe the discussions will take care of it.

What does Gary tell us? The following is a copy of what I first wrote while attempting to answer your question: what next?
“According to Gary, the spiritual growth is defined as: Identifying, challenging and changing each fp, and identifying and cultivating each lp that [our] soul decided to bring with [us] in this lifetime.”

So, identifying the fp’s is the first task. And, it seems to be a very difficult task. The fp’s appear to be so tricky and cunning. They always seem to attempt to make sure they mask the lp’s and pretend to appear to us like lp’s. In other words, that is how they appear to have been designed by the Divine Intelligence.

So, if fear is involved in this big battle with love, then can we identify fear with the help of love itself? Can only feelings play the whole role? Should there not be another agent in the Design of the Divine Intelligence that should help us distinguish between the actual effects of fear and the actual effects of love. Yes, according to the law of cause and effect, the effect of fear is always pain and the effect of love is always joy. But, fear appears to be so tricky as to make us not feel that pain, at least initially before the necessary efforts are taken.

I wonder whether that agent could be the intellect. Is intellect, in combination with other factors, expected by the Divine Intelligence to analyze and understand whether it is fear or love that is involved in a given situation. You wrote: “But seeing that I am also afflicted by the thinking and analyses bug, here goes:” Can it really be a bug? We do say, Divine INTELLIGENCE. If it were a bug, wouldn’t that be an oxymoron to associate it with divine?

In addition, Gary distinguishes between five-sensory perception and multisensory perception. What does perception have to do with? Feelings or intellect? I have really been wondering, as I don’t know the answer. I could be wrong, but I am led to think that it must be the intellect. Also, yesterday morning I was listening to Gary and Linda’s video on Knowledge, Power and Responsibility. Gary indicates that knowledge is power and that there are levels of knowledge and hence levels of power. His reference is to external power and authentic power. External power has to do with five-sensory perception and authentic power has to do with multisensory perception. Doesn’t such knowledge have to do with intellect? If so, can it be a bug in the Design of the Divine Intelligence?

The way I look at it, at least to this second, is: As far as heart (or feeling) is concerned, there are two levels: fear and love (and hence frightened parts and loving parts). As far as head (or intellect) is concerned, there are two levels also: five-sensory knowledge and multisensory knowledge (and hence five-sensory perceptions and multisensory perceptions). Fear and five-sensory perceptions are at the lower level, and love and multisensory perceptions are at the higher level. In consequence, there are two levels of power also: external power (having to do with fp’s and five-sensory perceptions) and authentic power (having to do with lp’s and multisensory perceptions). Thus, the intellect can have either negative or positive effect. We sometimes remark that a given person is so smart, but uses that smartness in crooked ways. We don’t ignore heart because feelings can be based not only on love but also on fear. Similarly, why should we ignore head because perceptions can be not only multisensory but also five-sensory? What would we do if Gary did not have his amazing multisensory perceptions and did not share them with us?

You wrote earlier: “emotion is warming, intelligence is cooling. Intelligence creates distance between people.” Is emotion always warming? Can it always be warming? I believe the answer has to be a ‘no’ as long as we agree that frightened parts do exist in the heart. Should intelligence always be cooling? Can it be warming? I believe the answer has to be a ‘yes’ as long as we agree that people like Gary can have multisensory perceptions which they share for the benefit of others.

You said: “Intelligence is not all that it is cracked up to be!” Exactly, it is not something that is involved in five-sensory perceptions alone. It is also something that is involved in multisensory perceptions (unless I am completely wrong in this assumption). You shared: “I have an exaggerated focus on intellectual thinking, at the expense of my emotional self!” I think you hit it! I think the goal is for us to have the two – head and heart – balanced, not just one at the expense of the other.

So, to make myself clear enough, I am not against the heart and the associated feeling of love, rather I am all for it, thanks to Gary. But I really wonder why anybody might be against the head and the associated intelligence that has to do with multisensory perceptions.

I will respond to the important questions you have raised, which I have quoted above at the top, in my next post.

With love and trust,

Posted 8 years ago


I just happened to see the caption under Gary’s latest video The Higher Logic of the Heart (although I happened to see it and listen a couple of times even earlier):
Five sensory logic and understanding originates in the intellect. The higher order of logic and understanding originates in the heart. It explains the differences between love and fear in yourself and shows you how you have to use them to grow spiritually.

So, the term ‘intellect’ is associated with five sensory logic and understanding. Accordingly, my use of this term in my above post has to be changed.

With respect to the heart, there is still logic and understanding involved, and it is of a higher order. I wonder whether the term ‘intelligence’ can be associated with it, as in Divine Intelligence. That is up for discussion.

Keeping the above caption in mind, I want to listen again to the above presentation by Gary. In the meantime, I just wanted to share my new finding in this quest.

With love and trust,

Posted 8 years ago

One of my intentions I want to create with my spiritual partners is if you think you are seeing me doing something or saying something and you think I may not see it, such as acting from a frightened part of my personality, and you feel it would benefit my spiritual growth for me to know it, then please share it with me.

Sundar, do I have your permission to share what I think I am seeing with you?

With Love


Posted 8 years ago

Hi Doug, Shelley and Sundar,
I have been trying to find some time to post the last couple days but the universe has been making me wait so I turn the “chirp chirp” comment back onto myself 🙂 Thank you Sundar for prompting me to watch the Higher Logic of the Heart video.

I just wanted to speak to a couple things. When Doug asked me if my statement could have been from a frightened part I actually had quite a negative response. My feelings were of disappointment, anger, superiority then inferiority. My physical sensations were tightness in my chest, rapid heart beat, a giant lump in my throat. My thoughts were, “oh, see I knew it! here we go with the frightened parts again that aren’t even there! Boy is he wrong. I was NOT coming from a frightened part and then maybe it’s me, maybe I just don’t get this, this is the same trouble Sundar has, something isn’t right here”, and on and on. So I sat with it for a while. Then I asked myself, when I wrote the comment was I creating from love or fear? I actually admit I was not emotionally aware when I wrote it. When I looked back on it I realized I was in a high level of frustration (fear) that I now understand I must take responsibility for. The comment was flippant, but digging down through it and under it I think I was calling out for help (from fear) … I was in a place where I was unsure of myself, making myself wrong, doubting etc.. and my comment was crying out for some help from spiritual partners … “come take care of me”. Caretake me… but that isn’t what spiritual partners do.

I do also have many of the same questions come up, what is next? Can we talk about something other than frightened parts? And I have watched Sundar experience the same thing on this board over and over and I have often marveled at his tenacity with it. I usually resonate with his points and often have thought, “if that were me I may have given up”. But what strikes me is the teaching that the universe will give us the opportunity to learn what we need to learn until we learn it. So I ask myself What is it I am meant to learn? For me, I think it has something to do with controlling the outcome of situations.

I want to say also, I am experiencing so much love for you all right now. THANK YOU for this amazing opportunity to grow my soul. — Bless YOU!

Posted 8 years ago

Thank you for the beautiful post Stephanie! I love the way you shared all the stages of thoughts and emotions you went through. So honest, transparent, and so courageous.
Love reading what you have to say. Hugs!

Posted 8 years ago

Stephanie wrote: “I do also have many of the same questions come up, what is next? Can we talk about something other than frightened parts?”


As a community on a board that is meant for everyone’s spiritual growth and meant only for everyone’s spiritual growth, can we please please please please please pay a loving attention to those words and offer real, authentic support for such questions from anyone and everyone instead of scaring people away from this community board?

Posted 8 years ago


It is so awesome to hear how you recognized so many different frightened parts coming up almost at the same time. It reminded me of Rumi’s “Guest House” poem. It sounded like a tour bus of frightened “guest” showed up and unloaded on you. I loved that you wanted to see each guest for what they really were and knew to look past what they appeared to be. So many examples of challenging your frightened parts as they showed up. You created Love by your responsible choices time and time again. You were emotionally aware of what the Universe wanted to tell you about these guest to help you know who they really were.

My frightened parts tell me all the time I don’t have a clue what I am doing trying to create authentic power. When I am being courageous I feel the pain of that fear, sit with it long enough to tell myself, I practicing here, doing my best in the moment, and learning so much about myself.

It is truly beautiful that you shared a little of your journey with me.

Love Doug

Posted 8 years ago


I beg to differ in certain aspects, and if you don’t mind, I like to share a few thoughts in that respect. Of course, you should analyze carefully what I say and feel free to ignore it if I happen to be wrong in my logic. I hope the logic is of the higher order and if it is not, definitely ignore it please.

You wrote: “When Doug asked me if my statement could have been from a frightened part I actually had quite a negative response. My feelings were of disappointment, anger, superiority then inferiority. My physical sensations were tightness in my chest, rapid heart beat, a giant lump in my throat. My thoughts were, “oh, see I knew it! here we go with the frightened parts again that aren’t even there! Boy is he wrong. I was NOT coming from a frightened part and then maybe it’s me, maybe I just don’t get this, this is the same trouble Sundar has, something isn’t right here”, and on and on.”

I think that represents a typical struggle that everyone goes through initially, especially after being asked simply whether he or she is saying or acting from a frightened part without its being accompanied by any explanation whatsoever as to why that person suspects so. I think the above kind of struggle is exactly the harmful effect of no explanation whatsoever being offered. This is why I asked Gary and Linda the question that I have referred to a few times in my earlier posts. They agreed. (I don’t want to go into the details again here.)

Please note that I said “a typical struggle that everyone goes through INITIALLY” (the emphasis being on initially). It appears to require a lot of effort in terms of careful, proper and valid analyses to get out of this struggle and after such effort it does seem possible to get out of it.

You said: “The comment was flippant”. Was it really? Flippant seems to mean “not showing a serious or respectful attitude”. Does your comment reveal anything of that kind?

I assume you are referring to the following comment that you made to Shelley: “This community board is supposed to be a place where we can get guidance, learn and have some good conversations and be in spiritual partnerships but it has been awfully quiet lately … chirp chirp… Glad you are here!” I think the bottom-line question here is: Is that comment true or is it something that was simply made up due to some personal motive behind? I don’t think Gary or Linda would deny the truth involved in “this community board is supposed … partnerships”. Then you have made the observation “it has been awfully quiet lately”. I know it is true because a similar thought somehow occurred in me also, and I believe many others might also agree with this. But, more importantly it is just an observation. And, what is even more important is what follows: “chirp chirp… Glad you are here!” There is no doubt about the value of Shelley’s contributions and her making the community board alive after she recently joined and you are appreciative of that, which is a loving thing to do. A frightened part is not designed by the Divine Intelligence to do it. It is so obvious from the comment that you are dying to see some good conversations to take place here, from which you and everybody else can learn more and more about Gary’s amazing teachings. I wonder in what way all this is reflective of “not showing a serious or respectful attitude”. I really believe it is just the opposite. If not, where is my logic wrong? You or anyone else can point it out to me and I am fully open to it.

Now, notice one immediate consequence of your comment. Doug wrote: “I know, because I have spoken with them, that there are those following the posts but have not posted themselves. It is possible they have frightened parts active just like I do at times. My posting now is my way of challenging my frightened parts.” So, your comment actually made him submit a post.

And, what is the consequence of his post? A post where you reveal your own situation which indicated for the first time to my knowledge that while Doug’s reason is definitely a possibility for the “awful quietness” here, there is another “scary” possibility also. You expressed: “Honestly the conversations so often revolve around someone noticing frightened parts. It’s scary for me to post. Although I know this comes from love. So when I said “supposed to be” that was because of my own confusion on how to interact here. I’m super afraid I’ll say the wrong thing the wrong way and of being challenged. But that’s why I do try to post although admittedly it is only half the time.” We should pay attention to the critical terms used here: scary, confusion, super afraid, wrong thing, etc. That says a lot as to what was going on in your system. This cannot be the vision that Gary and Linda had when they thought of starting this community board.

This post is already too long. I will continue in my next …

With love and trust,

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Sundar,
How do you write so fast?? I am amazed! 🙂

You said about my reaction : “I think that represents a typical struggle that everyone goes through initially, especially after being asked simply whether he or she is saying or acting from a frightened part without its being accompanied by any explanation whatsoever as to why that person suspects so.” I agree the first part of my reaction was due to this.

The “flippant” part of my comment was the “chirp chirp” which was also a fearful part of my comment as I mentioned a plea for caretaking by way of a cat-call or in this case bird-call :-). However, the rest of the comment “This community board is supposed to be a place where we can get guidance, learn and have some good conversations and be in spiritual partnerships” were my honest feelings but however honest, said from a fearful part. I know this because: I also said, “When I looked back on it I realized I was in a high level of frustration (fear) that I now understand I must take responsibility for. When I wrote the first comment I was frustrated by the lack of activity on the board and by the fear that if I post I would be challenged. Understanding that I was frustrated by others inactivity means that I was in a frightened part because I was not able to control them, or the outcome. By saying what I did from that frustration means I said it from a frightened part.

So let us talk about controlling the outcome, or being attached to the outcome. You and I both really want the members of this board to move beyond talking only about frightened parts as the teachings offer so much more. But, is it my responsibility to make this happen? no…. Can I speak to it from frustration and be in a loving part? I don’t think so… Can I speak to it from love? Yes… but I’m too frustrated at the moment lol

I know that my responsibility is to be in my own authentic power. Being a part of the Lifeschool gives me the opportunity to practice this. I cherish your responses and others. Doug called me out and it wasn’t fun.. was it right or wrong? I don’t think it matters. The experience we have had here has created in me a much deeper understanding of my spiritual growth.

I get caught up a lot in being attached to/ controlling an outcome. Linda and Gary tell me often to instead come from my own loving space and take responsibility for my own journey of creating authentic power and that will have the greatest impact on the outcome and others.

So I want to let go that somehow I can control others actions on this board or control what this community board will or won’t be. However, I can add my voice and if coming from love that will add to it and if coming from fear we, as we did here in this thread, can work through as spiritual partners to love. I think the more we do this the more loving this board will become.

Posted 8 years ago


Please allow me to continue.

You continued to say: “So I sat with it for a while. Then I asked myself, when I wrote the comment was I creating from love or fear? I actually admit I was not emotionally aware when I wrote it. When I looked back on it I realized I was in a high level of frustration (fear) that I now understand I must take responsibility for.”

I honestly don’t know how many people might agree with me if I say that the “high level of frustration” by itself cannot refer to “fear”. I think it is a state of being. If so, the immediate question is: Is your being in that state correct and valid or wrong and invalid? It is quite possible that such a state might be wrong and invalid. In your case, however, it is indeed correct and valid, in my humble opinion. Are you responsible for being in such a state? Of course, no. You joined this community board with a high level of expectation about opportunities to share and learn. On the other hand, you find the circumstances to be such that it actually feels scary to post and that you could post only half the times you really wanted to. Is that your fault? Of course, no.

Now, the next important question is: What are you going to do when you are in that kind of a state of “high level of frustration” that is caused by factors not in your control? React or respond? That is where your responsibility comes into picture, if I understand Gary correctly. Notice that you didn’t react by way of, for example, shouting at everybody on the community board or whatever else one might choose to do by way of reacting. Instead, you responded. You expressed yourself; you chose to indicate what your frustration is all about. In the process you also appreciated Shelley for being here.

Then you said: “The comment was flippant, but digging down through it and under it I think I was calling out for help (from fear) … I was in a place where I was unsure of myself, making myself wrong, doubting etc.. and my comment was crying out for some help from spiritual partners … “come take care of me”. Caretake me… but that isn’t what spiritual partners do.”

I addressed the ‘flippant’ part already. I honestly think your so-called “calling out for help” cannot be characterized as coming from fear. We all have joined the Life School and/or attend various events conducted by Gary and Linda because we realize we need that “help”. Gary shares with us his extremely powerful concepts gained through his multisensory perceptions and we want to learn them. It is an indication that we want to start our journey on the road to authentic power. The frightened parts would never ever seek that help and they cannot be actually happy about our “calling out for help”. On the other hand, your characterization of yourself as being in a place where you were unsure of yourself, making yourself wrong, doubting, etc. must be the work of your frightened part and that is where I think you need to be very careful. Please don’t fall in its trap.

I also believe that the various dualities, such as caretaking vs caregiving, have been designed by the Divine Intelligence to make the process of spiritual growth extremely difficult, as to be expected (it would simply be a very dull process if it were too easy). What I mean is that these seem to be associated with such subtle differences that one might have to be very careful in concluding whether a given situation is caretaking or not. In my opinion, when you wrote that comment, you were not really saying “come take care of me”. Instead, you were saying, let us all take care of ourselves, including you, by participating in good conversations whereby we can learn from one another. That is indeed the name of the game and there can be nothing wrong about it, I think. It is by way of recognizing it that I think Gary and Linda wanted to open this community board.

I honestly hope that this community board will honor your sharing that you “have many of the same questions come up, what is next?” and will allow you to share them freely and offer Gary’s various concepts that might help answer that critical question, instead of scaring you away.

You said you often marveled at my tenacity. I like to tell you and Shelley that my tenacity is proportional to the love I have for everybody here. Shelley, I like to share with you, in response to your earlier questions, that my desire has been to truly love everybody. When I say everybody, I mean really everybody.

With love and trust,

Posted 8 years ago


I came here to share the following, but noticed that you had responded to the first of my above two posts. Please read the second also and respond if you wish.

I just received the following message from my daughter:
“Thank u for ur uplifting msg, dad. That means a lot. It does give me some comfort. … i will keep trying to do the right things. What’s frustrating is he twists even positive things. Very dishonest.”

First, I want to clarify that the ‘he’ referred to is not her husband or anything. I sent her the following message:
“and you are given that opportunity (namely his being very dishonest and thus developing a state of frustration in you) by the Universe in order for you not to react to it in fear, but respond to it in love. of course, it is easy to talk about it, but very difficult to apply it. however, that is what is expected of us and we need to develop it as fast as we can. that is the name of the game. keep in mind that i am also struggling through it”

Again, it is the state of frustration that I address in the second of my two posts. Hence I wanted to share it with you.

With love and trust,

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 57 total)

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