Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Journey Call Aug 30

Live Session Discussions

Topic: Journey Call Aug 30 - Stephanie C Started 8 years, 4 months ago

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Posted 8 years ago

After the call last night and listening to what everyone had to say, I realized that I actually have not been in touch with creating authentic power. I have just been on the surface of it. And actually, have been gliding along the surface of my life. But even with that realization, I wasn’t able to actually feel it. Today I woke up and watched a video on Facebook that a dad had made for his son. It was a poem to his autistic son. It was incredibly beautiful and touched me deeply, so deeply it made me cry and then I felt all the pain come up that I have been pushing way down. I felt like my heart was tearing and like my throat had a huge lump in it. I am so thankful that I am feeling this as I now realize how frightened I am to face this part of me that has to reconcile living with autism and how much I want to find the beauty and love in it. Also I am trying to continue to feel this and praying for healing. Thank you for those on the call who shared so deeply yesterday, it inspired me to do so as well. Blessings love and light- Stephanie

  • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Stephanie C.
Posted 8 years ago

Awesome. It is so humbling to me to realize the universe has been talking to me my whole life and I never knew it or understood the language.

Love Doug

Posted 8 years ago

What is the Journey call? I did not hear about any call on around Aug 30th. Is this part of a class, or am I missing something that is available? Thanks!

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Shelley! 🙂
The “Journey Call” was a follow up call for those who attended the Journey to The Soul retreat in Portland in July. You can find out more about the event here: I believe it happens every year and I highly recommend going. Being there gave me the chance to go a LOT deeper practicing, understanding and creating authentic power. As I said in my post above, I tend to easily slip into just skimming the surface in my daily life even though I’ve set the intention to learn/practice as much as possible. Having spiritual partners helps keep me on track and the journey gave me opportunity to meet some.

There are also calls for the Life School, so hopefully I will get to speak with you on one soon! I’m curious how you are feeling about creating authentic power in your life, if you have support or spiritual partners. Oh also, I find the guidelines really helpful.

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Stephanie,

Ah, I see, itis as a I kind of thought — a call for the Journey participants, thanks for clarifying, Stephanie! AS you can perhaps tell, I am hungry for information, community, learning, and don’t want to miss a thing, so thought I would check!

Yes, I was aware of the Journey event, but could not make it this summer, because of prior commitment and financial stretch. I am still hoping to make it into the MasterClass, that is starting any day now. I agree, having a structure to the learning, and a community of like-minded people sharing the journey would be heaven! I so hope I can make it!

I do attend the Life school calls every month, and certainly hope to be on a call with you some day.

When you ask whether I have support and spiritual partners — how exactly do you mean? Everyone in my life, those with whom things are going swell, and especially those with whom things are, ahem, brittle, is a spiritual partner with whom I am resolving some past karma, or who have come to teach me a better way to get to loving rather than fearful relationships. So, yes, I got quite a bit of that going on, a lot of spiritual partners in that sense. But as to specific support or a spiritual partner from this community with whom I can discuss and get guidance, not yet. How does one do that? Would be great if you or anyone in the community would guide on how to deepen this exploration.


Posted 8 years ago

Hi Shelley,
When I read your reply I had some frightened parts of my personality come up. I slipped into judging myself and feeling inferior. I haven’t been a member of this very long and I thought, “Geeze who am I to be answering her questions? Maybe I am wrong..I should let a veteran of this community board do this. Maybe I don’t understand spiritual partnership..” So then I went and watched some of the videos under spiritual partnership and they reminded me not to judge myself of course lol… The one called “Spiritual Partnership Support” is a good one explaining spiritual partnerships. The use of the term is pretty specific as used by Gary and Linda when relating to creating authentic power.

This community board is supposed to be a place where we can get guidance, learn and have some good conversations and be in spiritual partnerships but it has been awfully quiet lately… chirp chirp… Glad you are here!

Posted 8 years ago

Stephanie, is it possible your comment about the lack of activity on the Community board is coming from a frightened part of your personality? If you are willing, reflect back on writing that and notice what your body is feeling. It is likely you will feel something that will provide you even more about yourself. Notice your thoughts too as I have found they reveal so much about what is really going on with me.

I know, because I have spoken with them, that there are those following the posts but have not posted themselves. It is possible they have frightened parts active just like I do at times. My posting now is my way of challenging my frightened parts.

Love Doug

Posted 8 years ago

Thank you Doug! Oh most certainly I was coming from a frightened part although I wasn’t trying to be passive aggressive with anyone one participating or not on this board. But I get really confused about how to be in spiritual partnerships here. Honestly the conversations so often revolve around someone noticing frightened parts it’s scary for me to post. Although I know this comes from love . So when I said “supposed to be” that was because of my own confusion on how to interact here. I’m super afraid I’ll say the wrong thing the wrong way and of being challenged.. But that’s why I do try to post although admittedly it is only about half the time.

With love,

Posted 8 years ago


The fear of being publically wrong or of saying or doing something that harms or misleads another must be rather common because I feel that way as well and I know many in the Master Class group have said this about themselves also. At The Journey this year I noticed that I was more willing to support new Journey attendees than someone in the Master Class. I was afraid of being “called out” or found to be wrong or found to be in a frighten part of my personality. What I also experienced was supporting someone in a group setting and not knowing if I was in a FPP or not. I was in a place I really wanted feedback and no one spoke up. Perhaps I supported from love and perhaps my spiritual partners were in a FPP. I discovered for me a great truth, the law of Karma. If I wanted love I give love, if I want fear I give fear, and if I want support I give support.

The Universe allowed me to experience what I was doing to others. In fear I see support as bad, embarrassing, a threat to this image I try to project to you and others. In a loving part of my personality I see support as caring, tender, helpful, welcomed. I know I have gifts to give and I know protecting my frightened ways of thinking and being are preventing me from giving them. So I hear my frightened thoughts and feel its pain, and then I support as best I can anyway. If someone notices something in me that was hidden from me I have an intention to be grateful. My frightened part does not share that intention.

I am practicing and it is something the Master Class helps me work on. Do I always support when I am lead to, not yet.

With Love,


Posted 8 years ago

Wow! I definitely didn’t expect to read this morning the posts of the kind that Stephanie and Shelley have posted here in this thread. I think these are very deep and very thought-provoking.

I am going to be totally honest. No offense intended at all and it is nothing but genuine frankness. Since long I have been wondering whether something is fundamentally wrong with the community board.

Shelley wrote: “AS you can perhaps tell, I am hungry for information, community, learning”. This was so evident to me even in her very first post and got confirmed more and more in my mind as I read her ensuing posts. And I genuinely shared my thoughts, as I have done several times in the past in similar cases, the sole intention being the consideration of the possibility that my sharing might be of some help or other. And the reaction from the community board in Shelley’s case as well as in the other cases in the past has always been to ask whether I do it from a frightened part of mine and whether I give importance to head rather than heart. Asking it in itself is fine and I welcome it. But, what is not understandable in each case has been the silence on the part of the concerned people by not providing responses to the questions I raised in turn or the suggestions I made in turn. This has happened quite a few times on this community board – not once, not twice. What has recently happened in respect to Shelley’s thread has especially made me think a lot.

Stephanie wrote to Shelley: “This community board is supposed to be a place where we can get guidance, learn and have some good conversations and be in spiritual partnerships but it has been awfully quiet lately… chirp chirp… Glad you are here!” I had very similar thoughts. It was no doubt silent. I have often felt so thankful to Shelley and Stephanie for bringing life to the community board. I honestly believe we simply waste our time when we start to wonder whether the above statement of Stephanie’s could have come from her frightened part. Every aspect of her statement is reflecting an honest truth. How could it come from a frightened part?

It feels really sad to have to read in a community board of this kind that is totally devoted to spiritual growth: “But I get really confused about how to be in spiritual partnerships here. Honestly the conversations so often revolve around someone noticing frightened parts. It’s scary for me to post.”

Gary’s teachings are extremely deep. The concepts involved are not easy to comprehend and there is a lot to discuss and understand before applying them in life. That is one reason why Gary and Linda have the Life School and other events. I do hope the community board would take an entirely different approach and encourage these discussions in the future without making the members, especially the newly joining ones, feel scared to express the thoughts.

Thank you Shelley and Stephanie for expressing yourselves.

Again, I will definitely not be responding to anyone who might be tempted to ask whether all of the above came from a frightened part of mine. Let me just assure that these are genuine thoughts.

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 8 years ago

I wrote: “Again, I will definitely not be responding to anyone who might be tempted to ask whether all of the above came from a frightened part of mine. Let me just assure that these are genuine thoughts.”

I like to add an important part:
Again, I will definitely not be responding to anyone who might be tempted to ask whether all of the above came from a frightened part of mine, but will be very thankful to anyone who likes to ask that question and is totally willing to explain why and how and to answer any questions that might arise during the discussion. In my humble opinion, it is not a spiritual support to simply say that somebody is in a frightened part and stop right there even when the other person is dying to know why and how with a view to addressing that frightened part, if any indeed. Let me just assure that these are genuine thoughts.

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 8 years ago


I am a newbie, and as such, I suppose I can make mistakes. It is so liberating to have that freedom! So here goes, going to be doing it all wrong in this post!

I think the community board must be about the freedom to make mistakes, ask dumb questions, say the wrong thing, do things wrong. Even give the wrong guidance. We did not suddenly learn to run as toddlers. We had to crawl, fall down while crawling, do the wobbly drunken sailor walk, before we perfected the walk, let alone learned to run. I think this should then be a safe place where we can all show our stumbles (within some guidelines about how not to hurt anyone’s feelings, etc).

And maybe as the newbies and the toddlers stumble, spiritual partners with more experience can guide us with love and thereby strengthen everybody’s practice of coming from a place of love.

Sunder, I hear your pain and see where you are coming from. I salute you for coming from your authentic place, and saying/doing what is difficult to do! This must have been a difficult post to write. Yay to you for doing what is difficult! On your way to Authentic Power!

At the risk of being accused of care taking, may I suggest that everyone on the community is learning. So people (even those with more experience than me) may not always give the right answer or do things perfectly. Your calling that out is beautiful, as it gives them an opportunity to grow too.

And you and Stephanie asking people to participate more is so important, because that makes a true community. So, will the Village Elders take note and participate more? 🙃
There is a saying in India “small mouth, big talk,” and in serenity circles “30 seconds of recovery, and she acts like she knows it all.” So, within that context I will ask you, Sunder, those two dreaded questions:

When you wrote your post this morning (which is a beautiful post, and a very important post), had you felt, experienced, and resolved your hurts and fears about the types of responses you have received in the past on this site?
Did you put your usual player out on the field, or your best most loving player, one that would generate more love within the community? From Newtons Law of equal and opposite reaction, was your expectation that you put out love for all people so you would generate and receive love from all people, not just some people?

Now here I am going to go off the deep end, and potentially break all rules regarding the community. I hope you know that I am doing it from a place of love, and comradeship, because I suffer in some ways from similar issues. From reading your posts, I surmise that you are a super intelligent person. I have learned a couple of things about intelligence.

1. I was listening to the Super Soul Sunday show on Oprah last week, and the woman giving the talk said, emotion is warming, intelligence is cooling. Intelligence creates distance between people. Hmmm, this is something I have seen and experienced for myself, and that I am now becoming more and more aware of around me. Intelligence is not all that it is cracked up to be! Not in creating authentic power!
2. The other thing I have learned is that when humans have a talent, a positive skill, they focus on it to the exclusion of other skills. I am admittedly not the smartest person, but I have an exaggerated focus on intellectual thinking, at the expense of my emotional self!

So, here I am, taking my baby steps in discovering my feelings, staying with my feelings, digging deep to understand the origins of feelings.

What I am trying to say, and probably botching up is, maybe when people ask about your frightened parts, they are asking whether you meditate, examine your feelings, try to see when you experienced something similar in the past, when you learned to use the players you most frequently use (whether that is judgment, anger, acquiescence…), sort of similar to what Gary talked about this morning when he spoke about discovering the money control he learned from his family of origin.

Hope this helps! And if anything I have said bothers you, or anyone else, I hope you will speak up, so we can continue the discussion, so we may all learn and grow.

Posted 8 years ago

And sorry Sundar, for continually misspelling your name!

Posted 8 years ago


“And sorry Sundar, for continually misspelling your name!”

No problem at all.

With love and trust,

Posted 8 years ago


You wrote: “So here goes, going to be doing it all wrong in this post!”

No! Nothing wrong that I can see. A wonderful post. Thank you so much for being such an amazing spiritual partner. I want to repeat what Stephanie wrote: “Glad you are here!”

I wanted to express the above first and will continue to respond.

With love and trust,

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