Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Join On Line Chat! Sun 10/4 12-1pm PT Featured Video: Trust

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Topic: Join On Line Chat! Sun 10/4 12-1pm PT Featured Video: Trust - Carol Ann Jorgensen Started 9 years, 5 months ago

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)
Posted 9 years ago

How beautiful, Carol Ann!

Posted 9 years ago

In the video Gary talks about relaxing into the counsel of my guides and teachers. It has taken me some time to trust my intuition and allow the guidance from my guides into my life. What a difference this has made in my life. I am more open to all my experience and more present and in tune with myself.

Posted 9 years ago

Sara, thank you for sharing about trusting you intuition. Sometimes my intuition comes as a small voice. I hear it and yet I don’t really hear it. I pass it off and make a choice that is not optimal. Then I recognize what I create from that space. When I do really hear what my intuition says and absorb the depth of it, I create from love.

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you for joining our on-line chat today. I enjoyed our sharing. If anyone would like to comment or share after the chat ends in a few minutes. Please do so.

Take care and I look forward to hearing from you.

With love and blessings, Carol Ann

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you all for your shares they have been very supportive to me.
Love Maritza

Posted 9 years ago

Carol, your experience is so good to hear.

Actually, my daughter happened to call and we just got off the phone. It was such a wonderful conversation and I really think the Universe was behind this.

Posted 9 years ago

Since this online chat is on trusting the Universe, I like to ask the following question here. Any spiritual partner who reads it anytime in the future and has an answer, please, please, please share. I am very thankful for that in advance.

What is the exact definition of Universe, as used by Gary?

I have an overall understanding of this important term, but I like to know the exact definition.

I used to think that my soul and the souls of those I interact with, namely souls in my soul group, are also part of the Universe. Since sometime ago, I have started to wonder whether this is correct.

If I understand it right, the term definitely includes Divine Intelligence. And, I think the reference here is, for example, to the three Universal nonphysical laws (law of creation, law of cause and effect and law of attraction) that have been set in motion in order to take care of everything automatically by God or Nature or whatever one’s belief system might be.

If I understand it right, I think the term also includes nonphysical guides and Teachers. Am I right?

And, I wonder whether it includes my soul and the souls in my soul group.

Any help in this regard is deeply appreciated.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Sundar,

Thank you for asking that question. I know Gary says the Universe is compassion and wisdom.

What I would like to offer you is an exploration into Gary’s thoughts on the Universe. Go to the home page of the Life School. Click on All Teaching. Then click on View Topic List. Under that heading is Universe. Click on Universe and it will lead you to several video’s that Gary has created. I would love to hear what you discover.

Love, Carol Ann

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Carol,

Thank you for the response.

Yes, according to Gary, the Universe is alive, wise and compassionate. But, these are the characteristics of the Universe. My question is about the definition of the term Universe. In other words, who in the nonphysical world comprise the Universe?

You are right. With the same view in mind, sometime ago I clicked on Universe under Topic List. But, I got sidetracked because when I saw the video on Trust there, I wanted to listen to it again, although I had done so when I was in the APLC program, because the topic of this forum chat happened to be Trust then. Thank you so much for bringing me back on track. There are quite a few videos under this topic. I do want to listen to them. If I find the answer to my question, I will let you know.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Sundar, I am wondering if you have a fp active that needs a definitive answer? Have you felt your energy centers to see if you are experiencing any pain when you say “who in the nonphysical world comprise the Universe?” I know that I may have a different name for the universal energy than you may have but what if it be the same energy that supports all of us? Love, Carol Ann

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Carol,

Thank you very much for that important question as to whether an fp is active in me. A clarification is indeed in order.

No, I don’t think it is due to an fp (I could be wrong, though). The following is an explanation for why I think so.

It is an inevitable stage that everyone goes through invariably while attempting to understand any given subject material. Every subject material is associated with certain special terms and it becomes extremely important to have in mind a precise definition of each of those in order to be able to fully appreciate what the given subject material actually conveys.

I will share an example. Every year when my students hear for the first time from me the statement that nothing possesses heat, their facial expressions reveal a big shock: “What are you talking about?!” Only after they hear the explanation as to why, their faces reveal the feeling of “Oh, I see!” The term heat does not mean in modern science what it has always meant to every layman (as far as a layman is concerned, ‘everything possesses heat’). To fully appreciate the subject material in question it is critical for the student to understand what the term heat actually means according to thermodynamic theory which beautifully explains all the facts regarding every physical process.

To me, Gary’s teachings represent the best spiritual, nonphysical theory out there, which beautifully explains everything about life experiences. It elegantly explains certain commonly used terms such as karma, illusion, temptation, etc. that are normally easily misunderstood and about which several misconceptions do exist (for example, in certain cultures one can often hear something like, ‘it is just my karma that I should suffer like this and so let me accept it’, ‘all the physical objects are just an illusion’, ‘a temptation always leads to bad karma’, etc.).

And, of course, there are certain special terms associated with Gary’s spiritual theory, such as Universe, personality, etc., which become a necessity while attempting to offer the explanations. Although I have tried to develop an overall understanding of Gary’s spiritual theory, it is my conviction that in order to appreciate it more and more fully I should understand correctly each of his special terms. To that end, while trying to understand the actual meaning of the term Universe, it has always been an important question in me as to whether my own soul and the soul of the individual I am currently interacting with form a part of the Universe that Gary is referring to. In other words, whatever circumstance I and the other individual are in, were my soul and the other soul also involved in the wise and compassionate planning of that circumstance or is it just our guide and Teacher souls with the help of the Divine Intelligence? A correct answer should help not only my own understanding, but also my correctly sharing such knowledge with anybody else when it becomes necessary. Sometimes I also wonder whether it is just a term used in place of the commonly used term God in order to avoid the natural consequences that exist in the name of religions, namely an untoward fight among the various belief systems in the name of God.

In fact, although I have an overall understanding of the term personality, a question that often arises in me regarding this important special term is the following. Is it correct to say ‘my soul + my personality = me (or I)’? Or is it just ‘my soul vs my personality = me (or I)’? When I read certain sentences of Gary’s, I feel like imparting the latter meaning to the given sentence, but when I read certain other sentences, the former appears to be more appropriate. I am still trying to understand what it actually is.

I don’t think any of my above efforts has to do with an fp. It it is, I will be very happy to hear why so.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Wanted to share the following.

In the above post I wrote the following: “In fact, although I have an overall understanding of the term personality, a question that often arises in me regarding this important special term is the following. Is it correct to say ‘my soul + my personality = me (or I)’? Or is it just ‘my soul vs my personality = me (or I)’? When I read certain sentences of Gary’s, I feel like imparting the latter meaning to the given sentence, but when I read certain other sentences, the former appears to be more appropriate. I am still trying to understand what it actually is.”

I have been reading Gary and Linda’s Self-Empowerment Journal. I like to share the way I understand the beginning part of Chapter 6, which appears to point to ‘my personality + my soul = me (or I)’. Any constructive comments are deeply appreciated and heartily welcome.

My personality is the part of me that was born at a certain time and will die at a certain time, and that experiences the duality of fp’s and lp’s (such as becoming frightened and joyful, angry and caring, etc.). My soul is the part of me that existed before I was born and will continue to exist after I die.

My personality is perfectly suited to the needs of the spiritual growth game my soul is expected to play as per the Divine Intelligence and its three Universal laws, namely the game of transforming the dual state of fp’s and lp’s to the nondual state of lp’s alone. (This is my own paraphrasing; any comments are heartily welcome, especially if it exhibits any misunderstanding on my part.)

With love and trust,

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)

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