Landing Forums General Discussion Feedback?

General Discussion

Topic: Feedback? - Started 11 years, 11 months ago

Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)
Posted 12 years ago

Dear Radhika, I am touched by your sharing. For me even the awareness that fp’s are active is helpful. I lived for so long not even having the faintest idea that they were ruling my life. I know it’s up to me to change my karma, but I have also found it reassuring to know that I am not alone in this quest. When I set my intention with all the love and tendness that I can, the Universe/God supports me. In letting go of my attachment to the outcome, I allow a portal of love and wisdom to come thru me that is not possible when I/fp’s try to run the show. Experimentation and practice are their own rewards. The events I shared about my grandson activated strong fp’s that my fear so identified as comfortable, predictable, and allowed me/fp (so they thought) to control what the outcome would be. But at what cost?? It was a price I am no longer willing to pay! Please let me know how you’re doing. Love and blessings, Pam

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Pam and Eric,

I appreciate your insight and kindness. I am feeling better since the last 2 days. In the depth of this fear I did feel helpless. In that helplessness my intuition suggested me to surrender to a higher power. I didnt realize it was my intuition at that time. This now resonates and validates what Pam has said.

Thank you

Peace and love


Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)

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