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Responsible Choice

Topic: Family - Pam Meyer Started 11 years, 2 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

This week has been one with opportunities to learn from and support my family. I had dinner with 5 of my 7 siblings this week. Over the years we have at times drifted apart. Anger, pain, judgment, misunderstanding…for many years that was the base line for how many of us communicated. For the past year or so there has been a reconnection that involves the 6 of us meeting for dinner monthly. This month when I arrived at the restaurant 2 of my sisters were already there. I thought we were having a friendly conversation. But soon I could sense the mood and energy of one of my sisters changing. As I sensed she was becoming irritated with us, she said she was going to the restroom. Actually she left and went home, and if another sister had not gotten up to go with her, no one would have known where she was or what happened. Generational karma has presented challenges to our family. I have a brother who took his own life at the age of 45, a sister who struggles with an addiction to alcohol, and another brother who has many mental health issues and deals with a lot of anger. To be absolutely honest, my fp’s are pretty tired of dealing with some
of my family. I like what Gary has said about temptation being a dress rehearsal of sorts that allows me time to think about how I want to act. Re-acting does not allow me to look at the situation from the perspective of my soul. And it certainly doesn’t give me any space to see my sister’s pain. As I sat in meditation the next day, my prayer was to release my attachment to her being a certain way, and to be open to whatever I can do to support her if she ‘s open to it. I also became aware of how my fp’s want me to judge her and think they are superior. I am so grateful to not get caught up in that story. Chiseling away at the parts that cover up the love I am capable of, feels so good.
I invite all of my spiritual partners to share about opportunities your family has given you to grow. With Love, Pam

family. I like what Gary has said about temptation being a dress rehearsal of sorts that allows me time to think about what I really
want to do.

Posted 11 years ago

Pam, can you remember what you were feeling in your body when writing, “To be absolutely honest, my fp’s are pretty tired of dealing with some of my family”? What are the thoughts that go with that fp?

With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Rosalind, I certainly can remember what I was feeling and the thoughts that go with it. I’ve had a lot of practice indulging in them. My initial thoughts about my sister were, stop being so overly sensitive, why do you think everyone else is responsible for your pain, and was not feeling much compassion for her at first. The pressure in my chest and throat were simultaneous to my awareness that a fp had been triggered. The thoughts that accompanied those feelings were she doesn’t appreciate being with me, and why can’t she be a strong person so I can enjoy being with her and not have to listen to her complain. When my fp’s project those thoughts onto someone else, I don’t have to look at what the situation is offering me. But my Intention is to act from the most loving place that I can. It did not take long for me to see her as a soul in pain, and to be aware of the pain that my fp’s wanted me to add. And to see how my fp’s can separate me from those I love. Love, Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Pam, I am not clear on what you mean by “When my fp’s project those thoughts onto someone else, I don’t have to look at what the situation is offering me.” Was that another thought you had along with the ones wishing your sister was stronger, etc.? –Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Rosalind, When I realize that I am in a fp, what also has been more clear to me is that what I/fp am doing is projecting my own fear onto someone else. In doing that I/fp want to believe that the problem is with the other person, and if I can manipulate them into behaving differently, then I don’t have to look at what’s really being offered to me. – the opportunity to look at myself, challenge the fp, and grow spiritually. In manipulating them I don’t have to feel the pain of powerlessness and of not feeling valued and loved. What I/fp saw in my sister, were things that I do not want to see in myself. But challenging them shows me that they are not as fearful as my fp wants me to believe. I know I am capable of being loving and compassionate. And that’s how I choose to act. Love, Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Thank you for that clarification, Pam. The timing of me reading this it is so supportive.

I was with a friend last evening and again this morning and felt myself being triggered as I noticed her “teaching” others and “solving” their issues, which she does a lot. I was thinking that I should tell her what I experience when she does it with me (I/fp feel disrespected) so that she is better able to experience the closeness with others that I know she desires. I knew by the way that I was mentally justifying telling her that this impulse was coming from a fp. As I walked home, I suddenly thought to ask myself if “teaching” and “solving” is something that the Universe is bringing to me right now so that I can become more aware of in myself. The timing of your posting is perfect. Thank you!

With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experience and insights about family, Pam. I started responding to you right after you posted, but then I stopped because it was getting very late and I was too tired to continue. Then I (lazy fps) “forgot” about the beginning of my post. I just found it in my computer today. So here is what I wrote two weeks ago:

“As it turns out, in a few hours I will leave for Bloomington, IN, where my ailing mother and my brother live. With my mother, who is subjected to advanced Alzheimer’s disease, all contacts have been very loving and open in the past years. My mother no longer recognizes us individually but from time to time she responds to our presence with joy. At such moments, her eyes light up, she looks intently at us and sometimes manages to sketch a smile. I’ve been granted to witness her withdrawal progressively, which has enabled me to absorb the alterations in her consciousness without indulging too many fps around loss. Between us now there remains nothing but love, beyond words, at a heart level, because her heart is still fully present and perhaps even more present than it has ever been. She has nothing else to give but pure love. For this I am grateful.
With my brother, it is less simple. We have a rough history, consisting of divergent beliefs about life and normative behaviors. In fact, we aren’t close at all, but when I visit our mother, I focus on appreciating the gift of his presence, the fact that he has made an effort to be with us. Nowadays it is always a loving experience for me. He also seems to be relaxed and enjoying himself.”

When I found the beginning of my response today, I was amazed to read the description of my mother because during this last visit she gave me the most beautiful, loving smile I have seen in a long time! She looked so happy, no, much more, she looked so joyful that it brought tears of joy to my eyes while I felt my heart overflow with love. I am sure she recognized me this time. Her response was almost instantaneous when I came up to her and lasted several minutes. My brother, who was with us at that moment, said that she never smiles at him, that she actually will frown on occasion when she sees him. I asked him to experiment and sit in front of her, which he did. She looked right at him and beamed her loving smile once again. What an experience! My brother was so clearly in fps that didn’t trust, but the Universe provided him with an opportunity to change his perception. From his reaction, I could tell that he felt moved. As I write about this experience, I just now realize that, when she is “awake,” my mother is pure love, no matter what the object of this love may be. What an amazing lesson for me in cultivating love and compassion for all.

Regarding my brother, I was going to say more the other night. Our relationship is now loving (from my perspective, which is really all that matters), but this only happened because I challenged fps that felt disconnected from him, especially two years ago, when we had a long conversation, at the end of which he said he would never be close to me. At the time I had prepared myself for this conversation, knowing that it would present an opportunity to challenge fps, but fps still felt utterly devastated for an hour or so after we parted from each other. With support from my husband, I was able to challenge those fps. A little later, I realized that I was feeling so devastated because fps had expected my relationship with my brother to be different. Now I have no expectations when I am going to see him and this enables me to enjoy his presence fully. Whatever he gives is so much more than I expect, since I expect nothing, that it reaches me as a gift. What a beautiful place to be in. I feel deeply grateful.

What an appropriate topic for a day when we are thinking about attachment and experimenting with trust!

Since your post two weeks ago, I have read the conversation with Rosalind and appreciate the insights you have both provided. I feel grateful for everything I am learning from spiritual partners on this forum.

With love,

Posted 11 years ago

In rereading my description of my mother above, I see that I took her smile personally in writing: “I am sure she recognized me this time.” Actually, I am not sure she recognized me, Catherine, my earth school personality, but I am sure she recognized me at a soul level. This is why I just realized that it doesn’t matter who is the recipient of her love. At such moments, it is universal love that flows out from her and radiates upon us who are present.

Posted 11 years ago

Wow I am so inspired by these posts- I haven’t really felt confident in sharing on this forum yet, but I have been yearning to be a part of the aplc community because once a month is too long for me to go in remembering to practice creating AP. I will write more later because my kids are having needs, but this is especially pertinent to me because my family triggers A LOT of FPs for me and I have chosen to invite my mom and sister for thanksgiving and I am now looking forward to challenging the fps that will inevitably come up and see how I can choose love and compassion for them. ah, I’m just so inspired by the beautiful work you have all described. thank you.

Posted 11 years ago

Welcome, Stephanie! I look forward to connecting with you. Preparing for an event at which I can foresee fps becoming activated supports me in holding my intention to create authentic power. Reading your post, I am reminded that I always have a choice. Thank you so much.
Your post also invited me to re-read the exchanges between Pam and Rosalind. So rich and supportive. You have a way of expressing yourselves so clearly that I am able to follow closely the process of creating authentic power in challenging circumstances. With grateful appreciation.

Posted 11 years ago

Thank you Catherine! Ok I would like to post what FPs have been triggered in the past by my mom and sister, in order to hopefully lay some ground work in challenging them. I have seen my mom as a total victim, self-centered, miserable and self-pitying, and very very limited in what she can offer to others(specifically me and my kids). So as I read your posts, I am thinking about how uncomfortable and painful it is to face those FPs that are in me, & how ashamed I am to own them, & also how very far away I want to keep her. I have been so angry at her for being such a distant mother but my FPs don’t want to let her into my life- my FPs hate my mom. So it was from an intention of love to choose to invite her for thanksgiving. I expect nothing from her, in the past I have bought, prepared and cleaned the whole meal while my family sat there. & then resented then thoroughly, but I am now thinking about my incompetent and stupid FPs that come up when I am with a very capable, controlling person, & I’m thinking that’s who I am when my family comes. No one can do anything as well as I can(no wonder they just sit there). I am interested in knowing what it would feel like to just feel love for her exactly as she is and appreciate her presence. Another motive which prompted me to invite her and my sister was that I treated my husband the same way(totally incompetent and useless), & he was so hard for me to be with, & then he left me and my life fell apart completely, & I thought, ‘I don’t want all my relationships to end that way. Some day, I might miss my mom a lot’. I must admit that I think it will take all my courage to stay in love for my mom, & I am thinking it will be baby steps, but I am committed to reaching for the healthiest parts of my personality. As for my sister, she triggers perfectionism. I hate it in her because I hate it in me. Again, it feels like another reason my husband left- because of my Puritan, navy seal perfectionism. I would love feedback on how I can challenge these FPs or if there is work I can do to prepare for the upcoming event. Thank you very much.

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Stephanie, the best feedback I can give you is to share with you what creating Authentic Power looks like in my life. For so long I dreaded whenever a fp was triggered because I was caught up in how imperfect it showed me I was. Fp’s triggering fp’s until I realized that being triggered is what I was asking for in order to do the work of healing. Being gentle with myself was a big step in not only learning to be in love with those I was in relationship with, but also learning to love myself. Sounds like you are doing your best to reach out to your family and open yourself to doing the work of challenging fp’s. Healing my strong fp’s has not been easy or quick, but it does happen as I remain steadfast in my desire to grow spiritually. That has been my focus, not necessarily making my relationships better. Could it be that you have a fp triggered that wants you to feel responsible for why your husband left or why your family acts as they do, i.e. “no wonder they just sit there”. I applaud your courage to challenge fp’s that are keeping you in pain. Welcome to this profound and joyful journey! Please let me know how you are doing. I will hold the space for you and keep you in my prayers. With Love, Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Thank you so much for your genuine communication. I have similar fps and their roots are also with the relationship with my mother and sister. I can feel your determination in reaching for the healthiest part of your personality. I started this journey by reading Gary and Linda’s book, “Emotional Awareness” it was profound in that it was the first tool that made me look inward as a way, and I have found it to be the only way, to truly learn about my emotions. It is my foundation in being able to experiment with responsible choices and finding out which ones are healthy for me.
Respectfully, Soula.

Posted 11 years ago

Thank you very much. Pam, absolutely I have a very strong fp that feels responsible for the way other people act, I have been getting to know this incredibly frightened part, guilt & regret, that want to take it all on so that I can make it better. The last time it was up(about a week ago), I tried repeating ‘I did the best I could with the tools I had’, but I have to say, I felt sooo so powerless over its control, I really believed that I did something to cause my husband to leave me, & the pain of that is huge. All I can say about tht is that I became aware that the guilt is a frightened part, not the truth, and how extremely powerful a grip it has on me, & that it has to be challenged. It is a huge hindrance to my growth. So I guess I am praying for how to challenge the guilt next time it comes up.
Thank you:)

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Stephanie, In an earlier post to you on Attachment Vs Trusting the Universe, I was going to end by sharing “that as you challenge the fp of attachment with your husband that you might find attachment in other areas of your life”. I erased that last sentence. I can see now that it may have been supportive to you. Do you feel you have an attachment to being a victim in your life? Love, Carol Ann

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