Landing Forums General Discussion Changing my Perspective

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Topic: Changing my Perspective - milario Started 9 years ago

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)
Posted 9 years ago

WOW! CHANGING MY PERPECTIVE – so apporperate – so many frightened parts abut being on this community board typing on a board that doesn”t correct my miss spelled words – crazy challenging – lots of tightness in throat extending all the way to the gut very farmilar. intention is to challenge the frightened part that thinks it looks stupit when there are miss spelled words and no capital letters. so here i am chooseing to not let that stop me from being a particapant of this this community. good god that hurts! Regina

Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Regina for challenging all your FPs and joining us on the Community Board.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Regina,
Thank you for sharing and I love witnessing you challenging this familiar frightened part of your personality.

Posted 9 years ago

thanks SPs expressing my feelings is an everyday challenge why not put it black and white. all the times that i have been laughed at for not knowing how to spell is coming up— that is past stuff i need to let go of by looking at all the ways i have been blessed.

Posted 9 years ago

Regina, what physical sensations do you notice in your body? Are they different than the ones you share above?

Posted 9 years ago

Welcome to the community board Regina. I had fp come up about posting to the board and being completely honest about my fears – what would people think of me, I’m mot this perfect whole super hero that my fp thinks about. I have opened my lp more like you said to look at the whole of me. Thanks for sharing and giving me the opportunity to deal with my fp about sharing my feelings. Tightness in my chest coeds up as I am typing this communication.

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

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