“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”

– Gary Zukav

Who Are Your Invisible Actors?

Date Added: August 21, 2019

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Who Are Your Invisible Actors?

Live Teaching Session from August 3rd, 2019 titled “Who Are Your Invisible Actors?”

Who Are Your Invisible Actors?

Hear how Gary and Linda support participants:

  • A situation at work brought to my awareness a frightened part of me that is rigid and can be cruel with my employees. This was a surprise as I thought I was a “nice” person.
  • I don’t like making other people wrong, but when someone does that with me, I get caught up in it and feel I have to protect myself.
  • My invisible actor is feeling unwanted, unloved. It is so much a part of me that it is difficult to separate it and see it as a frightened part of my personality.

Highlights from Gary and Linda:

  • Needing to please others and being superior are powerful invisible actors because they seek what we all want, a sense of belonging, recognition, and admiration. The paradox is that they create the opposite.
  • Taking responsibility for my feelings means knowing that I choose which actor is leading based on what I want to create in my life.
  • Emotional awareness and spiritual partnerships are there to help you uncover the invisible actors in your personality.

You can download the MP3 file for this call by right clicking on the link below and clicking “save as”, “download as” or “save target as”.

Who Are Your Invisible Actors?