“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”

– Gary Zukav

How to Practice Creating Authentic Power

Date Added: March 19, 2015

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Here are a few things you can do daily to increase your times of being conscious and choosing love.

1. Set your intention each day to notice when you are in fear or in love.
(Read The Heart of the Soul.)

2. Notice and experience when your thoughts or emotions are not loving and you
make a choice not to act on them. (Read The Mind of the Soul)

3. Notice and experience when your thoughts or emotions are loving and you make a
choice to act on them.

4. Also notice the words and actions of others that are fear-based or love-based and
remind yourself that you have those love-based and fear-based aspects as well.

5. Open to what your Good Advisors (people who “push your buttons”) are helping you to
see about yourself.

Enjoy yourself.

We created this handout after the Live Teaching Session from March 14th, 2015, “Good Advisors”. To watch that recording, click here.