“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”

– Gary Zukav


Date Added: June 27, 2014

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Live Teaching Session from June 21st, 2014.

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Life School Deepenings

1. Read the Chapter on Reverence in the 25th Anniversary Edition of The Seat of the Soul, the Study Guide Chapter on Reverence at the end of the book, and then watch the video and listen to the audio meditation on the online Study Guide Extension.

Visit the Online Study Guide Extension here

2. Read the Chapter on Reverence in The Mind of the Soul and do the exercises in it.

3. Think of a person you have known for a long time, but you don’t feel close to, and you would like to feel close to, or at least closer. Ask yourself, “Do I feel inferior or jealous of this person or perhaps superior and judgmental? Why don’t I feel close to this person? Have I been looking only at this person’s Earth suit?”

Allow yourself to begin to see how you can challenge the parts of your personality that do not feel reverent toward this person. Then challenge that part of you over and over again, if necessary, and see if the distance you feel between you and them begins to dissipate. You may need to challenge this fear-based part of you many times before you see a difference. (Note: It does not matter if this person is in your physical presence or even if they are still living in the Earth school.)

4. If you are in a Seat of the Soul Study Group, share your experiences with your group and on the Spiritual Partnership Community board so all in Life School can benefit.

5. We’d love for you to share your experiences of Reverence with us, and also send any questions you have to lifeschool@seatofthesoul.com. Note: We will answer your questions on a call if we can, or on a video you will see on the Life School website.