“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”

– Gary Zukav

A Daily Practice For Consulting Intuition

Date Added: March 4, 2014

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Questions to ask yourself when you have a reaction, to support you in learning about yourself and making responsible choices.


Any time you react to anything

• I feel overwhelmed (too busy, don’t have enough time, etc.)

• I am sad (depressed, manic, impatient, etc.)

• I lost my job (hate my boss, etc.)

• S/he disappointed me (betrayed, cheated, etc.)

• I feel inferior (invisible, unworthy, etc.)

• I am upset because my car broke down (flight got cancelled, etc.)

• I feel entitled (superior, better than, etc.)

Ask yourself:

What can I learn about myself from this reaction?

How can I heal this part of my personality that is reacting now?

How can I change my perspective from frightened to loving?

Listen for the answer.

It will come.