“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”

– Gary Zukav

Online Guidelines

    • Write about what you are learning about yourself. No writing about others except when necessary to explain what you are learning about yourself.
    • Be conscious of your intention for sharing. In other words, are you sharing from love or fear?
    • Be clear and concise in what you share.
    • Honor the confidentiality of your spiritual partners. Do not share what you read about others in the Community with people outside the Community.
    • Participating in this Community provides opportunities for you to create authentic power. Remember to notice your reactions, if you have any, physical sensations, and your thoughts as you participate.
    • Use your interactions in the Community to explore your emotions, not someone else’s emotions.
    • By logging in, you are agreeing to follow these Online Guidelines. If you don’t respect them, you will be blocked from participating.
    • If you read a comment that solicits or sells, proselytizes, or is disrespectful, please send it immediately to
      . Our intention, with your help, is to create a safe and supportive environment.
    • Enjoy yourself!