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Posted 6 years ago

Hello, My name is Luz. I was from Miami, FL USA and now live in New Jersey. It’s so nice to hear from all of you. It’s good to meet you online in this forum. Will any of you be attending the Journey in July?

Posted 7 years ago

Hello Ami, and Sofia, Welcome to the Life School. Hello Shelly!
I have been in the Life School now for 4 years and it keeps showing me another powerful level of awareness within myself moment by moment.
If you are open to sharing, I would love to learn more about any insights you have received from the books or videos.
I am currently watching some of the videos offered in the Life School and I am so grateful for their messages that seem to speak directly to me in what is happening in my life. The most recent was from the newest ones that were posted Alcoholism and Authentic Power. What a gift!

Posted 7 years ago

Hi Greg! Welcome to the Life School and this forum. I agree. I also loved reading The Heart of the Soul. It explained so well the way energy flowed through me in love or in fear and the blockages or expansion that go on within me when I became aware. It was so eye opening for me.
If you are open to sharing, I would love to hear what specifically was aimed to your heart from The Heart of the Soul.


Posted 8 years ago

Hi Doug,

Thank you for your sharing. It was a powerful,moving moment to watch the process of your sharing and the support offered, and you going into your feeling the physical sensations. It was insightful for me as well. Thank you for having the courage to share and explore your discoveries with me.

Posted 8 years ago

I just logged on here while looking at some of the videos. I read some of the comments above and one comment from Sundar and Shelley wrote about feeling vs thinking.

The video I just began watching Gary speaks about thinking and going back to your emotions. Title of the video is Labeling Emotions Isn’t Emotional Awareness.

Log onto the Life School and copy paste the link below to watch the video below.

With Love

Labeling emotions isn’t emotional awareness

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Luzia,

I am also part of the Life School Program. I joined 4 years ago and still find everything I am discovering in myself life inspiring.
It is nice to meet you. Have you looked at some of the video’s offered in the Life School Website? I enjoy watching the videos and marking my favorite ones shown on the bottom of the video.
Please share with us what you are connecting with.


Posted 8 years ago

Aloha Daniella,

So beautiful to welcome you to the life school. My name is Luz and I also feel your excitement about being part of learning and growing in the evolution of this lifetime! πŸ™‚ Might I suggest another wonderful book written by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis called “The Heart of the Soul, Emotional Awareness”. It is another book that has brought new awareness and understanding in my life. In addition to that knowledge, it also helps introduce some of the vocabulary used in the video’s appearing Gary and Linda.

If you are open to doing so, I invite you to share with us how you are experiencing the intensions you set and how that is appearing in your life.

Feel free to explore throughout the Life School website and share your thoughts in the community form.

With much love,

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Justin!
Welcome to the Community Board.
I would like to refer you to asking your question through the link below to the bottom of the page where it says CONTACT US">

I would like to encourage you to share with us what you are learning while doing the Online Course. We here at the Community Board are exited to co create with each other and learn more about the each of our own journey’s in Creating Authentic Power.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Ame-Lia!
Thank you so much for telling your experience with your mothers visit. I thought your observations were very insightful. I too share similar FP reactions when dealing with my parents and your awareness was enlightening for me.
I would like to suggest you re read your last paragraph. I feel there is another FP there that goes deeper than what you mentioned “…feelings of superiority to guide my actions…”
Thank you again for sharing!

Posted 9 years ago

This is very true David. I have also noticed how many times I am choosing to distract myself with food or television, Procrastination, or falling into negative unconscious patterns to avoiding seeing my own frightened parts. It opened up a large frightened part within myself that feels I am useless, and taking up space. My FP’s hold that story to be true about myself. I really felt the pain of that FP and released it in that moment through my tears. I am now looking at that moment from a loving perspective, seeing it as a part of myself that needs to be looked at and loved and healed.
When you felt the opportunity to feel, where did you feel it, and what did that moment reveal to you?

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you Jaye, Doug and Soula for your sharing and self awareness. It was inspiring to read how you went in to understand where your thoughts and/or actions were originating from.

Sundar, I may be mistaken, but don’t believe you answered Tim’s question directly. May I suggest using the authentic power guidelines then scanning your energy processing centers to see if this link has activated any FP’s within yourself?
I know for me it has activated FP’s within my chest, and upon more scanning, my head feels dizzy. My FP’s have been activated by my fear to respond and “out myself” on a public forum. Be “vulnerable” (in a FP’s perspective) per say.

My FP’s don’t want to reply and continue this link forward. My FP’s just want to stay under the radar and not be exposed to avoid prejudice and ridicule. My FP’s judge others but in truth, they judge me much worse. Thus I know that replying here and now is an excellent learning tool for me to continue challenging FP’s, and exercising being in my Authentic Power right here, right now. It is also a moment to be a supportive spiritual partner. I am aware that my FP’s are attached to an outcome, and that is another experience I would like to challenge this moment by practicing Releasing An Attachment To The Outcome and Trusting in the Universe that this moment is perfect

I am grateful for everyones sharing. Because of your sharing, I am going within at this very moment and am learning to be in compassion with myself and everyone (on their own path).

I initially thought of writing to clarify to Sundar what Vulnerability meant to me after having watched the video, I understand that was a FP, care taking. I came out with more clarity for myself.


Posted 9 years ago

Dear Sundar,
Hello. I am sorry I missed the call on Vulnerability, but I will make sure to look out for it as soon as it is posted. I have not read that book nor passage you quoted from but I find that sometimes when I am quiet, the meaning presents itself to me.
From reading your post, the word vulnerable, to me means, “OPEN”, Clear, Present, without prejudice on how FP’s think they are perceived, and cultivating his loving parts that know he is connected to all. To me it is like being in Trust that the Universe is supporting you(him) at that moment.

Sundar, I have an intuition that is wanting me to ask if there could be a FP active in part of your question. I know I have a FP about asking this question and I do not want to proceed, but because I have tried to delete this question, I know I must have courage to challenge my own FP that doesn’t want to say something wrong.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Roxanne! Thank you for your sharing!
How did it feel when you looked at the feeling deeper as opposed to the first thoughts you were having?
You mentioned at the end of your message that you are “…still having a hard time letting go of the strong FP that doesn’t want…” (your sister in law to come over). That seems like the FP. I would like to second Tim’s comment. How are you challenging your FP’s that feel like you don’t matter enough to be consulted with? Would love to hear your reactions to anything you discover about yourself. Thank you.


Posted 9 years ago

I have been in the consciousness of Tolerance for a long time. I have also felt the difference when I am in the consciousness off Acceptance. There is a distance there that I was not made aware of until this conversation. The Acceptance is being in flow with. The Acceptance is acknowledging and gratitude of the moment and who is before me. Writing these words makes my chest energy center open up and see the movie of my life where my frightened parts have Choosen to not accept the moment and want to change it rather than being in the moment and seeing it with an open heart and love within me.

Posted 9 years ago

I really enjoyed the talk on tolerance versus acceptance. I could feel the difference of the two. But just like Leah said, I never realized how deep the intention was when I was in tolerance versus when I am truly excepting. My body knows the difference, but my thoughts didn’t become aware of it until the life lesson talk.

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