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Posted 11 years ago
Hi all, |
Posted 11 years ago
To get love and attention! The way it knows how to do that is by being a victim and having a crisis |
Posted 11 years ago
Hi carol, nice to connect with you again! Yes, I do believe I have an attachment to being a victim. I would like to let this part of me lose its hold on me. I will continue to bring emotional awareness and make responsible choice, because I see it come up in many areas of my life. Lots of love and thanks, |
Posted 11 years ago
I am going to post about my attachment to my husband changing his mind and coming back to the marriage. This is something I have been desperately attached to, it felt like my life literally depended on this happening. I have worked over the past year to challenge this attachment again and again, & though it has diminished in power significantly, & I am finally moving forward with the divorce in acceptance, I am posting that regardless of knowing that the healthiest thing is to move on, & not wanting the attachment to be there, I know that that secret second agenda is still hanging out in the deepest coves of my genes- that’s how it feels. I want to be free of this attachment- truly free, not ‘free so that the energy will shift and then he will come back’. So I am posting this in order to expose it and seek support in challenging this attachment (& the myriad of FPs that are connected to the attachment). Thank you, Stephanie |
Posted 11 years ago
Thank you very much. Pam, absolutely I have a very strong fp that feels responsible for the way other people act, I have been getting to know this incredibly frightened part, guilt & regret, that want to take it all on so that I can make it better. The last time it was up(about a week ago), I tried repeating ‘I did the best I could with the tools I had’, but I have to say, I felt sooo so powerless over its control, I really believed that I did something to cause my husband to leave me, & the pain of that is huge. All I can say about tht is that I became aware that the guilt is a frightened part, not the truth, and how extremely powerful a grip it has on me, & that it has to be challenged. It is a huge hindrance to my growth. So I guess I am praying for how to challenge the guilt next time it comes up. |
Posted 11 years ago
Thank you Catherine! Ok I would like to post what FPs have been triggered in the past by my mom and sister, in order to hopefully lay some ground work in challenging them. I have seen my mom as a total victim, self-centered, miserable and self-pitying, and very very limited in what she can offer to others(specifically me and my kids). So as I read your posts, I am thinking about how uncomfortable and painful it is to face those FPs that are in me, & how ashamed I am to own them, & also how very far away I want to keep her. I have been so angry at her for being such a distant mother but my FPs don’t want to let her into my life- my FPs hate my mom. So it was from an intention of love to choose to invite her for thanksgiving. I expect nothing from her, in the past I have bought, prepared and cleaned the whole meal while my family sat there. & then resented then thoroughly, but I am now thinking about my incompetent and stupid FPs that come up when I am with a very capable, controlling person, & I’m thinking that’s who I am when my family comes. No one can do anything as well as I can(no wonder they just sit there). I am interested in knowing what it would feel like to just feel love for her exactly as she is and appreciate her presence. Another motive which prompted me to invite her and my sister was that I treated my husband the same way(totally incompetent and useless), & he was so hard for me to be with, & then he left me and my life fell apart completely, & I thought, ‘I don’t want all my relationships to end that way. Some day, I might miss my mom a lot’. I must admit that I think it will take all my courage to stay in love for my mom, & I am thinking it will be baby steps, but I am committed to reaching for the healthiest parts of my personality. As for my sister, she triggers perfectionism. I hate it in her because I hate it in me. Again, it feels like another reason my husband left- because of my Puritan, navy seal perfectionism. I would love feedback on how I can challenge these FPs or if there is work I can do to prepare for the upcoming event. Thank you very much. |
Posted 11 years ago
Wow I am so inspired by these posts- I haven’t really felt confident in sharing on this forum yet, but I have been yearning to be a part of the aplc community because once a month is too long for me to go in remembering to practice creating AP. I will write more later because my kids are having needs, but this is especially pertinent to me because my family triggers A LOT of FPs for me and I have chosen to invite my mom and sister for thanksgiving and I am now looking forward to challenging the fps that will inevitably come up and see how I can choose love and compassion for them. ah, I’m just so inspired by the beautiful work you have all described. thank you. |
Posted 12 years ago
I want to also add that another FP that comes up is the need to please him. I have been playing out another story as long as I’ve been with him, and that is, if I change, if I get better, then he will get better and we will get better. I have been dedicated to my spiritual growth throughout our marriage, and have never gotten validation/acknowledgment for that, only criticism. I guess my thought on this is that I can only change for me and be satisfied with my own growth, not look to the outside for validation. |
Posted 12 years ago
Thank you Berta. I don’t think I can talk to him, he is very much wanting a divorce and doesn’t want to be with me. He is in love with someone else. But I’ve been in contemplation all day, and found at the end of the day, the only answer is to be vulnerable and true and give with my whole heart with no hope of return on investment. I have been so afraid to let go. I now see that is the only thing I can do. Love him by letting go. And intending loving thoughts and feel the total grief of asking for love from someone who is not able to give it(just to prove my unlovableness). I did some great writing today. I found that I am only hurt and resentful by his comments because I owned them as true about me. I re-wrote the responses I would have given had I been present/conscious/coming from my loving parts and it was very freeing. I didn’t have to defend or take them on. Only listen, hear, and be curious to learn more. I am grateful. He is my teacher. Yes, husband, you are right! I have a lot of work to do on myself. I intend to work on myself for the rest of my life!! And, I am SO proud of how far I’ve come:) |