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Posted 8 years ago

Hi everyone,
I am so happy what I said resonated with you Shelley. Sundar, I think it is important I don’t get caught up in the story of right and wrong in any of this. Indeed, we could be talking about anything here but what Gary and Linda have said the surface the story doesn’t matter, it is what is happening underneath are we coming from fear or love? So that is what i meant by being on the same path with two different perspectives.

Also I want to address because I feel it is important. I don’t believe you can have frustration without judgement. If there was no match in the energy between Shelley and her coworker, there would be no frustration. In fact someone else in the office may experience the same scinerio with no frustration but just be curious as to why it is happening. What is the universe teaching here? Could be the question.

Shelley found the match, “that I am insecure about my own smarts.” And she knows she is in frustration and judging, “There’s the judgmental part, the part that feels superior. This person and I clash often. ” What seems important is that she is FEELING this, noticing, being curious, and the next time she has the chance to choose differently from love. And each time she does that, can start to heal this frightened part of her.

I also want to say, I don’t think it is appropriate to explain why I think someone is coming from a frightened part, because then I am taking responsibility for their actions/feelings. Gary and Linda seem to teach to ask, then the other person can say yes or no.. right?

One more thing, Sundar, I am wondering how you feel when you write your responses. What is going on inside of Sundar? 🙂

Much love this beautiful Sunday morning. — Steph

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Stephanie C.
Posted 8 years ago

Thank you for patiently awaiting my response☺ This is deep thinking… or should I say feeling!!

I hope I will answer your main points. I find myself resisting going through answering your message line by line because I think it is important that I not try not to judge right/wrong, but rather develop awareness.

I have been thinking about: Why am I experiencing frustration? Am I responsible for the frustration? Is Frustration from fear?

If I understand that my choices drive my experience, this simplifies the questions for me. Quite often, I have the experience of being “frustrated” at myself or someone (or a group of someones) and just take it at face value that I am frustrated because I let myself down or “they” let me down. By doing that, I am accepting my “story” without exploring further, deeper so yes this choice makes me responsible.

If I can become more consciously aware of my choice (fear/judgment) in the moment, with acceptance, and be curious about how this choice is serving me, then I feel I can start building an internal clarity which will allow me to make a “different” choice and create a different experience. That is when I can respond, not react even if I am frustrated.

I could ask, what was I actually frustrated about? What is really driving this feeling? And what am I really feeling, what is underneath the frustration story? Is my body in pain? Am I happy, sad, mad, or joyful? These are actual true “feelings.” Frustration is an emotional state, not a feeling –which is a “reaction,” to fear and an expression of judgment. So I am not truly feeling but I am reacting/judging so yes, my frustration came from fear. I was frustrated at Doug because I was judging him with thoughts like, “oh, see I knew it! here we go with the frightened parts again that aren’t even there! Boy is he wrong”

So my “story” was I was frustrated with Doug (and others on the board) because I had the judgment that he/they weren’t doing it right.. meaning being a spiritual partner. I didn’t think they were asking the right questions at the right time, not going further or explaining when they should etc.. but that frustration was on a surface level.

So if I do feel deeper into my frustration and see if I can touch the fear, I find (this is a deep fear) that for “me,” doing it “right” means I am loved, doing it “wrong”, I am not loved. (This is complicated but bare with me) my fear extends out to If Doug or others here are not “doing it right”, they won’t be loved either, and THAT scares “ME.” So I then try to control the outcome from fear.

So, my frustration and impatience were various forms of self-judgment that I projected unconsciously…versus choices I could have made from love like patience and compassion. My projection was “they aren’t doing this right”. And then “chirp chirp” “come take care of me”… I realize now was more of “come do this right!” which was a reaction (however slight). From a more loving place it could have been “Let us all take care of ourselves, including you, by participating in good conversations whereby we can learn from one another.”

Additionally, I think it is ok if we see this situation from two different perspectives. I am learning what I need to learn and you what you need to learn but all the while walking the same path.

Much love and many blessings – Steph

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Sundar, Yes, I believe I remember it as a gift from the universe allowing us to try on a certain outcome…is that right?

I am working on detailed response for later today. 🙂

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Denise,
Welcome to the Life School! Please feel free to join in the conversations, we are all learning together. I am grateful you are here. Check out the many videos Gary and Linda have on the site, it is a wealth of information that I have found so helpful.

With love,

Posted 8 years ago

Also please Shelley and Doug, I neglected to include you in my comments as I was responding directly to Sundar’s email but I would appreciate any thoughts you have as well. And thank you for your earlier responses, I am really enjoying reading the thread. Peace and love- Steph

Posted 8 years ago

I want to respond in more detail later when I have more time but I have two initial thoughts.

I assumed frustration was fear because it made me feel negative things physically and have negative thoughts. I am now unsure, you have a good point that it may not be fear and that changes quite a few of my conclusions if so. What does Gary say on this, do you know?

Also, I have a very big big big part of me that I constantly make myself wrong (usually without realizing). I could be doing this. Also, I try to please people. I could be trying to please Doug by finding a frightened part. Oh my word i’m confused now lol!! I love your example with your daughter. I will respond more later. Thank you Sundar!!

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Sundar,
How do you write so fast?? I am amazed! 🙂

You said about my reaction : “I think that represents a typical struggle that everyone goes through initially, especially after being asked simply whether he or she is saying or acting from a frightened part without its being accompanied by any explanation whatsoever as to why that person suspects so.” I agree the first part of my reaction was due to this.

The “flippant” part of my comment was the “chirp chirp” which was also a fearful part of my comment as I mentioned a plea for caretaking by way of a cat-call or in this case bird-call :-). However, the rest of the comment “This community board is supposed to be a place where we can get guidance, learn and have some good conversations and be in spiritual partnerships” were my honest feelings but however honest, said from a fearful part. I know this because: I also said, “When I looked back on it I realized I was in a high level of frustration (fear) that I now understand I must take responsibility for. When I wrote the first comment I was frustrated by the lack of activity on the board and by the fear that if I post I would be challenged. Understanding that I was frustrated by others inactivity means that I was in a frightened part because I was not able to control them, or the outcome. By saying what I did from that frustration means I said it from a frightened part.

So let us talk about controlling the outcome, or being attached to the outcome. You and I both really want the members of this board to move beyond talking only about frightened parts as the teachings offer so much more. But, is it my responsibility to make this happen? no…. Can I speak to it from frustration and be in a loving part? I don’t think so… Can I speak to it from love? Yes… but I’m too frustrated at the moment lol

I know that my responsibility is to be in my own authentic power. Being a part of the Lifeschool gives me the opportunity to practice this. I cherish your responses and others. Doug called me out and it wasn’t fun.. was it right or wrong? I don’t think it matters. The experience we have had here has created in me a much deeper understanding of my spiritual growth.

I get caught up a lot in being attached to/ controlling an outcome. Linda and Gary tell me often to instead come from my own loving space and take responsibility for my own journey of creating authentic power and that will have the greatest impact on the outcome and others.

So I want to let go that somehow I can control others actions on this board or control what this community board will or won’t be. However, I can add my voice and if coming from love that will add to it and if coming from fear we, as we did here in this thread, can work through as spiritual partners to love. I think the more we do this the more loving this board will become.

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Doug, Shelley and Sundar,
I have been trying to find some time to post the last couple days but the universe has been making me wait so I turn the “chirp chirp” comment back onto myself 🙂 Thank you Sundar for prompting me to watch the Higher Logic of the Heart video.

I just wanted to speak to a couple things. When Doug asked me if my statement could have been from a frightened part I actually had quite a negative response. My feelings were of disappointment, anger, superiority then inferiority. My physical sensations were tightness in my chest, rapid heart beat, a giant lump in my throat. My thoughts were, “oh, see I knew it! here we go with the frightened parts again that aren’t even there! Boy is he wrong. I was NOT coming from a frightened part and then maybe it’s me, maybe I just don’t get this, this is the same trouble Sundar has, something isn’t right here”, and on and on. So I sat with it for a while. Then I asked myself, when I wrote the comment was I creating from love or fear? I actually admit I was not emotionally aware when I wrote it. When I looked back on it I realized I was in a high level of frustration (fear) that I now understand I must take responsibility for. The comment was flippant, but digging down through it and under it I think I was calling out for help (from fear) … I was in a place where I was unsure of myself, making myself wrong, doubting etc.. and my comment was crying out for some help from spiritual partners … “come take care of me”. Caretake me… but that isn’t what spiritual partners do.

I do also have many of the same questions come up, what is next? Can we talk about something other than frightened parts? And I have watched Sundar experience the same thing on this board over and over and I have often marveled at his tenacity with it. I usually resonate with his points and often have thought, “if that were me I may have given up”. But what strikes me is the teaching that the universe will give us the opportunity to learn what we need to learn until we learn it. So I ask myself What is it I am meant to learn? For me, I think it has something to do with controlling the outcome of situations.

I want to say also, I am experiencing so much love for you all right now. THANK YOU for this amazing opportunity to grow my soul. — Bless YOU!

Posted 8 years ago

Thank you Doug! Oh most certainly I was coming from a frightened part although I wasn’t trying to be passive aggressive with anyone one participating or not on this board. But I get really confused about how to be in spiritual partnerships here. Honestly the conversations so often revolve around someone noticing frightened parts it’s scary for me to post. Although I know this comes from love . So when I said “supposed to be” that was because of my own confusion on how to interact here. I’m super afraid I’ll say the wrong thing the wrong way and of being challenged.. But that’s why I do try to post although admittedly it is only about half the time.

With love,

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Shelley,
When I read your reply I had some frightened parts of my personality come up. I slipped into judging myself and feeling inferior. I haven’t been a member of this very long and I thought, “Geeze who am I to be answering her questions? Maybe I am wrong..I should let a veteran of this community board do this. Maybe I don’t understand spiritual partnership..” So then I went and watched some of the videos under spiritual partnership and they reminded me not to judge myself of course lol… The one called “Spiritual Partnership Support” is a good one explaining spiritual partnerships. The use of the term is pretty specific as used by Gary and Linda when relating to creating authentic power.

This community board is supposed to be a place where we can get guidance, learn and have some good conversations and be in spiritual partnerships but it has been awfully quiet lately… chirp chirp… Glad you are here!

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Shelley! 🙂
The “Journey Call” was a follow up call for those who attended the Journey to The Soul retreat in Portland in July. You can find out more about the event here: I believe it happens every year and I highly recommend going. Being there gave me the chance to go a LOT deeper practicing, understanding and creating authentic power. As I said in my post above, I tend to easily slip into just skimming the surface in my daily life even though I’ve set the intention to learn/practice as much as possible. Having spiritual partners helps keep me on track and the journey gave me opportunity to meet some.

There are also calls for the Life School, so hopefully I will get to speak with you on one soon! I’m curious how you are feeling about creating authentic power in your life, if you have support or spiritual partners. Oh also, I find the guidelines really helpful.

Posted 8 years ago

Thank you Sundar and Shelley! And thanks for making me laugh this morning, such a delightful conversation! Hopefully I will remember at least 10 times to check in with myself! lol

Posted 8 years ago

Oh sorry Shelley, I am still new at this as well so bare with me :-), but what I meant by “where it is coming from” was where I am feeling it in my physical body. I’ve learned for instance that when I feel like I want to say something but feel inferior so I stay quiet, I actually feel like there is a tight band across my chest and i feel like I am having trouble breathing. This physical experience helps me have the awareness that I am acting from a frightened part of my personality. So once I notice that I try to choose to feel through it with the intention of healing it eventually (instead of not feeling/pushing away). So the next step I try to take is choosing not to stay quiet (which is what my frightened part wants) and instead, speak up! It is not easy at all, and it is also hard to feel through the pain my physical body is experiencing and it takes a lot of courage for me to speak up. In the end though, I’m tired of living in fear and the reason I am here is to live in love. I’ve learned all this from Gary & Linda and the spiritual partners here. I’m really excited you are here on this journey as well. I find having spiritual partners is so powerfully healing, I hope you will to. Sending you much love!

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Shelly,
I have found it helpful to not think about frightened parts as bad or wrong or something to shut down, but rather to be grateful for them because they are helping me have the awareness to choose love. Once I have the awareness that I am experiencing a frightened part I can say, ok thanks for that .. now I know I can feel this pain and where it is coming from and choose to challenge it. What I have learned is that each time I challenge the pain the more it seems to subside. So glad you are here!

Posted 8 years ago

So beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing experience. What a gift!

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