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Posted 9 years ago

Hi Sundar,

Yes, I was definitely in a fp that was judging as I was feeling pain in my chest, and I was able to recognize my fp energy vs a loving part.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Soula,

I have a strong fp that is a rule follower. This fp said that she should have greeted us as that is her job. This fp wants people to act according to the rules so everyone and everything fits into place. What I didn’t realize until later is that this fp was attached to her doing so. As I said in my post, this isn’t a new experience, but the realization of attachment is. I’d love to know if you feel you’re seeing another fp that I may not be aware of.

When I didn’t see her, I was in my lps and thought it probably wasn’t supposed to happen – no attachment. When she said thank you and goodbye, I was still in my lp and felt open. I smiled and was chuckling inside as I knew the Universe was showing me that my fp assumptions about her were just that – my fp assumptions.

Thank you, Soula, I appreciate your support.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Carol Ann,

Thank you for reminding me of these supportive questions. I, too, realized that I sometimes take things for granted, like being able to attend the Journey/MCI events and easy access to spiritual partners. Reflecting on these questions has me feeling so much more gratitude for my life and the opportunity to learn from Gary & Linda and my spiritual partners. I am also setting my intention to be with these questions daily.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Pam,

Thank you sharing this powerful and amazing experience of saying “yes” and co-creating with the Universe!! Your sharing supported me in saying yes to a recent invitation. Although it wasn’t to speak or share an experience, I noticed similar fps that were coming up with reasons to say no. My intuition reminded me of you challenging your fps, and I did the same. My intention is to be open and to connect with everyone as souls.

Carol Ann, I look forward to hearing how your experience goes and what you learn about yourself.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Cheryl,

I had a shift this morning. I realized that I was believing that my sister-in-law’s fps were really her. I know that’s not the case, just like I am not my fps. Once I saw this, I was able to let go of the passive-aggressive fp that wanted to punish her in some way. And yes, acceptance is about opening my heart – thank you for that reminder. My intention is to keep my heart open and challenge any fps that don’t want me to do that.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Tim & Luz,

I’ve been trying to challenge the fp that doesn’t want her to visit. I know what to do in my head but I’m not feeling it in my heart yet. I’ve even looked at it with the acceptance lens, and I can accept that she isn’t including me in her planning, but it doesn’t really help with the fp that doesn’t want to be with her. I have another fp now that is embarrassed as this sounds pretty childish. As for the deeper fp of not mattering, I’m grateful to be seeing it more clearly as I can see how this comes up in other areas of my life. Thank you for your support. I will continue to challenge this very strong and stubborn fp.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Cindy,

I, too, am working on noticing the pleasant sensations in my body when I am in loving parts of my personality as my intention is to cultivate those as I work on challenging my fps. I look forward to hearing more about your experiences.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Doug,

What came to me as I was reading this was wondering if you might have a fp that is caretaking him when you say “because I assumed that would only trigger his fear”? Another thing that comes up for me is whether you may have a fp that is tolerating and judging? What do you notice in your body when you think about this?

What would your loving parts do if you weren’t to “pull out my external power tools”?


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Leo,

Thanks for this powerful example of tolerating. I had pain in my chest and some in my solar plexus as I read your post. I think it triggered memories of similar experiences where my fp has judged the parents for not “controlling” their kids. I’m still feeling a lot of pressure in my chest as I write this.

Can you say a little more about “by me not expressing my anger…”?

Do you notice what you’re feeling in your body when you talk to her? Do you think you might have a fp that is attached to her changing her behavior?


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Souha,
Thank you for sharing about this deep fp. I love the way you are challenging it – by focusing on your worthiness and being with the pain without judgement! I did want to ask you about “being vulnerable”. To me, it seems like this is the fp that gets triggered and starts to wonder what the other person will think as a lp is simply being authentic and loving. I believe this is what you are saying in your last sentence and I appreciate that you are choosing to show your love knowing there’s a possibility of this fp coming up again.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Doug,
Thanks for sharing about your fp that wants to distract. This was supportive for me to read and sit with as it is familiar to me. I have a fp that likes to distract me from being present with my life. It even distracts me from a different distraction – playing games on my pad as I watch tv. I have a deep heaviness/pressure over my entire heart area right now as I’m writing this and a sense of wanting to cry. As an experiment just now, I chose to eat my lunch without my normal unconscious fp behaviors such as checking email or reading something. As I sat at the kitchen counter trying to be present with my meal and being grateful for it, I noticed several times the fp that wanted to distract me – wanting to play with the fruit in the bowl or go through the stack of mail or vacate and think about something else. This is a big one for me and because it’s been so familiar, I haven’t really seen it this clearly and therefore, not looked at it deeply. One thing I’ve found supportive and grounding for me this past week has been to remember our current life exploration. I’ve been using it when I get triggered by someone or something, but I will now set my intention to use it when this unconscious fp tries to distract me from my life. I’d love to hear how you’re challenging your fp.


Posted 9 years ago

Cindy, thanks for sharing about your experiences with animals. I sense your appreciation and reverence for them. What do you notice in your body when you think or share about them?


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Sundar,
I was suggesting that someone’s “illogical reasoning” may be a trigger for your fp and that you could look at that next time it comes up for you, especially if you have thoughts of wanting to change the other person.


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