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Posted 9 years ago

Thank you Kathy and Sundar. This inspired me to re-read the chapter on Relationships. I would add the second half of the chapter Kathy is quoting. “You begin to value your partner’s contribution to your development. You experience that his or her perceptions and observations are helpful, and, indeed, central to your growth, that conversations between you stir deep waters”. Your spiritual partner may or may not have similar experiences to yours but they will complement yours and provide the perfect support.



Posted 9 years ago

Hi Ame-Lia,
Thank you for sharing. I am looking forward to being with you at the Journey too. You have taken the first step to challenging this frightened part of your personality by being aware of it and asking for support from spiritual partners. What loving intentions might you set to challenge it further with your mother and others?
Love, Sharon

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Cindy,

I appreciate very much your sharing about the different ways you are creating authentic power. It might be possible that the best thing to do at this point with regard to your co-worker is to spend time feeling what is happening in your body and then open up to support the Universe may be sending you.



Posted 9 years ago

Hi Kristen,

I also feel it is exciting to learn more about frightened parts of my personality. Which Authentic Power Guideline(s) to you feel is most supportive for you with this frightened part of your personality?


Posted 9 years ago

Hi David,

Your sharing about feeling connected no matter what is going on was very supportive to me this morning. I read it right after I came to work and set the intention to choose to connect with each person during the day. Now it is lunch time and during this morning I have taken the time with each person to stay connected. It has made this time so rich. Thank you for the reminder.

Love, Sharon

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Joan, Great example of using your courage. I have had similar experiences recently. One is that my step-brother gave me a present for Christmas that was not really something I would use. He really does this every year and so far I haven’t really said anything about it. I am not sure what my face looks like when I open these presents because I don’t really think I am that good of an actor. Anyway, this year, he asked me a few days later if I had put his present up on my wall. It was one of those cat clocks where the eyes and tail move back and forth with each second. I said that it wasn’t really something I would like on my wall but that I had found a loving home for it with a coworker who really wanted it. The interesting part was that I didn’t hesitate or even think of saying something that wasn’t true. That felt very powerful for me. Love, Sharon

Posted 9 years ago

It is this Saturday at 9:00 a.m. pacific. I believe you will get an e-mail with call in information.

Posted 9 years ago

Reginald, I am doing well. I feel the same way about becoming aware of my emotions and actions and doing my best to come from love at all times.

There will be a Life School group conference call this weekend. Are you planning to join that?

Posted 9 years ago

Welcome, Reginald. I would love to hear about what resonates most with you with regard to the Seat of the Soul Life School.

Love, Sharon

Posted 9 years ago

I am sharing about my experience for the past few weeks here because I noticed that this practice really helped me stay centered during times that I had frightened parts come up that wanted to start believing that I was overwhelmed.
I spent the last few weeks experimenting with being a secret angel to people in my life. I was inspired by this year’s Journey to the Soul experiment with being a secret angel.

The first insight came to me when I was thinking of who I would do loving things for.
I realized that I really wanted to be a secret angel for everyone I encounter and everyone I know of.

I began by approaching this with the idea that I would do loving things for people anonymously. One thing I would do is send loving energy to specific people during my morning meditation.

Eventually, while I was thinking of things to do for people, it came to me (or I remembered) that the point of the secret angel exercise is not to do loving things anonymously. The point is to do loving things without expecting anything in return.

So, I started adding loving things that were not anonymous but were a little ‘extra’ than what I usually do.
I enjoyed doing this but I did notice a couple of times a frightened part of my personality would have some attachment to the recipient responding in a certain way.
It was good to see how there was a difference when I knew the people knew I was doing it.

I had a lot of fun thinking of things to do.

Posted 9 years ago

Hello All! When I first started learning about creating authentic power, my commitment to my spiritual growth and to creating from love was motivated by the fact that I resonated with Gary and Linda’s description of how life could be. After I began observing and experiencing the very real difference for me in my life between creating from fear or from love, my motivation changed. Because now I know life can be very different. For me it is kind of like what Gary says in the Spiritual Partnership book – we don’t have to commit to eating when we are hungry.

Posted 12 years ago

Thank you, Catherine, for sharing about your experience at the movie. I also have experienced some of the same reactions. As I am looking over the Spiritual Partnership/Authentic Power Guidelines, I am wondering which one you feel would support you most with this experience – and why.
With love, Sharon

Posted 12 years ago

Thank you, Carol Ann, for sharing your insight about forgiveness. I also became clearer about forgiveness during the APLC call on May 11. When we were asked to think of someone we have not forgiven, I thought of something my previous meditation teacher had done. At the same time, I was proud of myself for not thinking first of my mother. I thought that was because I had already done that work and now view what happened between us from a loving perspective. But as we were going through the exercise, I started to see that the frightened part of my personality that was activated by what my meditation teacher did was the same part of my personality that becomes disappointed whenever someone falls short of very high expectations I have placed on them because of their position. I could see that it is that frightened part and not something about my mother or meditation teacher.

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