Forum Replies Created
Posted 5 years ago
Roslyn, Karel, Lori, Becky, and of course old timer Sundar, so nice to see the community getting active and engaged, and talking, motivating, supporting one another. Keep it up. We all get so much from these sharings. Each time I was ready to learn something, the teacher has always appeared. These teachers are crafty though! Some times they come in the form of enemy bosses, or partners who leave us, or tiffs with friends. But they serve the purpose of bringing us back to this path. I especially connected with your practice of writing notes in the book, Roslyn. Our sub conscious knows what messages we need to go back to, and I have gone back to my notes, and found the guidance I needed again and again. Keep posting, all y’all, I so enjoy this community! |
Posted 5 years ago
Hi Jacob, My heart goes out to you. I cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like to lose your child in this way. But you are in the right place to receive the right kind of support. And opening up to your sad feelings is definitely a step in the right direction. Good luck with your journey. I don’t know anything about the phone system and why it might have said it’s closed sorry. Shelley |
Posted 5 years ago
Karel, it’s never too late to learn. And give and receive love and happiness. And conquer your frightened parts. And yes, Sundar, I was indeed that first caller! |
Posted 5 years ago
Wow, Karel! That’s pretty profound for someone new to Gary and Linda’s teachings. I really like this bit and am retyping it, because that is how my brain absorbs new stuff (by writing it): if I feel I need something that my friend/sister/boss…cannot give me, and then choose, say, to blame him or her instead of claiming my own inner wholeness, then I am saying I choose to be a victim until I get sick of it. And good luck Robin in approaching your relationship from wholeness and love! |
Posted 6 years ago
Welcome Abigail, and thank you for bringing this discussion back to the front. Don’t know how I could have missed it. So much good conversation and learnings here. Yes, if “all y’all” are still here, would love to hear from you wise folk! Doug, I know you are, because I spoke to you a couple of months ago. But Pam, Gail, Steph David, Ame-Lia, And Sundar that stirrer of long exchanges…wow, and I needed this profound conversation today! |
Posted 6 years ago
Here is the link to the teaching on this topic: |
Posted 6 years ago
Hi Jim, Welcome to the group, and Thank you for your beautiful sharing. You have already come so far, it is hard to believe you are a newbie! You are recognizing your feelings, feeling them in your body, creating detachment from your emotions…wow, that’s great progress. Did you get a chance to listen in on the telephone call last Saturday? If not, the teaching is also posted on this website. They address this very question of should I stay or should I go. I’ll see if I can find and share the link in a bit. If I may be so bold as to ask you a question:. People in general change when they are ready. She will change when she is ready. And she may never change. But she has already given you the gift of bringing you here, where you can learn about your feelings. Your emotions. You modus operandi. I hope this helps. Take care, and hope you keep sharing your journey and realizations, as we all learn from one another. |
Posted 6 years ago
Lucy, wow, you have had so many things hit you all at once. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain and devastation of losing ones home. And life partner. Glad you found this site though, and hopefully the learnings here, Gary and Linda’s teachings, especially the monthly calls will bring some solace. I encourage you to talk to them. They have such profound wisdom and offer so much comfort during difficult times. Shelley! |
Posted 6 years ago
Yohoo! You got it! In your own time! Isn’t that awesome wonderful! Keep making discoveries! Aff’ly, |