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Posted 12 years ago

David and Rhea thank you both for sharing your experiences. I struggled with the exercise and it helped to have concrete examples which were so well articulated.

Some time has passed since both of your responses and I wanted to ask if you had any thoughts of intensions which play out in a different contexts…more along the lines of an unconscious dynamic that plays out in a particular situation? Please let me try to explain: I sometimes tend to put myself down, or say something silly, or worse feel unworthy on some level, I don’t put my best foot foward and this affects the depth of the relationship(s)… so if my intension was to win someones approval for example, how do you go about healing that part?

Does this make any sense? Thanks

Posted 13 years ago

Eric – I can’t help but feel the real test will come or rather ‘healing’ when you have another intimate relationship. I suspect all the feelings will come up again, perhaps stronger than ever, to allow you finally deal with them. This won’t be an easy process and I’m guessing you will feel comfort in going back to what you are well rehearsed in. The wonderful thing about this forum is you don’t have to – if you choose too. In the meantime, know you have people who want to see you succeed – unconditionally 🙂

I would not be too worried about what others think. You can’t please everyone and even an individual will change their mind and opinions depending on the situation. Whether you have avoided relationships for the fear of experiencing pain or because you have not found the right one yet should not really bother you, unless you are trying to see a pattern. I would say trust the universe and block out the noise.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by Rashelness. Reason: Didn't copy first paragraph
Posted 13 years ago

Nette – I like your analogy ‘like seeds sprouting in Spring’. I think you are right, I am feeling much the same. It seems more and more people are looking at self-actualizing more than ever. I don’t know if this is true, statistically speaking, but it feels as though it is. How lucky are we, even though at times when we feel pain we may think otherwise, that we can explore and delve deeper into our true nature!

Posted 13 years ago

Guys – I got goose bumps, tingles and excitement from reading your messages to each other. How wonderful!

Posted 13 years ago

Hi guys – I usually think of two concept: non-judgement and non-resistance. If I feel superior or inferior I know I am not in the paradigm of those two principles. I also think, of two sayings I came across “but for the grace of god, say I” and “forgive them lord for they do not know what they do.” I’m not Christian but these sayings really work for me I hope they help.

Posted 13 years ago

I think so 🙂

I have tendency to withdraw too. But the interesting thing is when it’s in nature or outdoors it feels like the most natural thing in the world. Is this escapism or just a preference in terms of how to live life?

An interesting thing about ‘letting it all go’ – yes – you can be in the moment, but sometimes I feel you need some bearing or place/direction to head towards. I recall the phrase ‘failing to plan, is planning to fail’. As I right this, i’m thinking listen to your intuition, how do I know its not my gut talking? or my mind?

Posted 13 years ago

Thank you Mary Beth for sharing. I too have tried expressing myself in a similar fashion. It really depends who you’re speaking too. Sometimes they may get offended and it just creates more unpleasant energy. I find it’s useful to excuse myself politely or if its written don’t acknowledge what is said (this is a dead giveaway if you do it enough times) and later without pointing to a specific event I might engage in a type of Socratic questioning in the hope to lead them to answer where they themselves come to the decision not gossip etc. It’s tricky, each person is different, and it might take some time before that window of change is open.
To confess too however, if they do persist, I tend to avoid them. For example, I have a very close male friend who introduced me to his x-girlfriend of 5 years – she too has become a close friend. I see them both individually often. When the three of us go out, my male friend puts her down and makes fun of her. It’s often subtle and done in joking manner but it’s not constructive – they are at her expense. For example, apart from him calling her by the nickname he created ‘bug’, he makes references to her looks, intellect and astuteness. I sometimes step up and say X come on you have gone too far, but don’t really know what else to do. Now, I feel I don’t want to see them both at the same time because I don’t want him to belittle her.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by Rashelness. Reason: Incomplete paragraph
Posted 13 years ago

Jennifer – I have experienced much the same. I’m not sure if this relates to you, but one thing I ask myself is whether in a particular situation I am withdrawing from – in that moment – I withdrawing from love or fear?
Sometimes, we can remove ourselves from situations without actually confronting them head on. I’m not talking about the drama here, but we could be reacting in ego – as in your better than someone because you don’t gossip etc. I admit in these situations my energy levels change and go down, I feel society is losing as a whole and feel helpless.

Last month I was out in nature and my energy was soaring, when I returned everything felt it had its place. When I caught up with some friends I felt my energy was being sapped/drained there was so much ‘unnecessary’ drama. I try to be supportive and give them advice which I get good food back on but still can’t help but feel its hard to maintain that level of freedom and clarity when there is so much ‘noise’ around.
I guess a work around I have adopted is to be grateful for these experiences as it highlights that I’m progressing on the vertical path. Try to help others along the path and be supportive and encouraging and non-judgemental and take time out to re-energise and always be true to yourself even when those around you aren’t.

I think the more people who embrace this ‘evolutionary experience’ the easier it will become.

Posted 13 years ago

Thank you Marilyn for expressing your difficulty in ascertaining your intentions, had you not raised it Christina may have not recommended potentially life changing books! Many thanks to you both. I look forward to reading those books and hope it will resolve my uncertainty/indecisiveness in relation to what my ‘purpose’ is.

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