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Posted 12 years ago
Hi Carol, My thoughts are always not the same. Mostly they are fear. Fear of not meeting mine or someone elses expectations. I usually feel a wall of thoughts. There is a lot of resistance to life with thoughts of how, when and where I want life to be. When I sense that it is not happening the way I had envisioned I am in fear. These reactions have become so automatic that I don’t catch them till way later. I am learning about myself a lot. Peace and Love |
Posted 12 years ago
Dear Carol, I do scan my energy centers. I do feel the pain associated with frightened parts. Most of the time I do have pain in 1 or more energy centers associated with these thoughts. Sometimes I know a frightened part is active even when I don’t feel any pain. Some of these are very subtle and I had become accustomed to my fears. Peace and love |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Jeroen, I read your post on roots of violence as well as watched Alice Millers Video which was very insightful.I am reposting it here for everyone else. Peace and love |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Eric, I agree with you completely. The pain we feel is secondary to our thoughts. Once we get that life changes completely. You definitely had a breakthrough. Peace and Love |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Eric, I am not sure I completely understand how to heal a frightened part. I will attempt to answer from my experience. When our frightened parts get triggered from whatever situation we get plugged into a thought/belief that in turn is a part of emotional energy. This energy has been mostly fear and few times sorrow for me. I usually can get to a thought/belief that is causing me a lot of pain. For example this could be a belief that people who lie are trying to take advantage of me. One of the spiritual partners that I met here has introduced me to the The Work by Byron Katie. I find it very useful for turning around some of these thoughts. The first step is Is this true? This thought or belief-You answer yes or no as best as you can. For me mostly yes How do you feel with this thought or belief-I will feel uncomfortable in my stomach. When I do this with each belief I simply get lighter. For me this helps deal with a frightened part makes it less intense. I am also realizing how much pain it causes me when I belives these thoughts. Just questioning their truth and feeling the pain of the thought and the freedom from the thought helps me choose what I would rather believe. I hope this helps. Thank you Peace and Love |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Eric, When you have this thought that my friend lied to me – your frightened part is active. The question is why? My experience is that these situations bring our own painful frightened parts. I agree with you that the focus should be on whats going on with you. If you can look deeper into your self and ask why does my friends possible lies make me uncomfortable you may be able to peel a layer to your self. Peace and Love |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Eric, I agree with Pam. Acting from FPS definitely creates more distance and pain. However compassion doesnt mean allowing lies or verbal abuse. I come from similiar family background. I usually avoid conflict by pleasing others. That means I give them what they want in order to avoid conflict. I am not in my integrity at that time.So how do we differentiate between the two. I think the difference is in your intention. What do you want to achieve? I let the intention tell me what to do. You will find a way to deal with the situation. In the past in situations where my words even if true would cause harm I have chosen to be silent but not please others or give what they want. It is always not easy. At times I have given in to my old patterns. I hope this helps. |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Joanne, I am also in a similiar situation at work with one of my colleagues. My first reaction (myFPS) to any conflict is to blame and judge the other person. Usually I seem to say if only they were better/nicer/kinder fill in the blanks. I stay with the frightened part till I am through it. Usually I seem to take 1-2 days to go through the whole issue. I end up at the other end after 1-2 days. I seem to be ready to look at the situation at that point in a different perspective. It is getting better. Thanks for sharing. Radhika |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Pam and Eric, I appreciate your insight and kindness. I am feeling better since the last 2 days. In the depth of this fear I did feel helpless. In that helplessness my intuition suggested me to surrender to a higher power. I didnt realize it was my intuition at that time. This now resonates and validates what Pam has said. Thank you Peace and love Radhika |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Spiritual partners, I was reading your powerful conversations. I wanted to share as well ask a question. I am also seem to be dealing with these very active frightened parts. I am aware that the intensity could be very different. Sometimes I feel i am completely lost in fear though I am still aware of being lost. I feel totally helpless at that time. When I am in my frightened part in the intensity of the emotion-I wonder if I should stay with it or keep my awareness seperate from it. The more I stay in it I seem to make it stronger or am I perceiving the full depth. I am trying to focus in the present moment not to be completely swept away by it. At that moment I do not find any thing healthy about my personality to act from. In the past I would have escaped into books, painting or TV. I try not to do that anymore. What do we do when we are taken completely over by an emotion like fear? What if it lasts days and sometimes wakes me up in sleep. I usually get up and meditate. Any insight is helpful. Thank you Peace and love |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Kelley, What an absolutely beautiful poem. I stumbled upon this when I was browsing. You must have been in a woderful space to write this. Thank you for sharing this. With peace and love |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Sundar, I think the answer to this question in the end is a matter of semantics. It depends how each of us define karma. For me karma is a consequence-hence everything has a consequence small or big,visible or invisible. I am pretty sure each of us will have our own interpretation of this including Gary. Peace and Love Radhika |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Sundar, I will attempt to answer your question with my limited understanding. I am aware that this question is extremely complicated and likely has different layers to it. To keep it as simple as possible lets start with the concept that energy can neither be created or destroyed it is only transformed. Hence every thought-if you consider it to be energy which I do will have to have an effect. So do all thoughts have the same effect? Do all actions have the same effect? Do all intentions have the same effect? What influences an effect-which I call karma (consequence to an action in the past) For example I cook dinner. Will it be the same if I cook dinner with peaceful loving intentions versus stressful angry emotions. I have done this in the past when my awareness was identified with emotions completely it doesnt work out exactly the same. Hence for this action-the possible results vary depending on my awareness at the moment, my thoughts, my emotions and my consequent actions. I am convinced that all thoughts have consequences. The consequences will vary depending on how identified your awareness is with thought/emotion/action. For example in the above example with my colleague if I have negative thoughts but I am aware of them and I dont act on them the effect has not spilled into others lives. Let say I am not identified with these thoughts even though they exist (lets say residual energy from the past- I had thought these thoughts in the past)I respond to him not react. For example he says something judgemental-instead of reacting and saying something inappropriate I maintain my peace and say what would be appropriate at that time. I have completely changed this interaction. The energy of the interaction is completely different and consequence is completely different. There are also other layers to the same interaction. What if my colleague is unusually good mood and he is not judgemental. Or what if another colleague walks in at that moment. Now you have different energy in that mix. What if something bad has happened that day in the world-it would change every bodys mood. With the Connecticut tragedy I saw people at work including myself sad/depressed for an entire week. What if me or my colleague was physically sick that day. So many permutations and combinations with different results. Let say I dont want to create any consequences. I stay home and do nothing-there is a certain vibration and still a consequence. Similiarly I sit and meditate with peaceful loving intentions at home. I am still creating. What if I am unconcious- i think I am still creating-my physcial condition has effected the people around me. If you exist you create. There is no getting out of it. We can take this concept a little furthur plants, animals, babies,kids and even inanimate surroundings are creating. We get a different feeling and vibration when we look at the ocean versus desert. If you exist you create. If you are aware as Gary said you create conciously and can choose the consequences. Does that mean overnight i am creating out of love? No absolutely not. The universe is more compplicated than that. Have I applied these concepts in daily life? Can I feel this as I go? As I go deeper i believe i can create more lovingly. More and more layers to it. Am I creating at the same level as someone who has applied these concepts for the last 10 years. Most likely not. Regardless of where we are in this journey-we are responsible for the consequences big and small. We are creating conciously or unconciously with karmic effects. Yes this is the book -The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A Singer. Peace and love Radhika |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Sundar, I will attempt to clarify my answer. My question to your question tries to answer a few of your questions. You have asked a few questions regarding temptation, negative thoughts and consequences. I am trying to answer these from a space where these reside. I will try to explain using this paradigm Most of my life I had acted from part of my self unconsciouly at the level of mind/thought feeling. As Gary said if you can be above the bridge where the feelings/emotions are flowing you are able to make healthy loving consequences. Can we consider that the answer is not engaging the mind with more thoughts? Is it possible the problem is the identification of our awareness with thoughts and continuously feeding this mind structure? Can we step back a litttle? Relax a little and let go of trying to control the consequences? Are you aware of yourself other than thoughts/feelings/emotions? Can you see some space between these thoughts? Does it make you uncomfortable? If who we are is not thoughts but awareness that watches them-we can choose at what level we want to interact with the world. Once I start going into the whole-how dare he do this? Why did they do this I start stepping back and say come on-here we go again. I am able to slightly step back. Now I can respond from a apace of awareness whatever is appropriate in that situation. I am completely identifed and reacting from my emaotions a lot of times. But I am slowly able to identify using my physical discomfort to be aware of these thoughts and I am trying to let go. Recently I read a book called Untethered Soul. This was exactly what i needed after reading all of Garys book. It helped me understand mind/thought structure and how I contribute to my own mind. Hope this is useful Love Radhika |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Spiritual Partners, I have been following this thread for a while. This is a very interesting dicussion. My understanding is that some of us come to the space or seat of the soul in different paths. One path is analytical-using our mind and thinking this through. Sundar I just wanted to point out that there may be an answer to your question which is beyond the mind. This has been a very difficult block for me for a while. If I may suggest who is asking this question? Who wants to know the answer? WHo wants the answer and why he wants the answer might help? Are we thoughts? Are we the awareness watching the thoughts? If we are the awareness watching the thoughts engaging the mind can keep us busy for a while and continue our structure of the mind. THis directly relates to what Kelly and Pam were pointing to the heart versus mind? I personally couldnt understand the difference between the heart,mind (thoughts)emotions and feelings until this course. Where am I in all this mix? Where is my awareness focusing on? I seem to take on the colour of whatever I am focusing on. That may be at that moment I am asking my kids to eat dinner or be stressed about something at work? When I identify my self with any particular situation I am completely identified and I disappear? I take on the choices of whatever my personality is feeling? I am just beginning to understand that unless I am aware and have a little seperation between all thoughts (intentions)-emotions-actions I will not be able to make clear sensible actions-which inturn lead to loving consequences. So I am proposing that in thislineup of thought-emotion-feeling-action-consequence there is an initial space. My perception is that is awareness or consciousness. Please forgive me if I had hurt anyones feelings. Wishing everyone peace and love. Radhika |