Forum Replies Created
Posted 9 years ago
David, This was so interesting for me to read. I too have noticed that being in my integrity is linked to feeling connected to others. When I am in a FP and as you say “task mode” I only see things through that FP. I am not experiencing anything in the moment and can see how that prevents a connection with another person or even may be pushing them away and I have lost the opprotunity to see/experience something form a different perspective other than the FP’s perspective of it’s beliefs. Patrice |
Posted 9 years ago
Sundar, What I think I am noticing in your writings is a FPP that wants to understand and get it right, intellectualize rather than feel. Maybe you could challenge the FPP and scan each of your energy centers and feel what is happening in them. With love, Patrice |
Posted 9 years ago
Sundar, I don’t know if you have FPP active or not. It feels to me that you may have a FP that wants to analyze, understand, get it right. Are these familiar reactions in your life? How did you feel in your body as you wrote your response to Doug. Be specific in looking at each energy center and the sensations you may have there. How would it feel to not respond to this posting? What is your intention in responding? What are you feeling in your energy centers when you think of your intention? What can you learn about yourself? With love, |
Posted 9 years ago
Sundar, I can only tell you the feeling I got from the story. The customer seemed to be reacting from FP’s and the clerks also seemed to be reacting from FP’s and were in agreement with each other judging the customer. You may also had a FP that judged the customer and was in agreement with the clerks FP’s. I don’t know if that is true or not. If any of the clerks were coming from love they might have just ordered the medicine from Walgreens regardless of what was happening with the customer’s FP’s. The proverb when said in a five sensory way is about manipulation and external power. From a multi-sensory point of view when your intention is love “honey” rather than fear “vinegar” the outcome will always be perfect for everyone, whatever that outcome may be. These are just some of my thoughts on it. |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Sundar, I found your story very interesting. There appeared to be many FPs active in many people present that day. Intention is everything. The intention behind the words, thoughts and deeds shape the experiences we have. The proverb “you can catch more bees with honey than vinegar” said with a loving intention, without judgement or criticism puts out a different energy and may have very different results. |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Diane, Much love, |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello Anne, How are you doing since your last posting. Have you been able to reach out to spiritual partners? I look forward to reading more about what you have been experiencing and learning about yourself. |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello Naomi, |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello Dapne, How have you been since you last posted on the community board? I am curious to know if you have been viewing any of the videos. What have you found most helpful? I look forward to hearing about your experiences. |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello Diane, |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello Nicola, Welcome to the life school. I am curious if you have been exploring the videos and forums. Have you had any new insights or found anything particularly helpful to you? Looking forward to hearing more from you. |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Sundar, I noticed that you repsonded to this posting 2 days ago then added additional posts over a few hours 2 days later. I am wondering what you may be noticing about yourself. Were there any Frightened parts of the personality active during this time? |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Bonnie, Welcome! It sounds like the Universe is giving you some really wonderful opprotunities to look within and learn about yourself, the frightened parts of your personality and the choices you are making. Have you read “The Heart of the Soul”? I found it really helpful to get in touch with my own emotional awareness when I was caring for my elderly mother at the end of her life. An experience I am now so grateful for. Love, Patrice |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Matilia, so good to connect with you here. Have you been following gary and Linda’s teaching for awhile or are you new to Seat of the Soul? I have been involved in the community and practicing spiritual partnership for a few years and looking back I can see how much it has help me to grow and learn about myself and create authentic power for myself. Welcome! |
Posted 11 years ago
Hello Aneesh and welcome! What a wonderful thing to make a conscious choices to connect with others. I celebrate with you! |