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Posted 12 years ago

Thank You Sundar
For me relationships are all you have described and more. Souls, sacred agreements, nonphysical guides, cosmic and quantum field of infinite possibilities, can we ever know all that is going on and know what to do? My granddaughter is bi-polar and she called this morning manic and full of anger. Anything I tried to say was met with venom. I do love her and I know it is the disease speaking.
I just got back from Saudi Arabia and the entire culture has very different views of right, wrong, frightened and loving. Any attempt at conversation beyond “written in The Koran” was unacceptable.
These recent examples remind me that most of the pain in my life has come from: unfulfilled expectations, the illusion of control, thoughts that things and other people make me feel/think anything or that I can make people feel/think something. Often I am only able to see this in retrospect but, when I remember to consciously set a loving intent, do a body scan to see what is happening, then listen to my thoughts, knowing they are causing the bodily reactions, and remind myself that I get to choose my thoughts, then, as Eckart Tole teaches, I can choose joy, enthusiasm and/or non-judgemental acceptance, with a dusting of gratitude, to BE loving.
By the end of the conversation with my granddaughter (she yelled, I listened and sent loving thoughts) she had calmed considerably. I told her that her grandma and I loved her and to have a good day, that is the best I could do……
Love All Ways

Posted 12 years ago

I feel blessed to have this community to share feelings and help keep intention clear. The cycle of fear and then other parts of my frightened parts being angry or impatient with that fear has been so ingrained that I often don’t notice until I have a physical reaction, sleeplessness, craving chocolate, anger or impatience with my wife.
I have discovered a new tool that helps me break the cycle. At any time in it or even better, before it begins, if I can remember to be grateful, and it doesn’t seem to matter for what, I feel a release. Then I just keep going, what else am I grateful for? And I realize that as in the Rumi poem Gary read, I even become grateful for the initial incident or feeling that started the negative cycle.
Thank you, thank you, thank you spiritual partners.

Posted 12 years ago

I challenge myself here as well. Reading, meditating and generally searching for over 35 years and still finding fps. Even when I consciously set my intention, somehow impatience (with myself) finds it’s way into my thinking. I know thoughts and emotions are inextricably connected and as much as I try to first be aware of my thoughts and then consciously choose what I allow to go on in there, old habits and patterns emerge, then an awareness, pain or discomfort reminds me, then the cycle of impatience and loss of self worth. Gary and Linda tell me to feel this and then act as lovingly as possible and the awareness will be enough. Sometimes I just get tired, and I too will just have to sit with it and see what happens.

Posted 12 years ago

Session 2 was timely for me. The triad with Cindy and Randy was affirming. As Linda and Gary spoke about getting caught up functioning and then in our small group conversation, I realized that how easily I slip into human doing instead of “being”. And then become inpatient with myself for forgetting to consciously set my intention. So we spoke of compassion for others but also for ourselves.
Off to Saudi Arabia in a week or so and have received some wonderful guidance from Lucien, and am reading a book about understanding Islam. Many of the beliefs are the same as other religions. Mayan prophecy speaks about all religions uniting?

Posted 12 years ago

Hello Rashelness and Marry Beth, I too share this struggle with clarity. I have found that Gary and Linda’s book, Heart of the Soul a practical guide to understanding when energy is coming from fear or love. Each of the energy centres have unique sensations that once I started tuning in, gives accurate guidance.

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