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Posted 7 years ago

Hi Jocelyn,Welcome!

There are no existing Seat of the Soul study guide groups that I am aware of in the San Jose area. There is something called The Life School, which is a live, monthly call with Gary and Linda. Gary and Linda share about a topic and participants on the call can ask them questions, and then are placed into small groups on the phone, to share what they are learning and practice supporting one another.
There is a free, 21 day trial if you are interested. In fact, our next call is this Saturday, June 2 at 9 a.m. Pacific time. If you are curious, you can go to the website and click on the tab, “Life School” to register.
There will also be a call on Thursday, June 28, at 5:30 Pacific time, for people that are interested in knowing more about programs The Seat of the Soul Institute offers. If you are already on the mailing list, you will receive information about this call soon.
Thank you for you interest Jocelyn! Blessings, Gail

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Soula,
Thank you for sharing such a rich experience with your son. I felt your desire to support him in looking at frightened parts of his personality that want to care take…and what a perfect challenge it was to your frightened parts that would have loved to have been care taken by him. To me this is an example of love in action. Your story has touched and inspired me Soula, thank you. Love,Gail

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Diane, It sounds to me that a frightened part of your personality is active and attached to your children responding to you in a certain way…and depending on what their response is (or lack of response), will determine how you feel. Your children are not the source of your pain, they are only the trigger of the pain that already exists inside of you. The challenge is bringing the focus back into your body and notice the physical sensations in each of your energy centers, and not engage the thoughts that only fuel the pain….and then decide what is the healthiest thing you can do right now, for yourself, (i.e. take a walk, pay the bills,) whatever that might be for you. Thank you for sharing what is actually going on with you. That too, can be a challenge to the frightened parts that would isolate and, or remain silent. Much Love, Gail

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Soula, Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience! I love that you made a different choice which changed your experience from one of fear to one of love. What struck me was how simple the process was. What I mean by that is when I am in a frightened part of my personality any impulse or insight to choose something supportive feels like “a really big deal” and “too hard” and “it won’t make a difference anyway”…and yet the loving part of my personality knows it is only one small part of me that feels that way….It is an opportunity to trust the process….make the healthiest choice I can in the moment and see what happens. I noticed I was feeling a heaviness in my lower abdomen and a sadness before I read your post. Reading it supported me in recognizing and challenging this frightened part and make the choice to share from a loving part of my personality. Thank you Soula and to all who open themselves to share their experiences and support. You are a blessing to me. Love, Gail

Posted 9 years ago

Dear Catherine, Thank you for sharing this…it was just what I needed to hear. I so much enjoyed the “Live Chat” on Sunday and I look forward to more Live Chats. Thank you to everyone who shared….I learned so much from your sharing. Love, Gail

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Everyone! I liked Gary’s question…Commitment to what? For me, it’s commitment to challenge everything in my awareness that keeps me from my wholeness, from my expression of love, from discovering the gifts I was born to give. That is why spiritual partners are so important to me. They help me see the parts of my personality that are based in fear that are so familiar to me, that I believe they are true and therefore do not recognize them as fear based. For example, I use to describe myself as a “shy” person. I did not see this as a fear based part of my personality….I believed it was true, it was who I was. This belief kept me small, and gave me “permission” to not stretch myself. I remained silent when I wanted to share…this part of my personality did not believe it had anything worth sharing and would become invisible when “extroverted” personalities were speaking. A spiritual partner brought this to my attention….and it took me a very long time to get in touch with this frightened part that was “shy” …to actually feel what this fear based part of my personality felt like in my body…and what it’s thoughts were…Today I am committed to not acting on this part of my personality when it is active…and share what is going on with me…and connect from the healthiest place I can with an open heart. Now that I am familiar with what this part feels like in my energy centers and recognize it’s thoughts, I act on it much less often. What are you committed to? Love, Gail

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Sundar, This is Gail. You are correct, the Live Chat will be at 12 p.m. PT today (Sunday, 9/13). Look forward to seeing you then! Love, Gail

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Joan and Welcome! Yes, I also resonate with Gary’s definition of spirituality… this definition puts something I once felt as “vague”into something practical that I can apply immediately, such as becoming aware of what I am feeling in my body throughout the day, i.e., (feeling the physical sensations in my energy centers and also noticing my thoughts) and practice taking responsibility for what I am experiencing emotionally, when it is so tempting to blame others for what I am feeling. I am very grateful for the tools Gary and Linda share that support me in making more choices from love vs. fear in my life.

Posted 9 years ago

I want to share an experience that points to Intention. I few nights ago, I want to a dinner party. When I left the party, I was in pain…I felt tightness in my throat, chest and solar plexus. What happened? I reviewed the evening when I got home. I realized my words/conversations felt forced….and I “tried” to think of things to talk about. My focus was on “me” and how I was being perceived. I “thought” I was present at the time, and as I reviewed the evening, I realized I was not aware of what I was feeling in my body (energy centers) or aware of my thoughts. I was not aware of my intention in the moment, but I knew it came from fear because I felt tightness in my body…which indicates to me that my intention did not come from love. I had another opportunity last night to do things differently. I was invited to a birthday party. Before going, I set my intention to be as present as possible (be aware of what I was feeling in my energy centers and notice my thoughts) and to share from my heart. I had a completely different experience! I actually ENJOYED myself! Words flowed effortlessly and I felt connected to the people I was sharing with… I also cared about them.. My chest and solar plexus felt open and my body in general felt lighter. The Universe supported me, yet again, with an opportunity to do things differently…to create from love this time, and not from fear (unconsciousness). I am very grateful for this opportunity to have a “do over” and to be reminded again of the power of Intention.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Blake, If you see this message in time, we will be chatting “live” on the Community Board at 10 a.m. Pacific time, Sunday, Sept. 6. Join us and see what the topics are! Best Gail

Posted 10 years ago

Hello Berta and Welcome, I too am grateful to have found the teachings/tools of creating authentic power. It has been and will always be a living (not stagnant) journey….a process…and what a journey it has been so far! How did you discover the Life School calls? Have you read Gary and Linda’s books? I’ve been participating in workshops and retreats that Linda and Gary have given over the years, and I am curious about your experiences. Looking forward to hearing from you. Blessings, Gail

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Stephanie and Welcome! I’m finding that the journey to creating authentic power is a process and I am grateful to be part of this community. I just re-listened to the last Life School call about making all of my interactions count and I am amazed at what I heard the second time. For example, when I become aware that I am acting from a frightened part of my personality (withdrawing), I can “step out” of that energy and “step into” ….reach for, the most loving part of my personality that I can in that moment and choose to energetically engage, give my full attention to the person I am withdrawing from as a challenge to the fear based part of my personality that would rather judge and withdraw. In the past, I had been believing that when a very strong (familiar) part of my personality is triggered…..It’s going to take a fair bit of time for me to “shift” my energy into a more loving place….and using this as an excuse to continue to make the other person “wrong” until I “had my space” and “allowed time” to shift from fear to love. I am so grateful that I followed intuition to re-listen to this call. I feel it was the Universe supporting me and I chose to follow through.
I’m looking forward to hearing about your experiences Stephanie. With Love, Gail

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Carmen,

Welcome. How did you originally discover the Life School and what books have you read by Gary or Gary and Linda? Love, Gail

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Esteban,

I was going to suggest Heart of the Soul as well. It goes into detail about emotional awareness
and goes into depth about frightened parts of the personality that has supported me so much. I would
encourage you to do the exercises provided in each chapter….they were very eye opening for me (and still are). Love, Gail

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Esteban,

I have taken the on-line course and found it extrememly supportive in learning about authentic power, what it is and how to create it. It also goes into depth on emotional awareness, which is essential in creating authentic power. I appreicated the ability to re-visit the chapters/questions at any time and see how or if my responses had changed because my answers are achived, for easy cmparison from a previous time to the present.
You may have already started the on-line course, and if you haven’t I would encourage you to experiment
and try it. If you do, please let me know your thoughts, I would enjoy hearing from you.

Blessings Gail

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