Forum Replies Created
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Posted 12 years ago
I wanted to follow up on my previous post since time has moved on with the course. I want to start off by stating that I am really finding value and appreciation in the personal sharings that Linda is offering the group. I like them because they are new ones that I have not heard in the last 4 years and I find that the experiences that Linda has shared, have either resonated with me and have been validation of what I am experiencing, challenging as I learn more deeply about myself in the course or I am having some reactions to what she has said, which I have been using as an opportunity to really look more closely at myself and move to deeper layers of frightened parts that have been coming up for me. These opportunities have been wonderful for me to see where I am not feeling loving about myself, not feeling compassionate or forgiving of myself. I find this gift of Linda’s offering to be a gift that continues to be the gift that keeps on giving. I am looking forward to re-listening to some of the phone calls, so that I can learn even more about myself where I have been unconscious and where I project my frightened parts on others instead of feeling the pain of what is really going on with me. This course has gotten me to look at all my major frightened parts more deeply and I have been able to release some distance with family members that are still alive and even some that are not and as I went through my Mom’s transition to the light, the tools were very helpful as my Mom declined from dementia. It was amazing how I could use the guidelines and experiences with someone, Mom who was no longer able to speak and recognize me, and to challenge in the present moment what this brought up for me and to be as loving, heart centered and compassionate. I have also been using the guidelines at some of my meetings that I attend at my church treating my fellow board members as spiritual partners as much as they have been open to my supporting them. I have experienced more opportunities to choose love over fear, and self forgiveness and compassion at the times that I chose fear in moments of exhaustion and deep emotional pain. I have been grateful also for chapter 6 in using intuition, there has been more opportunity to use and trust my intuition since experiencing this chapter and I have also seen where acknowledging and using my intuition has activated fear and working with some of those fears that feel like love that are not, and then taking the opportunity to take personal responsibility for not following my intuition regardless of how painful accepting the consequences are. I mention these because each experience has truly been a gift for the growth of my soul, which I have set my intention to heal those parts that I am now aware of that control me, and the discovery that I have so many more than I originally thought is priceless. Thank you for the opportunity to grow, learn and share with the others in the group calls they have been very helpful as well to “see” my spiritual partners as souls even though we were on the phone. Its been an eye opening experience. Namaste and love, Pamela |
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Posted 12 years ago
Berta, Do you intend to continuing posting to this message board when the e-course is complete? If so I would love to find a way to continue connecting with you. Love, Pamela |
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Posted 12 years ago
Absolutely beautiful Kristen, the gifts of a relationship that continue to keep on giving. I am so glad that you were able to see in that moment how you were able to support your client and how she supported you as well. Thank you for sharing what your intention to create authentic power has done for you. Love, Pamela |
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Posted 12 years ago
Thanks everyone for your sharing, it has been helpful for me to see what you have been experiencing because it has invited me to look at other areas that I had not yet to see what I was not aware of. I had a long week last week and this week with this same fear becoming activated, seems that now I have set my intention to become more conscious of it, I have been getting more opportunities to challenge it. I have had some times where I have not fully challenged it and found myself indulging the fear and not caring because the pain was so intense. I of course immediately knew what the consequences would be before they showed up or had to accept the consequences that did occur as a result. The good news is that for as many times that I indulged the fears that came up when I did remember to scan, I was able to shift into a healthier place, and the number of times this happened was far greater than when I chose to indulge. I have observed with my primary spiritual partner at home that our fears have been engaging each other more frequently as well since I set this intention to heal this fp that does not want me to feel the good. There have been some days this week and last that I have done some healing work on myself energetically, and my vibration has been raised and then I get triggered and I have been struggling to not remain stuck in it, which has been causing me to go right back to the lower vibrations and energy that I am not wanting to remain in. We have been able to support each other through these moments, and I have had some shifts occur rather quickly in the last few days. In the past when this would happen I would have walls of separation and distance up for days, after 4 years of working with this fp. I am now able to scan and find a way back to my heart to center and now the reaction can last anywhere from a few minutes to only a few hours. I have experienced since this week’s call that I have had more opportunities to look at this and I have experienced some difficulty in letting it go, its not that I hold onto it for the entire day, but, it keeps coming back every few minutes or hours. I keep breathing it in and sending out love, compassion and peace as I sit with the feelings that have come up for healing. Is anyone else noticing an increase in the intensity???? In love and light, |
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Posted 12 years ago
I wanted to express deep gratitude for the E-course, the calls and for those who have used their courage to share within this community. Its been a 2 weeks and a half of opportunities to learn more about myself, and the support by the sharing of others in this community has assisted me into reaching into my courage to challenge through fears within me that have come up for review and healing. This course is taking me down a path of compassion and unconditional love for myself and others that I did not expect yet was open to receiving. I am finding myself detaching from more of my stories and fears that have been controlling my life as I move more deeply into my heart. Thank you to everyone for choosing to use your courage to choose love over fear. Namaste, Pamela |
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Posted 12 years ago
Rhea and Berta, sounds like both of you are off to a great start with using the spiritual guidelines. I find that as time goes by the feeling of really loving yourself (myself) for making healthy, positive choices becomes a daily experience and is a well spring of self love and inner joy. Remembering to be enjoy yourself each day and to be gentle with yourself in this healing process is key. Thank you for sharing your experiences and being open to support in a new community. I find your courage to be inspiring. Namaste, |
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Posted 12 years ago
Yes Diananda FPs are frightened parts. On the seat of the soul website there is a link for free tools, there is a link for the vocabulary that will come up in the form of a PDF file that can be printed off. This will assist you in understanding all of the terms. To learn more in depth about the vocabulary and how to work with the concepts the following books written by Gary and Linda are very helpful: The Heart of the Soul, The Seat of the Soul and Spiritual Partnership. All 3 of these books have been very helpful for me over the last 4 years. Namaste, Pamela Mann |
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Posted 12 years ago
Cheryl, Let me clarify for you “stuffing” in my sentence above. At times I find that my Mom’s mood and emotions can shift dramatically and quickly. In order to attempt to keep up and remain grounded and focused, I am not always able to really “sit” and fully allow myself to feel and lean into the emotion that has come up because I had to get back to Mom. So I did an abbreviated version of moving through it and letting it go, without fully doing so. My mind told me I was letting it go, roll off my back etc and that I fully dealt with it and it was gone…..rather than fully honoring and accepting that was going on. The best I can describe is because the pace was moving it was more like I took the anger I was experiencing and sweeping it under a rug or placing in a closet or a hole in the ground until I could come back to it later. I never fully let go of the anger, I made an appointment with myself to come back to address the issue and then never came back to it until triggered it again. This was a quick shift for Mom’s sake so I thought and maybe it really was a full release, yet it felt like I was “faking it until I make it”. I realized it was so that I wouldn’t upset my Mom so that I would not have painful consequences or a sleepless night later. So I was trying to control my environment and hers to keep us both happy from my perception and perspective only. The challenge of acting and living lovingly and consciously with someone who is not fully able to do so in return due to a physical deterioration of the brain has had some very intense and challenging moments, filled with opportunities to choose love over fear. I think that I feel that when I am stuffing I am allowing myself to trade off one indulgence of fear for another one……this just came to me as I was typing the above. This is a pattern and fear that has controlled me since I was a child in my relationship with my Mom and I am ready to no longer allow this fear to control me. Love, Pamela |
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Posted 12 years ago
Hello Cheryl and Jenny, your discussions have been helpful to me to remember to stop when feeling the anger and donthe opposite of whY I want to do. I have been working this sin e before my first journey and Cheryl’s experience and reaction to do somthing different is usually what I do. I am finding that dealing with my Mom and her dementia is really showing me deeper parts of my anger that have been stuffed and suppressed. I find that when exhausted and rumning on low sleep and energy, that even though o am consciously aware that I am in a reaction that i am still experiencing difficulty not expressing it and when I do something that I think is opposite it really isn’t that I am stuffing it for later tonkeep the situation from escalating. I have also become aware of a new thought pattern in this situation,y thoughts are well she has dementia and she wont remember or willl forget onba few minutes or by the end of the day and this is where my loving parts dont want me too, but innthe exhaustion inreach a place of not caring and I do not want to do this at all. It doesn’t help the situation at all especially when I have to be firm with Mom when she is getting ready to do something dangerous. Any suggestions to help me challenge it then? Thanks! |
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Posted 12 years ago
This has become a core one of focus within the past 3 weeks although i have discovered that this worry about my future has actually controlled me most of my life. I have envoked healing in another course in prosperity and it focuses on the interma blocks and fears and releasing them so I am not surprised it is so front and center. This. ame up 3 weeks ago when I was terminated from my position at work in a mutual parting of ways. Just as i was trying to figure out wht kind of different job i wanted to take as i work to grow my own personal business, my Mom went to the hospital and needed |
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Posted 12 years ago
Eric, |