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Posted 9 years ago
Hi Kathy, Thank you for your sharing on this forum. No, I did not ever find my response to David’s question. But rereading our original posts reminds me that I always want to look at my intention and do my best to come from love when supporting anyone, including myself. Good to hear from you. Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Sundar, I spoke with 3 classes for about 35 minutes each, and then afterwards also. Amazing what love can achieve in a short amount of time. One word can have the power of an atom. π Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Kathy, Welcome to this amazing journey! How did you hear about Gary & Linda? Have you read any of their books? Would love to hear how you came to be part of the Life School. Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Steph, Good to share this conversation with you. Have you read Heart of the Soul? I’m assuming you’ve read Seat of the Soul but I don’t know that for sure. Becoming emotionally aware and making responsible choices are at the “heart” of creating authentic power for me. It does take practice, but the more I do it, the more likely I am to make the responsible choice. It doesn’t mean that my fp thoughts don’t still try to get their way, it’s that I am more aware of them, and the consequences of indulging them. I do my best to make a more loving choice in the moment of being tempted by my fp. I set my intention to act from the most loving place that I can in that moment. I also ask for support from spiritual partners, physical and non physical. Happy Practicing!!! Would love to hear more from you. With Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Everyone, Yes it is indeed a joy to share with my spiritual partners. Sharing my journey and your journey with you, supports me in being courageous and loving on this journey. I recently took the opportunity presented to me to use my Courage as outlined in the Authentic Power Guidelines. I had a meeting with a gentleman who frequently triggers my fp’s of judgment and blame. Usually when I use my Courage it is in the context of saying something that I need to say, but from a lp, not from a fp as I have tended to do in the past. This time I used my Courage to not speak from a fp that wanted to engage his fp. Much more challenging to look at my intention and not put my verbal guard up. Verbally guarding my fp image of myself as needing protection from something or someone. Using my Courage in this way was more difficult. When I didn’t speak it left this void that my fp didn’t want to look at. Looking at myself and feeling this deep pain; I more deeply understand the pain of powerlessness. But thinking that my power was gained by controlling outside myself, is no longer what I believe. And when I am able to use my Courage to support my growth, it is an “aha” moment that shows me what true power, authentic power, is. This fp of feeling that I need to protect myself, is a very familiar one. I’ve spent much of my life honing my verbal skills and allowing my fp’s to use them. My intention is to use my talents from a loving part that not only benefits my life, but the lives of those with whom I have the blessing and opportunity to interact. With Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
I’m thrilled to be here too!! Sharing with all of you, mu spiritual partners, nurtures my own growth. Blessings, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello Everyone, The story continues…so many opportunities! What I have realized in a deeper way this week is, that were it not for my Commitment to my spiritual growth, I/fp would likely be sitting here this morning with my judgmental, superior, blaming thoughts about the occurrences this past week. I would have be on the fp roller coaster of ups and downs, contentment and disappointment, happiness and sadness. All of those feelings have been present, but instead of identifying with them, I have stepped back so that I can see more clearly what they are here to teach me. I’ve probably experienced more pain in my heart and solar plexus this week than I can recall. But each time it came up, I did my best to focus on my Commitment. Just doing that took me out of the fp story into my heart and soul’s desire to change my life from fear to love. It was still painful because at times I went into a fp of regret for my past actions. But feeling the pain is now much more likely to stimulate a response that wants to challenge it and grow. Thank you Dr. Maya for making me aware that when I know better, I do better. I know the triggers for these deep fp’s are still active. But staying Committed has taken me to a whole different view of my life. One that includes so much love and appreciation for everyone and every opportunity in it. My heart is full!!! With Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hello Everyone, On Monday I posted about experimenting with the Authentic Power Guidelines by specifically concentrating on one of the four sections over a period of a week or so each. Today I had a wonderful experience with Committment. I had a meeting to go to where I had to interact with someone who triggers a lot of my fp’s. This had been an ongoing situation for several months now, and I have been very aware that I want to use this as an opportunity to challenge those fp’s and grow. Today was a pivotal meeting with a lot of ideas being discussed. It lasted 2.5 hours. This gentleman also has fp’s active that I feel sure he is unaware of, and my fp’s in the recent past have been oh so happy to engage his. Not today!! I set my intention to focus on what I could learn about myself. I felt judgment arise when he spoke. I felt superiority, indifference, blame…I’m sure there were others but these were the ones I was most aware of. Initially there was a burning in my chest and solar plexus. I felt the need to clear my throat, and when I started to speak the first time, my voice was raspy. But I was still aware that I wanted to challenge these fp’s. So I changed my perspective to do my best to see him as a soul, not an adversary. I sat and listened to him when he spoke with the intention to really hear him, giving up the thought that I already knew what he was going to say. I looked at what I had done to create the distance I felt from him. I had only been looking at it from a 5 sensory view. I paid attention to my emotions, my thoughts, and most of all my intention. Then slowly an amazing thing began to happen. I really did hear him, I released the distance I was feeling, I felt a deep compassion for both him and myself. By the end of the meeting I realized that I had not once thought of the many times he triggered my fp’s in the past and I had believed it. I didn’t speak very much in this meeting. I saw that the reason I spoke in the past with him, was through indulging a fp that felt superior and judgmental. I didn’t need to or want to give that fp any further voice. I was aware of the other parts of the APG’s – Courage, Compassion & Conscious Communication and Actions. But I want to become so familiar with each part, that it becomes a more automatic “light bulb” that comes on more quickly when I get into a familiar fp or a fp story. I felt almost bouyant when I left the meeting – indeed lifted up and supported by the Universe. Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for your sharings. Cindy when you talked about connecting with whom you were speaking, it supported me in staying conscious and really connecting soul to soul with whomever I am with. I had the opportunity to do just that this morning. I needed some clarification about a situation in which I’m a Court Advocate for a young man. I had to talk with someone in this case who has in the past triggered a lot of my fp’s. I set my intention before meeting with him to see him as a soul and connect in that way instead of getting caught up in my fp story. As he spoke I felt his sincerity and my own as we talked about what was soon going to happen for this child. I know that my fp’s have not allowed me to see him in this way before. Through my fp’s of judgment and superiority in the past, I have not seen his genuine smile and ever felt the connection to him as I did this morning. Our ideas about how to accomplish a goal may differ, but my intention is to do my best to maintain my awareness of our connection as souls. |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Stephanie and All who are with us on this Community Board, I just thought of an experiment that I’m going to do and wonder if you would be interested in joining me. Over the next couple weeks I’m going to look at each of the Guidelines and post about how I was able to focus on and use them. For example today I’ll start with Commitment, and sometime in the next few days or week, I will post about how being aware of my Commitment – making my spiritual growth my highest priority – has supported me in challenging fp’s and nurturing my lp’s. It would be great to hear from you and continue our dialog. With Love & Appreciation, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Sundar, I would love to hear how creating authentic power has changed your life. Would you share some examples about how you’ve challenged frightened parts. I appreciate the reminder that the Universe creates opportunities all the time for me to grow spiritually. I am aware of this frequently, but know that I/fp also forget to live in the moment and don’t always see them. Think I’m going to put that on my bathroom mirror. Look forward to hearing from you. Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Stephanie, I really appreciate your sharing. Have you downloaded (from the website) the Authentic Power Guidelines? They pinpoint what creating authentic power is about. They are free and it’s what I refer to over and over again as I do my best to create from love, not fear. Did I understand you to say that you are coming to the Journey to the Soul in Portland in July? I go back every year as a means to stay connected to this marvelous, supportive community and maintain my focus on my spiritual growth. It would be such a pleasure to meet you there. I can feel in your words your openness to learning and growing. Nothing in my life to date – just celebrated my 69th birthday – has given me the tools and support to challenge the fear in my life, and to create the love and authentic power, as doing this work has. Would love to hear more from you. Thank you so much. Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Thanks Gladys and Cindy for your posts. Great topic – things I want to get done this year. I was with spiritual partners this weekend, and yesterday at the close of our time together I had this marvelous insight about just that thing. But it came a little more concisely than in the next year. I want to stay open and aware each second of my life, and use this time more wisely than I have in my life thus far. The precious gift that I’ve been given of being born and living at this time, in this body and accompanied by all those who support my life. My fp’s tell me that’s a pretty big undertaking, but from the most loving part of my personality, the part the Universe backs, I am setting my intention to stay as open and aware as I can, and use each moment as an opportunity to grow in love. I too am looking at how much my fp’s judge, especially myself, and who and what in my life am I/fp merely tolerating. Thanks so much for your sharing. It’s given me a lot to think about. Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Nikki, Welcome!! One of the best things for me about creating authentic power in my life is that I am becoming more and more aware of frightened parts of my personality that try to control my life, and in many cases, when I was unaware of them, they did just that. Because of my committment to this practice, I am now aware of the gift it is, that the Universe has brought them to my attention; they do not have nearly the unconscious control they once did. The fp’s (frightened parts) still come up. But the joy of being able to create the life I was born to live, is indescribable. Have you read Seat of the Soul or Heart of the Soul? They describe the process of creating authentic power, and how to use it in our lives. Would love to hear more from you and how you are doing. With Love, Pam |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Wveryone, Would love to hear what experience of illusion you had that you were able to see clearly and appreciate as an opportunity to grow. Love, Pam |