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Posted 5 years ago

Dear Sundar,

Thanks for the contact, wishing me all the best.

It is much appreciated.

Love Ros x

Posted 5 years ago

Hi Lillieth and Sarjvit,

Nice to hear from you as it is all my spiritual friends from this group.

It’s been a couple of weeks (at least) since I’ve written anything here.

My only excuse is, is that life challenges/commitments have got in my way recently. At the moment I cannot see too many free days ahead of me to read my book (Seat of the Soul) or liaise with any of you in any in depth conversations. I’m doing fine, especially knowing I am part of this group of people whom are looking at growing spiritually. Whatever worldly things I am caught up with I know I’m not alone. I have definitely had a shift in my thinking since starting to read Seat of my Soul and the privilege of listening to Gary’s talks that are available on this site. It’s great that some of his talks are only a few mins long.

I’m guessing as this site has gone a bit quiet at the present time, I’m not the only one whom has had the days fly by them a bit too fast lately.

Warm regards for now.

Love Ros ????

Posted 5 years ago


Thank you for your thoughts and support on this. I’ll see if others have some suggestion/thoughts on what I wrote otherwise yes I’ll start a new thread in a week or so.

Love Ros

Posted 6 years ago

Dear Karel, actually as I was typing my messages to a few people last night, I was thinking the same as you- I’m loving this connection I’ve made with you and others, however yes it’s a fact it’s time consuming and I’m starting to find who have I said what to.

Maybe we could open our conversations up with something of a generic nature eg. “Hi to all my spiritual friends” and then open up our conversation from there. A thought I have right this very minute is “are we using this site in a way it is intended to be used? I see. I believe Sundar has been a member for quite a few years so Sundar if you are reading this post do you have any suggestions for us newcomers? Karel I noticed when Sundar replied to you and me, she addressed both of us in the one conversation, so I’m thinking yes let’s go for it and write as we would if we were meeting physically as a group of friends.

In closing, as this particular avenue we are using to communicate is called “Community” I feel its a communal site for us all to communicate within it. In fact there is possibly guidelines about using this site that I have yet to discover and read up on. When I write anything on here, I’m mindful that what I write to an individual, others may read too. I’m fine with this.

I’m interested about what others think on this subject too Karel. ☺️

Posted 6 years ago

Hi Lori, nice to hear back from you. I’m about half way through the book and have been writing small notes to go back on after I finished reading the whole book which I hope will be by sometime next week.

Tis the middle of the night here in Perth. I fell asleep around 8ish which is super early for me. Then awoke at around 1.30ish. Probably not a good thing to reach for electronic equipment in the middle of the night. I did attempt to listen to some relaxing music; however that didn’t relax me (ha ha).

I notice you have asked me a couple of questions re the book (I think) . I won’t stimulate my brain too much right now by answering them, however will endeavour to in the next week or two. If I don’t answer any of your questions ie. if I forget to, please feel free to prompt me for answers.

I don’t want to loose the continuity of us connecting, even if it means just writing a few lines to one another when we can. I’ve got a few things I need to sort out when I’m not feeling so fatigued which I’m hoping is within the next few days. I’m trying to eliminate all the material things in my apartment that I no longer use (not sure if I already mentioned that to you). By having less possessions I’m hoping this will allow me to grow spiritually by having more time to focus on the spiritual aspect of my life.

Cheers for now Lori (and it’s nice to receive your emojis) so hear is one back to you. ????

Posted 6 years ago

Hi Becky, so lovely to hear, like me you are excited to be part of life school. I joined a couple of weeks ago and I’m enjoying the interaction I’m having with other new members. Other new members, it seems are excited as we feel. It will be nice if we can continue to support one another on this new chapter of our lives we are embarking on.

Also like you, I’ve had a period of sickness where I have been in bed a lot. This time I feel I’ve used as wisely as I can……”firstly to be still” allowing me to think more about myself. Secondly to act on my thoughts (and findings) as I have by joining life school. The third I feel may be the more challenging (for me) which will be to commit to what Gary and Linda have made available; to take their wisdom seriously and make the changes necessary for me to become more spiritually aware. I know myself well enough to know I don’t always stay committed to a specific task at hand. I get excited at first and then for some reason my excitement wanes. If I look at this consciously- as I write this – in the past I haven’t used my time as wisely as I could have. I’ve used my time not consciously thinking how precious time is. I’ve spent a lot of hours in my life being a people pleaser; not associating with like minded people and as a consequence I end up not feeling as fulfilled as I possibly could be. One thing I’m finding and thought of recently is that I need to prioritise what I spend my precious time on and who with.

I’m about half way through reading Seat of the Soul for the first time. Presently as I read parts that resonate with me I’m jotting down small notes to go back on after I finish the entire book. I liken my newest experience of reading the Seat of the Soul book and Gary’s and Linda’s website to looking at a food menu. There are so many choices “on this menu” and I certainly won’t be able to “eat all the meals” available to me in one sitting. Little by little I’m hoping to choose what my mind needs the most to be nourished at any given time. Not sure what I’ve said makes sense to you. What I’m attempting to get across, is this menu (of opportunity) is exciting to me right now.

Becky in closing, I look forward to more interaction with you in the future and wish you all the best for a speedy recovery.

Love Roslyn

Posted 6 years ago

Dear Karel, lovely to hear back from you and not at all was your reply to me scattered. I easily understood and could comprehend all that you wrote. Tis 1am in the wee hours of Wednesday morning here in Perth and my phone tells me tis 10am Tuesday morning in Washington State – so you are right in the fact that here in Perth we are 15 hours exactly ahead of you in your part of the world.

I will try and keep this message short and reply in more detail in the next day or two. However, I am very intrigued that you belonged to “a church” where you were a student of Christianity for 40 years. I also was a student of Christianity. I was a practicing JW from the age of 38 (1988 till mid 2000’s). I started studying at a time when I was questioning what is life all about? I must say I do believe that being a JW taught me a lot and I funnily I don’t have regrets I being one. However for me, it was very hard to start thinking for myself once I left the organisation. I don’t know what church you belonged to however I can fully relate to everything you have written in your message that I’ve just read. I’ heard an ex JW lady contributing (part of their audience) to one of Gary’s and Linda’s old talk back shows only a few days ago. I cannot remember now what the topic was on, however I clearly remember that she was quite distraught about not being able to think freely for herself while she was a JW. As I write this, in large print at the back of the seat of the soul book it states “The Seat of the Soul encourages you to become the authority in your own life”. How grateful I feel and I’m sure thousands of others feel to be part of a group (the life school) whom supports and encourages us to use our minds and think. I have to say I did (and still do) miss the fellowship of my ex fellow worshipers. But hey, I guess that’s the price we pay for questioning authority. I’m certainly not looking back, I choose to look forward to learning more about myself; about others; challenging my beliefs and to chatting with like minded people like yourself. A new chapter of my life has begun and I wish you much personal fulfilment in yours too Karel.

As I mentioned I promise I’ll respond in more detail to your most welcomed reply to me and Sundar in a couple of days.

Bye for now Karel,

Take care;

Love Roslyn

Posted 6 years ago

Dear Lori, so lovely to hear back from you. It makes me feel so much better that you feel the same as I do on many levels. I haven’t shared in so much detail what I wrote to you with any one else. It has shown me, by allowing myself to be vulnerable that I am not alone in my thinking. So I really appreciate you sharing with me too and your message made sense to me. I find it’s a bit hard typing and then I too wonder if what I’ve written makes sense also.

I haven’t read yet where Gary says we can only do so much reading; thinking; meditating and praying – tis interesting that you mention this, as I have often thought the same thing. Are his comments from the Spiritual Partnership Book? I am thinking of buying that book and also of joining the e-course Authentic Power and Spiritual Partnerships which I’m pretty sure uses that book. I looked at a preview of the workshop last night – it looks good.

Thanks also for sharing the fact that you learned from reading the Spiritual Partnership book that it is about a Spiritual relationship with ourselves. That interests me very much……I was thinking of it as being in a Spiritual Partnership with someone else. Definitely will be ordering the book now that I know what you’ve told me.

I’m halfway through reading Seat of the Soul and finding it very deep in places. I’m finding I need to re read some bits and read some sentences out loud. I need to break the information down so I can fully understand what Gary has written. Also if I still need clarification I look under the heading on the life school home page “All Teachings” and find the subject I need further help on. I haven’t got into answering the study guide at the back of the book as yet. Tried answering some questions, but put the questions in the too hard basket for now. I will get more serious about answering the questions when I re read the book.

Well it’s been lovely chatting with you Lori and I very much look forward to us connecting some more and learning more about each other too. Did you read my introduction? That I am from Western Australia. Where do you live? Time here is 30mins after midnight. I am a night owl, however that’s ok as I am retired so no need for me to get up super early these days. I often wish I was an early riser, however I’m not! My grandmother lived until she was 105. I was very close to her and I know for a fact that after she retired she very rarely went to bed before midnight. So I figure going to bed late sure didn’t shorten her life. She was born in 1898 and passed away in 2003. Lived through the whole of the 20th century and had her wits about her pretty much until the end of her life.

Well will end off now..

Until we chat again – take care, would love to know a bit more about you Lori and feel free to ask me any questions about myself.

Bye for now

Love Ros

Posted 6 years ago

Thank you Robina for the above information. I purchased the book from my local bookstore yesterday arvo and am now into my second chapter of it. After what you have said about your friends experience and after me reading just the first chapter of the book, I can clearly understand how listening on a CD would be challenging for me too. I’m actually finding that I continually need to re read sentences as I’m not understanding some things very easily.

For me, I can see I will need to read this book more than once to understand some things that I’m not fully grasping at the moment.

The great thing I am experiencing thus far, is in reading this book, I also have at my fingertips the availability to take advantage of listening to the information from the talks Gary and Linda have made available for us online. I’m finding this experience very unique; I’d be interested in any tips people can give me on using this site to its fullest potential.

I may get the CD further down the track. On some levels I don’t grasp information very easily so for me repetition is my best way of learning. I find my heart takes in information, however I find it difficult if someone was to ask me what I have read. Like the first lot of questions from chapter one. It was overwhelming for me, looking at the questions and not knowing the answers. I need to be patient with myself. All will be good.

Thank you again Robina for your reply. I very much appreciate it. I’ve been physically unwell for nearly a month now. So while I’m recuperating I’m very much enjoying the interaction of people’s suggestions/knowledge.

I’m looking forward to feeling physically stronger and continuing on my spiritual journey.

Love Roslyn

Posted 6 years ago

Hi Lori,

Welcome Lori – as a newcomer myself, I’m looking forward to making new friends and certainly open to whatever new opportunities present themselves to me.

I picked up my book “Seat of the Soul” book yesterday and I’m finding it hard to put down. After listening to some of Gary’s and Linda’s recordings I now have some much wanted answers to questions in my mind that have puzzled me for years.

I was starting to think of myself as an alien on this planet called Earth. One of my biggest questions to myself was why don’t I feel I fit in with others. I have the ability to communicate with other people well and because I genuinely have a love for people, people (new acquaintances and old friends/family) will often say I am “ different” from other people they know.

Most of my friends and family like to watch (what I think are mundane tv shows), they are passionate about the daily news of this world; about politics and sport and going on endless shopping sprees and holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I used to do all those things once too, however personally now and for the past 30 years they give me very little long lasting satisfaction – although I have to say I do love traveling (solo) to other parts of the world when I get the opportunity to do so.

In closing, since 1988, predominantly my focus in life has been to gather information with my intention being to improve myself; to understand my feelings and how I respond to others and my surroundings.

It’s been an interesting time for me over the past 30 years. I’ve cried a lot; I’ve laughed at myself a lot and I have to say I’ve enjoyed becoming my own very best friend. I’m looking forward to how other people have personally evolved and what their experiences have been. I feel like I’ve felt like “an alien” on this earth long enough. Time for connection for me, to be part of a group that can support one another in our individual and group journeys. Oh boy I feel I’m getting a “bit deep” here.

Back to reading my book with the hope of reading and taking in knowledge and understanding of all the books Gary and Linda have thus far written. Exciting times for me at the moment.

With love


Posted 6 years ago


Thanks again for your most recent response to me. Yes I will definitely be purchasing Seat of the Soul next week. I’m eager to get my hands on a copy of it. There is a copy available at my local book store. I’ve also seen online that there is a audio CD. I’m thinking of ordering it however before I do, do you happen to know if they are a series of CD’s of the actual book. I think maybe they are but not 100 per cent sure. If you don’t know, I may take the gamble and get them anyway. I like listening to CD’s at night – a calming voice like Gary’s carrying so much wisdom is sure to have good health benefits for me and to assist me in relaxing my overactive mind.

From all the positive, appreciative and heartwarming comments about Gary (and Linda) I can see why you only choose to read his/their books. I’ve just been reading from this site some of the lovely inspirational letters people around the world sent to Gary for his 70th Birthday. From those letters I can see Gary is loved and respected by so so many people and that He has humbly and sincerely had such a wonderful impact on so many peoples lives. I’m excited to learn from his teachings.

Coming across this site and the video of Gary and Oprah has opened my eyes and heart to the fact that I have access to some wonderful ways to keep spiritually growing. How grateful I feel at this very moment.


I re read your reply to me and also during my search to learn more about this site this arvo, I can see that you are a fairly new member too. I feel you are as excited to learn from Gary’s and Linda’s teachings as much as I am. Am I correct in thinking you are?

Once again love to you both. I hope you have a pleasant Saturday over your part of the world as the day approaches a close here in Perth.


Posted 6 years ago

Hi Michael, I see where you have mentioned that you are looking to connect with others. I’m curious as a newcomer, have you managed to connect with others? I’m trying to understand how one connects successfully on an ongoing basis.



Posted 6 years ago

Dear Sundar and Karel – words do not quite express my gratitude to you both enlightening me on me feeling fearful. When I first introduced myself it is true, I did feel I was out of my depth. In hindsight I think I know why. It was my fear of the unknown and more technologically based than anything else.

Your responses to my fear have been thought provoking and I sincerely thank you both for enquiring further on where was my fear coming from. I know in my heart if I was attending a support group, meeting people (in person) whom I thought were on the same journey as me near my home or for that matter I was visiting another Australian State or overseas ie. the US I would be excited and far from feeling fearful. I thrive on learning “parts of me” that are actually unknown to me. Generally speaking I am open to the opinions of others and how they see me. I am not fearful of learning to become a more open and honest person, whom feels comfortable to speak my truth from my heart with integrity and conviction- all the while maintaining a sense of humility and trust.

I love to be challenged on why I think the way I do. However I need to clarify “my love to be challenged” as to date being challenged has mostly been by way of face to face or via phone conversations and not by the means of a keyboard. To talk one on one, via phone or even in a group conversation appears much easier to me. As you have mentioned Sundar if I communicate a few more times like I am now it will become easier. I trust what you are saying to be true and like most things in life patience and perseverance is required. I’ve found time tells a story for me and reveals a “truth” in me as to how long I am willing to persevere and be patient with myself for an outcome. At the moment it sure seems like it would have been a lot quicker to talk than type. I realise that would be the same for most of us…….especially us oldies – that for possibly the first half of our lives didn’t have exposure to the type of technology in today’s world. Like a wise friend once said to me there are the positives and the negatives to many aspects of life. Wow I need to add at this point how inspired I am by you Karel! Coming up 80. I don’t know you well , however I’m sure you have had your fair share of technological challenges. However I’m assuming that, and may be well out of order in saying this. You may have worked in the field of computers for all I know.

I’m sure you will be happy to know that during my waking hours (which has been a lot)… in the past 48 hours I have been “addicted” to much of Gary and Linda’s videos and some of the views of what others have written on this forum. I am learning that I have heaps to learn – especially understanding our different ways of communicating. What I mean by this is, my observation thus far is that I feel I am picking up on those conversations a certain style of communicating where it is evident to me that you both have a lot of knowledge/understanding on Gary’s and Linda’s style/way of communicating…….I may be incorrect in my observations and I am happy to be challenged in this area, however not just yet as I haven’t read any of their books at this point. I must say I have loved reading your views on different subjects so I’m certainly not criticising you.

I was talking to my daughter yesterday about my discovery of Gary and his second book Seat of the Soul. She laughed and said “I’m way ahead of you Mum”!! Turns out she purchased Seat of the Soul in Dublin,Ireland when she was working/living there in the early 2000’s. She said she only recently passed it on to a Charity. I’ve yet to source a copy – hopefully soon.

This definitely has taken me a long time to write the above. I’ve written the above on an iPad with it resting on my knee. Not so good for my posture and certainly challenging my patience at the present time. I need to find a more comfortable way of communicating ie. maybe from my laptop which will be a challenge in itself to learn how to use it again.

In closing, I’ll say goodnight as it’s possibly bedtime over your part of the world. It is 10am here in Perth. Do you both live in the US and if so, can I ask what part of the US do you live in. I’d like to know so I know the time difference between you and me. I have visited a few parts of the USA in recent years. It’s on my bucket list to visit there again one day.

I’m really over typing now and I honestly don’t have the energy to re read what I have written so I’m going to press “submit” and hope for the best. My best being that I’ve written from my heart with the intention that you both understand what I have written and I haven’t rambled on too much. My outlook is I can only move forward and get better at communicating in this style.

Love to you both,


Posted 6 years ago


Thank you so much for reaching out to me with such love and kindness.

I know the fear comes from being out of my comfort zone and joining something on the internet is a little daunting I have to say.

At the same time because I am acting out of love to connect with other likeminded people, I intuitively know that everything will work out the way it’s meant to.

I just think I need to find my way around and become more familiar with this website. Then I’ll feel a bit more comfortable. I guess too, I feel much more comfortable talking face to face with someone and not liaising via a keyboard.

It’s good we are the same age. Where abouts do you live?

Look forward to chatting with you some more in the future.

With love and trust back to you..

Roslyn ????

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