The topic of ‘Stretching Yourself’ was excellent. Although many things come easily for me, there are a few that are simply much more easily ignored. At the last retreat, I was able to stretch and be able to discuss issues with the breakout groups. I came into that fearing the need to open up to others but found it quite exciting and valuable. This past Saturday, October 26, I got much out of Gary and Linda’s presentation before the groups. I raised my hand to give feedback on my progress since the previous month. As it turned out I felt more uncomfortable about it after I spoke than before. I just felt like my communication was just a lot of confusing words without any clarity. I was stretching to raise my hand, but it didn’t feel very good. Writing on this is also not comfortable. I will keep trying and see how it goes. I’m not sure if it is a frightened part of my personality of if I just don’t like doing it.