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Posted 10 years ago

Hi Pam,

Many thanks for your kind words.Your experience of 40 years really reassures me!I’m slowly letting go of control but it isnt easy!thanks for sharing again..being here in this community is very supportive.
peace love.

Posted 10 years ago

Thank you Rosalind thats very helpful.I’m also using I choose ‘love’ when I feel fear.
peace and Love.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi All,
Thank you for all your insight and advise.its been very helpful.
Sara you poised some great questions.yes I do feel painful sensations in my solar plexus/heart and eyes.I need to pay more attention to this.Basia yes it does feel I need my wife to be a certain way or I wont be fulfilled or happy in that moment-which comes and goes-I try to choose love as Gary says and that can guide me out.I think the ‘never’ is a big thing because its like this will never change but of course it does but in the moment it feels it won’t. Catherine you said have I had these feelings before and are they familiar.Yes most definitely and are very apparent when I’m in a relationship and this has often caused me to run in the past from all intimate relationships-thankfully I’m in a stronger place and being here has made me look deep inside me.My background is from divorced parents from 10 and an abusive alcoholic doubt a familiar story to many here.
In a nutshell when I get in the judgment mode its not ‘enough this isnt enough it needs to be more or my way’if that makes any sense.I’m looking upon all of thses things as learning lesson for my spirit and soul.I’m very glad to be here and grateful to you all.thank you.
Peace and love.


Posted 10 years ago

Dear Community,

I need your help.I’ve been on this spiritual road awhile and at times its easier than others.I’m in pain at the minute as I am catching myself judging my wife her form weight looks etc.(I’m married only few years)I know its very small minded I recognize feels like a conditioned pattern an attachment and creates fear and pain.
I love my wife dearly she is a wonderful loving person and a knockout when we go out!…she is also a great mother to our 16month old.I’ve read alot of Garys books and it all helps but im stuck at the minute.
Your thoughts help is very welcome…

peace Shane.

Posted 10 years ago

Hello Emily,

I have found this a great source of learning already in my short time here.peace and love.Shane

Posted 10 years ago

Hi All,

Rob thanks for sharing your situation.Yours mirrors mine..I like you am recently married 2.5 years.I know now that intuition guided me to my wife.I ran for years from relationships when the FPS came knocking.When I met my partner after about year I knew she was special and something just kept saying be with this woman marry her shes good for you.That was my intuition.Living 24/7 with anyone isn’t easy that human conditioning I suppose!…All in all when things feel stressed I generally know my FPS is activated.Then I can act out of a loving space.
I find meditating very helpful and almost re-energising.I also say to myself ‘so to this will pass’thats quite powerful.Also ‘I forgive and I love’.thats probably for me the most powerful mantra

I then flip it and say my old life was comfortable but was it challenging?…did it help me with spiritual growth?….NO my intuition has guided me to my present and now to this community.This is much more illuminating.The chapter on Heart is worth a read again.Keep it up brother….I’ll need your help too!

Eric, Steve thank you for sharing your insights and past.
Peace and Love

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Chi,

Meet your brother!….when I read your post I see first your conscious..what was your intention?… was kindness.A lot of people wouldn’t have dared told someone that.a tricky situation but you dealt with aptly and in don’t best yourself up.As Gary says be mindful of your intention….10 years ago would you have bothered?……well done that was loving act.

Peace love Shane.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Pam,

I agree with me its been a belief that since a child there is some higher power or intelligence.As you say now it is a part of the fabric of life.When I read Gary’s book 15 years ago it immediately resonated with me on a deep level and I cannot explain entirely why.Its by my bed!…I got the 25th edition recently..I regularly dip into it amongst others….Ekchart Tolle…Katie Byron..Louise Hayes.When I say man-made I feel anger/disappointment.I live in a catholic country and as you well know many failures around this-child abuse being the greatest-a number of friends I know were abused at the hands of the ‘church.I won’t go into all the religions but any beliefs that say we have answer only seems to me flawed and separates people?….I think what the Buddha teachings of inclusion and embracing all were probably along with Christ the most loving lessons/teachings.
Also Gary’s teachings are great and he is a true beacon of light.I’d love to know how he has such great insight..alot of deep introspection!..I’m really enjoying my journey and it is very challenging at times. I defintely get anew insight when I read it..sometimes during the day something will pop into my head where I recall an incident and where i was wrong and could have acted differently…they are nuggets!

Thank you.

Love and peace.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Steve,Chi,Pam,

I’ve been busy apologies thank you for your replies and help…what a resource!!…Its funny its like looking at yourself from the outside in.before I was so afraid and felt overwhelmed with fear that I was frozen.I’ve pretty much accepted all challenges that have come my way even if I was afraid but relationships and commitment I ran a mile!

I think that I’m going in the right direction and pulling out this bag of FPS and unravelling and challenging it.

Here is a Question-I hear Ekhart Tolle talk of Jesus and Buddha.I’m not religious myself-I think it is a man made construct of varying contradictions and discriminations to say the least-But like Tolle says some of what Jesus whoever he was is very profound much like Tolle or Gary Zukav.I find some beautiful quotes resonating …whats your opinion was he divine?

I’m not sure I can help anyone here but if you share and I can I certainly will.
peace and love.


Posted 11 years ago

Thank you Steve for your welcome.I’d like to share frightenend parts of my personality(FPSP) that I’ve been having-maybe you could share your thoughts guidance and anyone else.

For most of my life I’ve tried to control the external world -external power-to make me happy.As we know it doesn’t work!!slowly as I’ve got older I’ve been able to let go alot of things.daily I try not to let any situation be a problem and always look for the positive solution.Privately with my siblings and my wife I battle FPP.For instance if only my brother would stop drinking and get his life sorted…… amazing wife if she would only lose weight and be a bit more interested in her image.I know this is chasing external power but I get caught in the trap…..maybe shes not enough..why cant she make these changes….all to make me feel comfortable and happy!!…the evidence is probably im not enough or don’t feel enough-I hear this but don’t really get it yet.

My thoughts are that if I feel enough in myself..I can be happy around anyone for the most part and they do not need to give me anything-in my heart I would say this is true but I’m not there yet.

I come from split parents when I was 9 and of course there are probably security issues- Ive run away from nearly every relationship Ive been in the past!..thankfully I have better insight now…I am for the most part with a loving kind compassionate person but my FPSP keep me powerless and fearful I might run away again…of course every fibre of me does not want that.I want to confront the fears.

Your thoughts would be very welcome all.

peace and love.


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