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Posted 9 years ago

Quite an experience reading these exchanges! I can barely keep up with the rhythm but love coming here and finding so many new posts. I am traveling right now so my time is limited. I just wanted to express appreciation and also to add on what Sundar wrote about the power of fps. As I recall Gary and Linda saying, fps don’t actually die but they lose their power over us with time as we continually recognize them and challenge them. I guess the end result is similar–what no longer has power is as though dead. It gives me hope that I can eventually reach the point where I see a fp trying to gain control over me without my letting this happen.
With love,

Posted 9 years ago

Steph, Pam and Sundar, I so appreciate reading your posts, with the examples of creating from fear or from love. The “impromptu” situation you described, Steph, reminds me of how unconscious my fps are when I don’t remember my intention to create authentic power. I go into automatic fp mode and say fp words without thinking for even a split second. Bringing myself to awareness at every moment is a primary goal for me. I mentioned my daughter earlier. Well, our estrangement for over a year happened because of fps in both of us. For this past year I thought I was cultivating a loving perspective toward her, yet at the same time I/fps felt there was an injustice in this situation. In other words, I indulged victim fps. Now I have just seen her again in the most loving circumstances. We promised each other never to allow misunderstandings to happen again. We will talk instead of closing ourselves off. I am responsible for what I experienced over this past year. I could have communicated with my daughter with the intention to connect, and I didn’t, preferring to indulge my victim fps. How clear it all is now!

Pam, your sharing is very supportive to me, reminding me that creating authentic power is a work of every moment.

Sundar, thank you for writing the essential steps to creating authentic power. I greatly appreciate it. I am also glad for you that you have found a new way of relating with loved ones.

With love to all, Catherine

Posted 9 years ago

What a rich conversation! Thank you all for sharing.

Steph, it did require courage to leave, that was probably the most courageous thing I did in my life up to then because I also left security, a family, friends, to find myself quite alone but free. I finally took full responsibility for my life. At the same time, so much support came to me that my experience was also filled with joy.

I felt the need to separate myself then but now I would be more compassionate and open, as I eventually became when relating to my family. I don’t know about your situation but I do know that creating authentic power means living in love and connection no matter what other people do. I don’t always remember that… although my conscious intention is there most of the time.

Pam, thank you for creating this experiment with the Authentic Power Guidelines. I will also post about applying them to my life. As regards commitment, I was reminded of it when I wrote, above, about “my conscious intention.” As long as I remember my intention, I am able to remember my commitment to create authentic power, but I still have to live it, not just intend it.

Last night I received a long message from my daughter, who has been keeping herself distant from me for over a year, with total silence. It was remarkable to read her. Her message triggered some frightened parts and also stimulated some loving parts of myself. I am committed not to act on the fps that have been triggered but to focus on what I can learn about myself in feeling the pain of these fps. When communicating with her I am also committed to acting on the lps and from the most loving place that I can find. What a beautiful lesson the universe is offering me.

With love,

Posted 9 years ago

Stephanie, thank you for sharing. Isn’t it amazing how life events brought you back to what matters most and to this community of people who are all committed to spiritual growth. I understand how challenging it must be for you to renew your early commitment. For myself, in my younger years I was committed to a spiritual life as it had been modeled for me, and this model was so full of fear that I left it altogether until finding a more loving path many years later. I have had to develop trust not only in others but also in myself.

Every day I feel challenges, some stronger than others, but I persevere knowing that each challenge is an opportunity to create authentic power if I choose to do so. When I look back, I can measure some distance from what I experienced and believed just a few years ago and what I am living now. For instance, I have been able to develop greater self awareness, which is the very basis for transformation. With awareness I have the ability to choose whether I react in fear and bring about destructive consequences or respond with love and compassion, even with humor, and so can bring joy into my life. I have also been practicing patience, appreciation, gratitude, peacefulness in relation to other humans and other beings. There are so many opportunities for growth!

I look forward to meeting you in person at the Journey this summer 🙂
With love,

Posted 9 years ago

Stephanie, thank you for sharing and for your question. I am thrilled for you that you are reading the book and doing the questions, in addition to the e-course. It’s so meaningful, I understand that you would become distracted from work.

For me, I discovered Seat of the Soul in 2008, so I have been learning more over the past years. I always attend the 5-day summer retreat. I also joined a program that went on for 3 years, before a short break, and now I’m doing the Master Class Immersion since 2015. This means I go to Oregon three times a year–once for the main retreat in July then two more times for the Master Class meetings in Portland. I love this regularity because I am able to practice creating authentic power with the direct support of Gary and Linda, of course, but also with spiritual partners. It’s been quite a journey, learning a lot about myself. Not always comfortable, because frightened parts of the personality don’t like to be challenged! In the Master Class, I also participate on the monthly calls and write regular “life explorations.” This keeps me “honest” 🙂 I find that I can easily forget about the need to live consciously and to create authentic power if I am not in a supportive framework.

As for moving this discussion elsewhere, it’s really up to you. Later you might find that you want to write about something else and then you could create a new topic. There’s no rule that I know of for topics. Especially no rule like the one you mentioned. It sounds to me like there were frightened parts of someone’s personality active in the other forum.

I would love to know how you came across Seat of the Soul and what motivated you to pick it up again.

I’m glad you’re here and hope we have a chance to connect on the phone in a breakout group at some point.

With love,

Posted 9 years ago

I’m so glad you are finding multiple sources of support. Enjoy the videos. They are a wonderful resource.
With love,

Posted 9 years ago

Welcome, Stephanie! I look forward to sharing with you.
In response to your question, “Seat of the Soul” offers a supportive overview of creating authentic power, but for learning about emotions, specifically (which means frightened parts of the personality and loving parts of the personality), I suggest reading “The Heart of the Soul: Emotional Awareness.” Some of the videos are also focused on emotional awareness/learning. Perhaps you will want to join the Master Class at some point to expand and deepen your learning. I would love to know what you learn as you continue your journey. Please do share in this forum. I’ll watch out for your posts.
With love, Catherine

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Reginald, Mohamed, Steve, and Joan! I am so glad to meet you here and to share discoveries. A few years ago, I didn’t know much about frightened parts and their agendas. I’ve been learning about myself, also learning how to challenge those frightened parts, how to choose love rather than act unconsciously and often destructively.
Joan, I also enjoyed the call yesterday. I realize how often I just tolerate a situation with frightened parts of judgment rather than accept it with an open heart. For instance, one of my default reactions is to go into learned politeness when someone that my fps aren’t interested in talks to me for longer than they would wish. If I become aware of this fp mode of politeness, which is filled with judgment and impatience, I can switch to a loving perception and see that person as a soul, just like me, from my soul. Recognizing others as souls is powerful and empowering. Every call with Gary and Linda has supported me in learning about myself and creating authentic power.
With love, Catherine

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Everyone,
Over the past hour, I’ve been silently reading and appreciating your sharing. In order to be present with you, I have to challenge a strong fp that wants to stay alone in a corner. Your courage and openness have given me the strength to challenge that fp and let you know that I am here.
With love,

Posted 9 years ago

I so enjoyed being with everybody this afternoon, deeply appreciating everything you shared. Sending love to all,

Posted 9 years ago

Doug, thank you for sharing. Would you like to comment further on finding it more challenging to create authentic power as time goes on? For me, I sometimes notice that setting my intention to create authentic power / to challenge frightened parts of my personality, seems to bring more challenges. Is this what you meant?

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Catherine.
Posted 9 years ago

Soula, I love what you said about the chains breaking and your heart opening! What a beautiful image. Creating authentic power really is about becoming free at the deepest level. I can see how frightened parts of my personality keep me a prisoner when I let them take over.

Posted 9 years ago

Diane, welcome and thank you for sharing. It sounds like you are feeling a strong frightened part of your personality. With respect to your son in particular, would you like to describe what you feel in your body and the thoughts that come up? I have a similar situation with my daughter. Lots of core frightened parts get activated. I have been challenging them for a long time, yet they are still powerful.

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Everyone! I just got on because I had forgotten to watch the video first. I love this sharing experience. Thank you all! What struck me most in the video was at the end, when Gary talks about being in the illusion and yet not needing to act on it. It reminded me of a commencement speech by David Foster Wallace, “Fish in Water,” which I listened to yesterday. Illusion is like water for the fish. I don’t know I am in it because I am so immersed in it. It takes a conscious effort to recognize the illusion and act from that recognition.

The other evening I let fps of exasperation take over my consciousness for a while, when I was talking to someone close to me. Even while I was feeling the anger, I was also aware of feeling it and of feeling intense pain in my throat and my chest, aware that I was in a strong frightened part of my personality. The fp was intensely powerful, reacting to what it saw as someone trying to give me advice that I/fps didn’t need. Because I am aware of the need to create authentic power, a couple of minutes later, I was able to challenge that frightened part and come from love (a more peaceful place in me that wanted to create harmony), and we were able to communicate. I still felt the pain but I didn’t act on it any longer. I am still impressed by how powerful that fp is. The loving parts of my personality are grateful for this opportunity to become more aware.

Posted 9 years ago

Combining beginner’s mind, absence of judgment, and equality, here is a brief excerpt from an article in the Sept 2 issue of The Washington Post: “The wonderful part about mindful communication, and the scariest, is it’s a judgment-free zone. ‘Mindfulness communication involves listening with a beginner’s mind — without judgment, without interruption, and with total receptivity,’ says McLean. This means in conversation with others and ourselves, we’re committing to no longer seeing something as good or bad, right or wrong; we’re no longer seeing from a place of betterness or less than, but as an equal.”
The whole article is worth a read:
I am grateful that someone brought my attention to this article, which resonates for me with our discussion here.
Love, Catherine

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