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Posted 11 years ago

HI Catherine,
Thank you for your sharing. I’m curious… is there is a familiar physical sensation you notice occurring across these various examples of the same frightened part? It seemed you noticed the energy centers triggered by the missing bread. Were there other sensations that could notify you sooner to the deeper issue you that you have set the intention to heal?

I am supported by your post.

With Love,

Posted 11 years ago

Welcome, Flo!
Looking forward to being on this journey with you.

With Love and Joy,

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Soula,
Thank you for sharing that. I’m smiling and on the inside, too. Feeling very fortunate to be living at this time and to witness what the younger generations can/ are bringing in if they are conscious. They didn’t pick us by accident, right? πŸ™‚ It’s just a matter of each person making responsible choices and then watching the ‘Miracles’ that we create.

With Love,

Posted 11 years ago

Happy New Year!
I’m curious how people were able to create a more Conscious Christmas. I would love to hear from the Community!

For me, I was with family that I only see once or twice a year. In the midst of a triggering conversation, I was able to feel the familiar frightened part that guards against what feels like attack. (Viscerally, it feels like a tight shield or armor appears across my chest when fps feel attacked.) It seems the person was in fear and felt justified… they weren’t open and just wanted to tell me how they felt. I focused on my internal response… How fps wanted to run, or defend, or explain… My fps response to what I perceived as the other persons’ anger and control was so familiar that I didn’t see until that moment how it would show up with anyone in my life that I perceived as angry and controlling/ manipulative. I’m sure this has affected my non-familial relationships as well as avoidance and care-taking aren’t my authentic nature. My habitual response is to walk away (avoid)or to ‘get them’ to understand what I meant (care take). This time, I just felt what was happening inside of me and how fps were afraid of this persons anger or other fps wanted to feel guilty/ responsible for how this person felt but I chose to feel compassion as I realized that it was really this persons choice and perception that was causing them pain, not me. I called on my intuition and Guides while I was standing there and felt guidance and clarity come to me in the midst of this experience. The person shared later that they could feel I was open.

Open… This year I intend to have an Open Heart, even when someone is in fear and not taking responsibility for it. I don’t have to stay and indulge fps too, but I also don’t have to take responsibility for their feeling or avoid them so the pain goes away. No longer will I let my Heart Close and let my fps judge the other person while I create distance. Staying Present and Open to myself and then to others (with the Guidance of my intuition) is something I will consciously continue to do as I heal this core fp.

As I’m writing this, I feel a lot of Love and Gratitude towards that person. My chest area feels expansive, cool and tingly. There is also Gratitude towards myself for my commitment to practicing this.

With much Love and Gratitude to this Community,

Posted 11 years ago

Hello Stephanie,
Thank you for your sharing; I really appreciated what you had to say. I’m wondering if the soreness in your chest could possibly be a fp that is still trying to become active. You said how much fear you felt and how courageous you were with the support of your spiritual partners. For me, when I am becoming aware of and focusing on healing a core fp, the physical discomfort or pain may be more intense for a while because I’m conscious of what is happening and am not giving the fp what it wants. It’s almost like the fp is having a temper tantrum, hoping to wear me down. I’m wondering if that’s why there is the soreness because the fp still wants to run the show but YOU have decided not to let it and to come from healthy parts.

I could feel your conviction and courage in what you wrote. Thank you for your sharing.

With love,

Posted 11 years ago

Wow! So beautifully stated. That is very supportive to me how you speak about “I” and “Myself”.
Thank you, Kristen. And it sounds like you’ve found a lot of support present in your life. I’ve noticed, for me, when I’m in the grip of a fp, it feels I’m alone. When I shift into Authentic Power, I start to see (feel) what really sustains me. Thank you for the reminder.

Much Love,

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Kristen!
Thank you for sharing. I’m wondering how you were feeling right before those fps became so strong? Can you recall when you had felt Authentically Empowered before then. I’ll share my intention for asking.

It’s reminding me of an experience I had at the last Journey. There were moments I felt so connected to everyone and so clear… like truly a part of things. I had challenged fps that kept me separate from people in so many ways and I released the distance. Shortly before leaving the Journey, when I was feeling very close and integral with a group of Spiritual Partners, familiar fps came in, stronger than ever. It was terrifying! The fps felt invisible, flawed, unworthy, and so very distant from everyone–including myself. They were so convincing, even in that moment when I was aware. The sensations in my body were painful… mostly up in my chest and neck and across to my shoulders, like a ripping yet a tightening at the same time, shooting pain down my arms. I realized it was like an emotional shield, an electrical spark. I stayed with it and did not indulge the fears but it was so strong. It lessened but stayed with me about 2 weeks, never far away.

What I learned was that it was fps that Knew they were losing their grip on me, their ability to control me if I found my connection to others and realized my worthiness as an integral part to a group. (1-1 is okay but groups are especially scary to these fps). It was helpful for me to recognize when they showed up. It seems if I’m in a moderately connected place, they don’t have to be so strong. But when I am really ‘shining’ as my Authentic Self, they will come in and try to distract or stop me.

I’m still working on loving these fps and healing them. They do not want me to truly unite, connect, LOVE another person, especially a community. They want me isolated. But they are afraid. I don’t have to be. smile.

Thank you for sharing, Kristen. It was very supportive to me. In my remembering this experience and conveying it to you with the intention of support, I’m reminded how important it is to my Soul to connect with humanity and fellow Spiritual Partners. Thank you for giving me that opportunity.

With Love,

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Kelley,
I love what you said… ‘Living the Questions’. This is a Supportive reminder for me. This has been something I’ve been practicing as my fps love to ‘figure it all out’ or make me feel guilty when I’m living in the moment and not ‘doing what I should’. I’m learning that when I’m planning minute details way out in the future… it may be a fp trying to see if its safe enough to commit to it… If I can ensure I won’t ‘fail’, etc. My healthy parts know they can handle whatever comes up in the moment… because I’m not alone and I have SP’s and Guides. And now my dog, Bronco, but I make most of the decisions… except for when we go for a walk.

I look forward to seeing what flows into your life when you let go of the steering wheel…

Posted 11 years ago

Thank you so much for your sharing. After just reading the first line where you explained that your daughter had been in a car accident, I felt a fp jump up as I’ve experienced my own car accidents. After recognizing and feeling this part that judges experiences I don’t want to have happen as ‘bad’ and ‘wrong’ and KNOWING that it has brought great awareness and gifts into my life, I was able to fully connect with what you were sharing and join you in compassion and non-attachment to the outcome while holding an energetic space of love and healing for Hannah.

My intuition is saying to share this… So here I go…. About Two years ago, I had just returned from the Journey and found out a few days later that one of my best friends had passed. It had been a powerful Journey for me and after feeling so much love, connection and clarity, I wasn’t sure what the Healthy, Authentic Power way of experiencing these feelings would be. I asked Gary on our first call and his reply was so helpful. He reminded me that its natural to cry and to miss her. It’s not fearful to feel natural emotions and have them come up; it’s natural and authentic. I needed to hear that because the emotions are natural and have to be felt (and loved). It was a painful yet amazing experience to FEEL what came up for me and allow the natural, human emotion without allowing my fps to rationalize it, add to it or stuff it. Looking back now on that period, I see it as a significant opportunity for me to keep my heart open, create Authentic Power and be closely connected to that experience, when my fps wanted to close off and ‘figure out the why’s!’. It also gave me an opportunity to have compassion for others who seemed to have fps that acted the way I might have in the past.

And I remember that you were a Spiritual Partner to me during that time, too. Thank you, David.

Again, thank you for sharing your experience, and how this journey has gone for you over the past two weeks.

What am I thankful for? I am thankful to be a part of a Community that fully experiences this Life here on Earth, complete with the surprises and challenges, but approaches it through creating Authentic Power, with Heart and arms wide open. Sigh. Yes, I’m very grateful.

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