Forum Replies Created
Posted 7 years ago
Dear Shelley, Doug, Sundar, KenJR, and all the spiritual partners who are reading this post, Thank you for being in this community, sharing your spirits by sharing or not sharing your posts. Under this topic communication, I have been learning a lot of things about what my loving parts as well as my FPs (my fears) are and spiritual partnership support. There have being awakened so many different FPs and I have been overwhelmed and not been able to make the distance shorter. I could not decide and choose which one to start challenging. Even though I have still intend to withdraw and have a distance, I would like to challenge these for openness in my heart to cultivate loving parts of my personality, by posting my reply. I see this is a blessed challenging opportunity for me. I admire and respect each of your sharing comments and posting. Thank you for your courages. I would like to share a video which gave me very valuable learning in my situation now and inspiration to challenge to have a sparkle of light to post under this topic communication. And at last, I would like to share what I have come across some learning in my situation and karma, so far. ‘*Healthy choice or direction for me and Cultivating Loving parts* (not loving part, fear)’: ‘*Accepting that I am sincerely loved and trusted* (having distance, withdrawing, judging)’, ‘*Decision of implementation of/and stepping toward HARMONY and LOVE* (withdrawing and tendency to avoid and ignore the occurring in real situation)’, ‘*Acceptance of being different in opinions or in implementations or in interpretations* (being superior)’, ‘*Posting with loving intension* (withdrawing, having distance, keeping irritation with not be able to comprehend the situation and my own emotions, and not to be able to express them well, being afraid to be connected)’, ‘*Supporting soul school community members and sharing with them* (not be able to do it as I wish, powerlessness, losing control of situation and being lost in not harmonized situation and in emotion, not be abled to be supported and to support, powerlessness of inadequacy of making others inspired and happy, facing not easy for me to connect with people and facing its reality of not being able to connect with people, facing agony of disability of connecting emotionaly with people )’, *Reverence to individual independency and independent existence* (strong desire to control situations and own emotions, ‘*Forgiveness to what I did and understanding and compassion for myself* (judging others in the name of fairness or helping), and etc., etc.. Even though I do my best, because I am not a native English speaker, so I can not express well as I wish or as I can in my native language, and the expression or word uses are not adequate due to my limited vocabulary and good enough education in English language and not good enough grammar use. My intention of posting is, again, harmony and love only, so I hope you read it with patience and full of compassion for my language handicap. I will be very pleased to be suggested for better or adequate words, or be corrected grammar in my writing. Thank you for being spiritual partners and soul mates! gratitude and love, Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Dear Spiritual friends, I have been reading this topic and giving me a chance to challenge one of my not loving part of personalities which I have been carrying for long time. Thank you for this opportunity. It has been awaking lots of emotions which are not easy to be rationalized. I have been observing these for days. They are lots of layers very mixed emotional feelings and lots of different rationalities in my mind. And, today I still can not figure out what they are. However, I know one thing very clear that I have been withdrawing from this opportunity to grow through communication in this community. So, at least, I decide to face this reality of withdrawing which is due to pain of powerlessness which I am in chaos state with no control. One thing is very clear that is that I am very afraid of something. And, actually the reason or cause does not matter, even though the reason might have given me some kinds of comfort, and by that I might have been comforted in some kind of short grief. I was restless in mind and lots of physical tensioned currents in throat, shoulder, solar plexus areas. These are the things so far I have confronted. I would like to share one of video’s which supported me this time to share my this experience as much as with one of loving part of personalities, which at this time in severe shortage state, can extend. Thank you for letting me to share and all your supports. With gratitude and love, Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Same here, Doug and Tim. It has been very interesting to observe how many the frightened parts I poses. To acknowledge them as energy at the different parts of body areas has been astonishing experience. Some hurts very intense which continues about 5 -10 minutes maximum, however, some feels me forever. By encountering the FPs reduces them slightly. Thanks to Gary, this technique or tool works well. I have been surprised that the FPs are mostly different than I expected. Sometimes I do not know why I have FPs on some subjects which I can not relate to or recognize as fear. The physical sign of pain are good indicator. And I do not need to know the reason of pain sometimes. because it diminishes slightly by observing. Thank you all for your love and blessings which I have needed to continue. Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences on this journey, too. with gratitude and love, Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Hello Penny Welcome! lots of blessings to your journey. ? love and gratitude Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Jane, Nice to meet you! love and gratitude Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Timothy, Thank you for your post, too. I have noticed that there are not much active interactions on this community board since I joined in Sep 2017. I have been watching Gary and Linda’s videos. However, even though I understand that souls are not visible, with gratitude and love Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome Moira. It is nice to have you here. I am also quite new here, too. I am also hopeful for you that this experience will help usher you through a really difficult time in your life. May the all spiritual guidance be with you. Namaste and love. Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Doug, thank you for your kind and warm post. And, also, thank you for sharing your story. It is interesting to know. How have you been experiencing your journey? It will be nice to connect with you and other soul mates on a LifeSchool call or at a Journey to the Soul. With gratitude and love. Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
My pleasure, Tim.? |
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome Tim. It is, indeed, an amazing adventure. Thanks to Linda and Gary for lots of insights I can treasure in the course of my soul life. I hope you will enjoy this community. with gratitude and love Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Cindy It is my pleasure. I am happy that my post helped you a little. Actually, thank you to your post I could think about your shared questions which helped me to think deeper, and could find those two video’s. And, also thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. It encourages me. Thank you. with gratitude and love Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Hello Michelle Thank you for interesting post. I have thought it by myself, however I could not come to an adequate answer. on this video, Gary & Linda talks a little about you would like to know. “All of personalities are occurring at once” can be explained on this next youtube video Gary on Oprah Winfrey show from 5:56 exampled as a mother ship (soul) and following ships(personalities). I hope this help a little bit. with gratitude and love Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome, Barbara. How beautiful it is to expand one’s awareness of love! I have been exploring new areas of self to expand my awareness of love since September 2017, too. Thanks to Gary, Linda, their stuffs, soul mates here in this community and all people, who are also soul mates, I have been meeting, I have learned lots of things, and am happy that I have now deeper understanding on all the things which I have encountered in my life. Enjoy your journey! with gratitudes and love Ami |
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Asha and Sundar Naga< Thank you for your post, Sundar Naga. Asha, I have found this in one of video’s hand out of ” Date Added: March 4, 2014″. With gratitude and lots of love, Ami ———————————————————- Questions to ask yourself when you have a reaction, to support you in learning about yourself and making responsible choices. Any time you react to anything… • I feel overwhelmed (too busy, don’t have enough time, etc.) • I am sad (depressed, manic, impatient, etc.) • I lost my job (hate my boss, etc.) • S/he disappointed me (betrayed, cheated, etc.) • I feel inferior (invisible, unworthy, etc.) • I am upset because my car broke down (flight got cancelled, etc.) • I feel entitled (superior, better than, etc.) Ask yourself: What can I learn about myself from this reaction? Listen for the answer. It will come. |
Posted 7 years ago
Thank you for your post to share. Please, let me share my story . Relationship with my mother is a challenging one. Her ways of doing and sayings are great triggers of all emotions of mine. I seemed to react strongly with resentment , and to have a big distance to her contact. I chose always love as intention for her, however, outcomes caused another unpleasant feelings, pain of powerlessnesss. So, I really wanted to change my mother’s ways of doings and comments So, I changed address of intensions to myself instead to my mother before I respond to her. I forgive myself that I can not accept my mother’s way of doing and does not feel compassion for her at this emotional stage. And, I say that I love myself as I feel at this point of emotional stage and give a warm big hug for myself. My mother does not accept my way of doing and does not feel compassion for me because she also acts like that way in her frightened part of her personality, and she is not aware of it, and that is why she does not change her ways. My mother’s intension is love , I guess. However, her ways of doing and comments hurted me a lot and I could not feel love. She has been doing her best and I have been doing my best. What I needed was to have compassion for myself first by forgive myself what I felt and tendencies to react in unfavorable way, and love myself as I in that emotional stand. My challenge was to have compassion for myself who did everything to respect mother and failed, and forgive that I have been hurting myself by these failures, and to understand I also needed compassions and understandings as much as I did to my mother. Thank you for reading this by this end. With gratitude and love, Ami |