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Posted 8 years ago


Thank you for sharing these thoughts on the community board. It is supportive, because you are not alone in what you are experiencing, and your courage to put these words to paper can have a powerful effect, in the light of authentic power.
What I sense, underneath all of your anger and confusion, are the strong feelings of worthlessness and powerlessness. Those are painful emotions. I’m wondering, have you been able to feel this pain in your body? Are you willing to do that? If you re-read what you wrote, what is it that you feel in your throat, chest and solar plexus? I’m asking you this, not to distract you from all of these beliefs, which I know your frightened parts feel very justified in having right now, but to offer up an alternative to being in fear. There must be some part of you that is open to experiencing this differently, otherwise you wouldn’t be in the LifeSchool.

Sometimes, when the pain is so strong, the most loving thing I can do is to challenge myself to go within. To take a deep breath and see what is happening in my body. You may feel nothing the first time, but I encourage you to keep challenging yourself. Are you willing to try?

I am holding space for you in my heart.
With love, Ame-Lia

Posted 8 years ago

Last night I was invited to a gathering with some people who wanted to get together to create community. My heart felt open at the opportunity to come together with people I didn’t know, at a time where there is so much fear and distance in the common discourse. The discussions that evolved over the evening about the election were a mix of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. It was a wonderful place for me to practice compassion and seeing each and every person as souls, checking in with my body, saying things that I needed to say, and not saying things that I felt I wanted to say but knew were coming from fear. There were times when I spoke, expressing my views, where I could feel a knot in my solar plexus and tightness in my chest. For example, I was talking about we should look inside ourselves and see how it is we are similar to the people that we think are “on the other side” and see how it is we are the same. The awareness of those feelings in my stomach and chest allowed me to see that I was teaching, feeling superior, and wanting to change the perspectives of people in the room. I stopped, and voiced what I was experiencing out loud, and then finished my sentiment using “I” statements, really focusing on detaching from the outcome. It felt so much more open in my chest, and it seemed the feeling in the room also changed. It was a powerful example for me, in using the authentic power guidelines mid-experience to change what I was putting out in the universe. I’m grateful for the experience.
Checking my intention and bringing my awareness back to my body before I speak has been such a powerful practice for me.
Love, Ame-Lia

Posted 8 years ago

I’m wondering if you were feeling anything in your body when you wrote your response. Did you feel anything in your solar plexus, chest or throat? My sense is that you often have a frightened part active that want to teach and be right. I encourage you to consult the authentic power guidelines while you are writing on this board to check in with your own emotional awareness as you offer support. What do you feel in your body right now as you read this response? Can you share what sensations you are experiencing?
With love, Ame-Lia

Posted 8 years ago

Hello Spiritual Partners,
I logged on expecting there to be reams of posts about this topic, but it is silent. I know when I woke up this morning and heard the news of Trump’s election I felt a huge ball of pain in my solar plexus and my chest felt like it had a heavy weight upon it. Going to work activated more frightened parts of my personality, listening to people gossiping. At times I felt sick with pain in my stomach. However, as I heard the news this morning I set my intention to challenge the frightened parts that were awakening within me. One thing I did to challenge these FP’s was to go within, see what it is I needed to say, and post this on Facebook:

“What an amazing opportunity that we, as a world, have been presented with today. Trump’s election gives us all the chance to look within us to see the qualities that we see so clearly in him, and despise. My question to me is what am I going to do about it? Today, and every day from now on, I’m going to take the time to look closely and see in myself the judgements, ignorance, bigotry, hatred and fear that I have within me, and then chose to challenge those parts of my personality and show up differently, from a place of love.
These are the questions I’m going to ask myself:
Did I form an opinion of someone before I met them?
Did I react in anger to something someone said?
Did I gossip about a situation or person?
Did I look at the check out person at the grocery store and connect with them or ignore them?
Did I want someone to change for me so that I would feel better?
Did I push someone away because they did not show up for me the way I expected them too?
Did I become jealous or envious of another person in my life?
And the list goes on…
I can chose to be a victim to this situation, but I ask myself, isn’t that something a person full of fear would encourage? Or I can chose this day to BE the change I want to see in the world. I chose the latter. Because at the end of the day, the only thing I am in control of, is myself.
Today I am grateful for the election of Mr. Trump. Although I have fear about this outcome, I chose to challenge it, and show up with an open heart. This truly is a gift beyond gifts and I’m excited for the potential of change that this opportunity represents.”

What is coming up for you? How are you challenging the frightened parts of your personality that have been triggered by the election results?

I’m curious to know and look forward to fostering a supportive discussion with all of you.

Much love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you Sundar and Carol Ann for your support. Sundar, I appreciate your advice and did have a talk with my Mom the next day. She is aware of the work I’m doing with Gary and Linda and all of you and is supportive of that process. Thank you Carol Ann. I look forward to being with you too and supporting each other over those miraculous days together.
With Love,

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Sharon and Luz, Thank you so much for your supportive responses.
Luz, thank you for bringing my attention back to that paragraph. What comes up for me when I re-read it are feelings of disappointment and shame. There are strong frightened parts that feel like I am failing in my spiritual journey by failing to put in the effort I need to create authentic power in my life. I can feel that in my solar plexus as a tight pain and my throat constricts. I don’t feel anything in my chest, but I think I need to be with it for a bit longer. It is familiar to me to have these fp’s present. They tell me that I’m not good enough. That I’m never going to get this.
As for setting intentions Sharon, I would like to set the intention to love myself through all of this. It’s good to remind myself that at any moment I have a choice to indulge a frightened part or to choose a more loving part of my personality, be it compassion, patience, or acceptance. I also want to continue to remind myself of my deeper goal, which is to create more love and peace in the world. I have the choice to do that, and all of these occurrences with my Mother and others, are opportunities to do so. That brings a warm feeling to my chest. I intend to reach out more to spiritual partners too for support and guidance. I’m realizing more and more that I cannot do this on my own, especially when fp’s are so active. Thank you to both of you.
Love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing your story. That really rung true for me and was very supportive. I have noticed that if I don’t take the time before I respond that I often respond automatically from a fearful place, and realize after that I have done so. It is interesting for me to observe the change in pace of conversation that has to occur for me to respond from a loving place. Do you notice that as well? Sometimes I am comfortable taking the time and then other times I have frightened parts that come up that make me feel the need to respond right away. I am starting to recognize the feeling that arises when I’m in that place and find the courage to pause, reflect, and then respond…or don’t respond. Gary’s recently posted talk on Courage really hit home for me. There is so much courage required to change the way we interact in the world, whether it’s making the decision to not feed into gossip conversation, or admitting to someone you love that you acted from a frightened part, or all the examples in between. It is so nice to be supported by so many others on this journey.
Much love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

Sundar, thank you so much for your support. Thank you for the reminder to recognize that separation between me and my frightened parts. I often forget that and can’t see the distance. I especially like what you said about “the soul decided to bring with us for us to work on.” There is something so supportive and loving about the way that works. Thank you for reminding me that these moments are all gifts.

I see what you mean about my phrase about the continued dialogue and like what you said. I think I did have that turned around.

I’m really working on being gentle with myself and will continue to do so. And this experience has deepened my commitment to acting from loving parts. What an amazing journey. I can see why in Shambhala meditation they bring in warrior imagery to this path. There is much strength and courage required to commit, but it is noble path worth working for. Many thanks Sundar. With love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you for the update Stephanie. It seems like you’ve really been able to get in touch with your emotions and connect them with sensations in your body. That is powerful! Just remember, that these things you are experiencing are not YOU, they are frightened parts of your personality, and they will continue to want you to please people and not want you to feel the pain. Recognizing what they are saying and being able to be with the pain is so courageous and will help you see your light. Who ever knew that feeling so much pain could be so joyful! I totally relate to that. Thank you so much for sharing this journey. Love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

This is such a fabulous exchange. Thank you so much Catherine, Pam, Stephanie and Sundar for your insights. I am gaining so much from this conversation. Much love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

Hi David, Thank you for sharing these experiences. I wanted to check in with you to see how it was going. I’m curious what your frightened parts are telling you in those moments when you feel you have other things that are more important to do, or when the “compulsion to get back to work” arises. Where do you feel that and what are the thoughts associated with it, besides wanting to get back to work?
Much love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Stephanie, Thank you so much for sharing your story and for reaching out for support. That is very courageous. I can relate to constricted throat and of having a hard time getting words out. It’s good that you can sense those things. Can you feel other sensations in your body when you think about saying what you need to say? Also, are you able to identify the thoughts that go along with the constriction and other feelings? What are your frightened parts telling you in those moments? It’s really hard for me to tap into loving parts if I haven’t first felt the pain and heard the messages that the fp’s are telling me. That was a huge lesson for me this year. I kept trying to shift my focus to loving parts when fp’s were coming up, but in that way, I was repressing, instead of being with, the fp’s. I think there is a difference between indulging the fp’s (i.e. believing them and acting on them) and recognizing what they are saying by being with them, in order to heal that part of you, and then letting them go. Heart of the Soul is really good, thanks Pam. Someone else recommended the chapter to me on the Pass-Through Effect that discusses this very thing, I think.

Another thing I was thinking about when I read your last post was about intention. Are you able to check in with your intention for saying what you think needs to be said? Is that a loving intention or a fearful one? Sometimes it’s hard to tell for me until after I’ve already said something. The universe does seem to be blessing you right now with an opportunity to heal.

You’re so courageous Stephanie. Would love to know your thoughts. With love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

Like stepping stones…I really love that statement. Thank you Souha for sharing all of your lessons learned. It sounds like you have been so in tune with your spiritual journey this past month. I often marvel at how quickly I can see things that, in the past, would have taken me years to see. Only one month ago you posted that original post and it seems like you have become aware of so much. That is exciting.
This statement stood out for me in your post “Of course I feel and hurt and I allow myself to feel my emotions but I also recognize there is a bigger picture and I trust that something better will eventually make it’s way to me.” Does this statement bring up any specific feelings for you in your body? I sense that it is a statement from a fp, but I want to check in.
I’ve been really in touch with my body recently and so when a frightened part is active I can usually feel it in my solar plexus or my chest. Those feelings have been so important for me to check in with as I continue to heal and learn from the relationship I recently left. When I found out he was dating again a wave of pain came over my entire body. I felt ill. When a friend of mine from my old town was talking about how happy he was, again, I felt sharp so nauseous and ball of pain in my solar plexus. I’ve been enjoying feeling these things and knowing that frightened parts are active telling me I’m not good enough and I’m not worthy of love. It helps me to not react from those places — like drink or overeat or drown myself in TV. Although it has been painful, I’m appreciating the awareness, which supports why I left the relationship in the first place.
I can really sense your gratitude for your journey and all that you’ve learned. Thank you so much for sharing Souha. With love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Souha, Thank you so much for sharing this. I am in the process of re-entering the dating world and so everything you said has great meaning for me. Thank you for being courageous and sharing. As I read what you wrote I wondered if, when you are reaching out, if you are coming from a loving part or a frightened part. How does it feel when you respond to someone else’s attraction? Are you attached to the outcome? I think this is something that I will really have to work on when I’m ready to connect again and I’m interested in how you can tell the difference between responding from a loving part and from a frightened part. All those feelings around those moments can be so confusing and I know for me it’s easy to get caught up in the frightened parts that want someone to comfort me and to love me. What would happen if I responded already knowing that I am worthy, regardless of what the outcome is? Is that something you’ve considered? Thanks again Souha. With love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

The title of this thread says it all. This is exciting work! Although it is so painful at times, it feel so good to be in those moments and be thankful for the gift that universe is providing. Sundar, I completely relate to the experience you just shared of having instant feedback from the universe regarding the intention I bring forward. I see this in myself and in my spiritual partners. For me this resonates in the concept of karma, what we put out there comes back to us, in this lifetime or another. I like to think of all of us working away on our own lives, creating loving energy karma and how that will change generations to come. That is exciting! Thank you everyone for sharing. With love, Ame-Lia

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