Landing Forums General Discussion What I am learning about myself?

General Discussion

Topic: What I am learning about myself? - Kristen Richardson Started 8 years, 8 months ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Yesterday I experienced my second minor car accident in 18 months. With applying emotional awareness, feeling the sensations in my energy centers and observing my thoughts, I am learning about myself.

I noticed tenderness in my lower back left side, my heart feeling tight, my solar plexus tense, my forehead constricted. My FP thoughts had a common theme of time and I noticed it took me 20 minutes to visualize loving, healing energy for myself. Something I do much more quickly for others.

As I became curious about what I am learning about myself an insight came. Although I often consult my intuition in a day and make choices based on what it suggests….I have a frightened part of my personality that more often decides whether I should do something based on if I have time to do it?

My intention is to open to further learning and doing my best to consult my intuition more often.


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