Landing Forums General Discussion What are you thankful for?

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Topic: What are you thankful for? - David Started 11 years, 1 month ago

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Posted 11 years ago

Tomorrow is the American Thanksgiving Holiday and it’s traditional to remember something that we’re thankful for. Typically it’s good health, family and friends, perhaps financial prosperity. But what about things that aren’t so pleasant? A few days ago, my daughter Hannah was in a severe car accident and has been in ICU until this evening with some brain trauma. We have seen some progress, but still don’t yet know the extent of her injuries. So what is there to be thankful for in all of that? Since this event started to unfold, I have been trying to do something different than I would have done in the past. When I first heard the news and was driving to the hospital, I wasn’t sure if she was going to live or die. I knew that I had a part of my personality active that was afraid and was trying to challenge it on my own but did something different by calling a spiritual partner. The frightened parts of my personality always think they have to do everything on their own. It’s a frightened part that believes I am alone. I also had fearful parts of me that were very attached to the outcome, obviously wanting Hannah to get better. I had been thinking about my attachments ever since Gary and Linda discussed attachment on the last call and I really wanted to challenge this one. My spiritual partner supported me in reminding me that I was focusing on a future that hasn’t yet happened and how I could choose to feel the pain in my body and really be here now. That was so supportive to me because during this time, because I did not want to be somewhere else, lost in thoughts. Within hours, all of the family members started to come to our town, my oldest children, my mother, my ex-wife and her parents. You might think that I would have experienced this perfect peace, feeling at one with all of the family because of our common desire for Hannah to be healthy, but instead I had numerous frightened parts of my personality triggered that judged my ex-wife and her parents, that felt jealous on who was the parent ‘in control’ of the situation, f.p.s that were irritable, inpatient and wanting to get into a power struggle. I did my best to choose love in each moment and not speak from those frightened parts or withdraw. I tried to hold the space for them while they were in fear even while things were going on with me. I tried to hold the space for Hannah even when it appeared she was suffering. For me, all of this was happening to show me those parts of my personality that still are not loving even when something so significant is happening. It has been a great opportunity for healing, releasing distance and forgiveness. It is also an opportunity to Trust since none of us still know the progress or the time frame for Hannah’s long-term health. We saw some improvement this evening and most of us had a happy moment. I feel optimistic, but I also know that there is still an attachment there. My intention is to not let that attachment control me no matter what happens. Tonight I am thankful for spiritual partners, my support from the universe and an opportunity to grow in love even when it doesn’t feel good.

I am wondering if anyone else has something they can be thankful for even if it is painful.

With Love,


Posted 11 years ago

Thank you David for your courageous sharing. I am sending you love and prayers, and holding the space in support of your journey. One event in particular, that although it occurred 17 years ago, continues to present painful situations. My brother took his own life, leaving behind lots of anger and fear. He was 47 years old and had 4 children and a soon-to -be ex-wife. My dear sister-in-law loved my brother, but could not live with his abuse and anger. She has been the most loving and forgiving of all the players in is life. My niece and nephews, and one of my sisters continue to struggle with the way he lived his life, and how he died. For several years after his death, I was so angry with him. But I was also grateful that he only took his own life. For years I feared he would also kill his wife and children. Attending my first Journey 7 years ago, showed me a different way of being with the pain. I was able to feel real thankfulness for the life I had intertwined with named Paul. And since that time I have gained greater clarity and appreciation for the opportunities knowing him has added to my life, my spiritual growth. My deepening understanding of true compassion has enabled me to have conversations with family members on both sides of the pain and fear that shrouded his life, without being drawn into or adding to that pain. Creating Authentic Power has shown me that I do have a choice in how I will react or respond to any situation. The most challenging and painful situations can be the greatest teachers. The choice is mine. With Love, Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Yesterday as my day was unfolding, a frightened part in me that feels alone, not loved and that I don’t matter became active. I recognized that it was was judging my husband because his favorite basketball team was going to be playing during the Thanksgiving Meal we would be sharing with others at the resort. He was planning to eat the meal and then return to watch the game. The pain I was feeling was intense and I could feel that I was shutting down and withdrawing. My thoughts were that I would be humiliated, and that I would get tears during the meal. I shared with my husband that I was going to go for a drive in the mountains before dinner and would he like to join me. I was able to stay in the present moment and see the beauty of the mountains, I saw the other families that were in the park and the joy that they were having taking pictures and playing in the snow. I was able to keep bringing myself back to the moment and stay in that space. I noticed that my husband was distant from me and then he said “you always do what you want and I never ask you not too”. He is right. I have recognized times that he would prefer that I would be with him rather than my making other plans. As I was recognizing that my frightened parts want to control others so that I feel better, I felt the pain and heard the thoughts. I could feel him pulling away but I remained present with him. We went to dinner, after enjoying the meal and sharing with others, he excused himself and he left to watch the game, I stayed to help clean-up and felt connected to my husband and to the people we shared dinner with and those who stayed to clean up. Remembering the choices that I made supported me to feel the difference in my life now verses what I created when I was believing and living from my frightened parts of my personality. Love, Carol Ann

Posted 11 years ago

Hi David!
I too thank you for your courageous sharing and hold the space for Hannah, your and your family’s healing and growth. I had a startling experience, startling to my frightened parts, 5 years ago following a routine mamogram. Changes were noticed in my tissue and the doctors wanted a biopsy. My frightened parts felt stunned by this news as I felt physically and spiritually healthy in my intention and will to grow spiritually and create authentic power. My body felt ice cold, as it usually did when I was afraid, as I walked to the elevator to leave. My mother had developed breast cancer when I was a child and I knew I was at a higher genetic risk. Then something most unusual happened. I felt a powerful warmth flowing down my body, from my head to my toes… like being covered in a heated blanket. And a voice in me said… “Your soul is fine, no matter what happens to your body.” I believe that was a message from my guides and teachers. Those words were a reminder to me that I could choose love no matter what was happening to me. The “Living Like I was Dying” song that we have heard so many times at The Journey came to me and I began to feel gratitude for whatever time I had in this earth school. For the reminder not to leave words and acts of love unspoken, undone with my family. To be present, grateful and trusting in the wisdom of the Universe, to give the gifts I came here to give. One of the hardest parts was to share this initial information with my family. My fearful parts felt vulnerable and afraid to not be able to control the outcome. For they did not see the choice I always have to choose fear or love. I am grateful for this experience. When fearful parts get activated, especially around survival, health, vulnerability, I remember this experience and it helps ground me in love, trusting and gratitude.
With love… Cheryl

Posted 11 years ago

What an interesting two weeks it has been for me and my family. Today I brought Hannah home and she is doing great. The doctor said she expects her to have a full recovery. Of course, we are all happy with this news and continue to hold Hannah in our hearts and prayers.

For me this continues to be a great opportunity to challenge the frightened parts of my personality that want to withdraw from family members in inferiority or judge them and push them away with superiority, sometimes still wanting to use the children in a power struggle with my ex.

I feel like the big lesson for me is truly to have compassion for myself as old thoughts of my mistakes and inadequacies continue to surface and also to see family members as Souls.


Posted 11 years ago

Thank you so much for your sharing. After just reading the first line where you explained that your daughter had been in a car accident, I felt a fp jump up as I’ve experienced my own car accidents. After recognizing and feeling this part that judges experiences I don’t want to have happen as ‘bad’ and ‘wrong’ and KNOWING that it has brought great awareness and gifts into my life, I was able to fully connect with what you were sharing and join you in compassion and non-attachment to the outcome while holding an energetic space of love and healing for Hannah.

My intuition is saying to share this… So here I go…. About Two years ago, I had just returned from the Journey and found out a few days later that one of my best friends had passed. It had been a powerful Journey for me and after feeling so much love, connection and clarity, I wasn’t sure what the Healthy, Authentic Power way of experiencing these feelings would be. I asked Gary on our first call and his reply was so helpful. He reminded me that its natural to cry and to miss her. It’s not fearful to feel natural emotions and have them come up; it’s natural and authentic. I needed to hear that because the emotions are natural and have to be felt (and loved). It was a painful yet amazing experience to FEEL what came up for me and allow the natural, human emotion without allowing my fps to rationalize it, add to it or stuff it. Looking back now on that period, I see it as a significant opportunity for me to keep my heart open, create Authentic Power and be closely connected to that experience, when my fps wanted to close off and ‘figure out the why’s!’. It also gave me an opportunity to have compassion for others who seemed to have fps that acted the way I might have in the past.

And I remember that you were a Spiritual Partner to me during that time, too. Thank you, David.

Again, thank you for sharing your experience, and how this journey has gone for you over the past two weeks.

What am I thankful for? I am thankful to be a part of a Community that fully experiences this Life here on Earth, complete with the surprises and challenges, but approaches it through creating Authentic Power, with Heart and arms wide open. Sigh. Yes, I’m very grateful.

Posted 11 years ago


Thank you for your earlier welcoming responses. They were greatly appreciated.

I have read the most recent postings and was touched by the amount of deep sharing that was taking place. I wondered if you had known each other long? I will pray for your daughter’s speedy recovery David.

Does anyone know how often the video’s are updated?

I am looking forward to the conference call next Saturday. Do you just go to Skype and conference from there?

Posted 11 years ago

Thank you Wanda,

Welcome to the community! Some of us have been practicing spiritual partnership with one another for several years. I am grateful for this new APLC community so I can connect with more potential spiritual partners like yourself. There is so much for me to learn about myself and also how to best support others.

I’m not sure how often the videos are updated, I just check the website a couple of times per week. I believe that you should be getting an email with the login info for the call. It has a special number unique to you to call.

What brings you to the community? Do you have anything you’d like to share that you’re thankful for that has helped you to learn about yourself?


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