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Topic: Trust - Soula Started 11 years, 8 months ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I enjoyed the topic of trust yesterday. I understood at a deeper level that trust is developed as I create authentic power. When I am indulging a fp of my personality say, trying to fix things so it could feel better(external power) I am not trusting. I am attached to the outcome. This is compared to looking at my thoughts and feeling where the pain of these fp thoughts are in by body and then choosing love in the moment( creating authentic power) I am trusting that this experience that has triggered my fps is perfect for me to see what I can learn about myself and then change that. By doing this the fp grip over me begin to lose their power. The result, a better day, better health and better relationships with my loved ones and this happens in the now as compared to trying to fix things which puts the focus on the fear based parts of me and creates, well, not the same experience for sure.

It was brought to my attention last thursday that one of my employees made an error and issued a cheque to the wrong supplier. Upon my review I also missed this. This happened one year ago and it was just discovered as the supplier who was suppose to get paid last year just noticed and complained. This has triggered many fps in me. It has brought me back to my chilhood where i learned that if i make mistakes i was not good enough and was unloved. I could feel the shame fp as tightness in my upper back, nausea in my stomach(judgement of myself and others ). I noticed the intensity of the fear part that wanted to fix this right away by contacting the person who was paid in error and have her pay it back right away. I noticed the parts of me that wanted to blame. With gratitude I pulled out the Authentic power guidelines and was guided to the section of conscious communications and actions. My intuition told me to inform the person who was paid in error and listen to what she had to say about cashing a cheque that did not belong to her. Then to do nothing else but to feel with the intention to heal. This weekend i had the opportunity to be alone in beautiful nature and to focus of learning more about myself, what is fear and what is love in this case. I cannot control or trust whether this person will pay back the money, this is fear. I saw that I can take responsibility by focusing my attention elsewhere when the thoughts of self condemnation would act up. This is love. This is what I did. Lots of work, not easy. I also noticed that i was not so attached to the outcome in those moments of choosing love and so i guess that means i chose trust also. I am grateful for my ability to create authentic power. I am grateful to Gary and Linda for sharing this with me. I am grateful to be a part of this community.

With love and blessings,

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Soula, I had a lot of intuitional things come up for me in the 24 hours or so after the conference call in which Gary and Linda presented information about what trust really means. For me, this talk really helped me to understand that trust is not just what I need to do after I have tried to create authentic power,as in being unattached to the outcome of a situation after I am no longer in the situation, but that trust is a state of being in the universe as I work to create authentic power within my life. For me this is very important because it allows me to understand that trust is there in the whole process of practicing the creation of authentic power. I am a big self doubter and so when I heard Gary speak of trust as he did on the call, it brought me to understand the process better in that I don’t need to put my trust in another person with whom I am in an interaction with in a given moment or situation, I don’t need to put my trust in myself. What I need to do in each present moment, is to understand from a position of trust that I’m not ever alone. There is a whole universe of infinite wisdom and compassion in whose presence I am connected (especially if I AM in the present moment), and when I connect with my energy centers by paying attention to them, (by bringing my attention inward), then I will be in a process of opening myself to that whole point of connection WITH the wise and compassionate universe via my intuition. And in these moments of practicing to live consciously when a frightened part comes up then I can come from a position of Trust itself and understand that this frightened part is coming up, (lets say, while being engaged with another person), the wise and compassionate universe is bringing me exactly what I need for me, (what is best),for me to challenge, and I am not alone. In this process then I can see the person with whom I am engaged as belonging with, and in, this whole context of trust whether they trigger my fps or whether I am feeling comfortable with them in the moment. I grew up in a good home atmosphere and as a human family we had our own set of family dynamics going on when I was a child. That is to say that we had our own set of various circumstances and situations and personalities going on as human families do. I have dealt with issues of not feeling worthy or loved myself in my life. I have come to understand much about where some of those issues stem from in me through comtemplation. I felt very intuitionally opened by Saturday’s talk. Things kept coming up for my, in my heart and mind, which caused me to see my life from aspects that I had not really seen before. It made me appreciate the difference that creating authentic power in my life could bring. It allowed me to see from that perspective. Alot of windows opened in me to bring these things into view. It allowed me to see the potential in my own life. For me, this understanding of Trust as Gary portrayed it on Saturday is something which I need to put to work in my moment to moment life always. I have been working at this process since Saturday much more diligently than before. I believe that if I do this in all my moments as much as I can, (knowing that this ability will grow as I continue),then when fps come up I will be better able to stay present and engaged with the universe as I work through them. I have been connecting dots between my thoughts and what I’m feeling within these past few days and it’s beginning to make some sense. This morning I encountered a situation in which I had about 30 minutes to spare before leaving to attended a class I’m taking and it came to me that I should go ahead and leave early. So I went out to my car and found that it was having battery connection issues which it has been having for some time. A parts store had sold me a little tool but that did not help as the connection was now striped. I was able to calmly work through this–call my mechanic’s shop, arrange a tow, and found that I could get my other car out from behind the first one in the driveway by crossing the yard. I got to class, which is in a neighboring town, only 8 minutes late. I have been noticing that these past few days as I have been trying to be present and in this situation of trust that my mind seems to be working more efficiently. I suspect that it can be worded correctly if I say that I am remaining in a better state of clarity. Something that I noticed later in the day as I was about town on errands and such was that I let myself sort of come from more usual personality parts. I wasn’t putting the effort I had been to do my best to draw myself inwards with my attention, just sort of chatting it up with people as I went through with errands. When I got home I noticed that I just sort of felt some disappointment. It wasn’t a big deal, but I just believe I would have been more satisfied if I’d put in more effort to be conscious in those interactions than letting my usual personality parts do what they like to do. I think some of those come from some fps that like to draw attention to myself and see everyone smiling and feel happy and to feel happy myself. So I think this was an experiment. It will be interesting to see what differences occur if I challenge those parts and try to go deeper and be truly appreciative of others while working to remain conscious and create authentic power. I have been noticing my thoughts as they come in these past few days, as I work to create authentic power, and when they seem to be coming from fps or if they just sort of seem dumb and why am I bothering to even have those thoughts–then I have been trying to just sort of let them go and then to come back to this state of trust within myself. I want to thank you for opening this conversation about trust. It has beeen with me that I wanted to say something here on the website about this since Saturday’s call so when I got on this evening and found that you had posted something, I was grateful. I am grateful for this program which Gary and Linda have begun and I am grateful in the universe to begin to understand Trust and to work with it in my life. Cindy

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