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Live Session Discussions
Topic: Today's Call – Stress - Pam Meyer Started 10 years, 1 month ago
Posted 10 years ago
Today’s call reinforces for me that my journey to wholeness is occurring every second that I am here in the earth school. I have been practicing creating authentic power for a few years now, and love that I hear something that invigorates and reinforces my spiritual growth every time I hear Gary and Linda speak, or each time I reread one of their books. Today when I heard Gary say that my emotions are the force field of my soul, I felt such gratitude that I have learned about creating authentic power in my life. A gratitude for the opportunity to be aware and conscious when I create. A gratitude for the tools that help me go deeper and deeper into the richness and purpose of my life. A gratitude for the all the pointers, including the stressors, that connect me with why I am here in the earth school. A profound gratitude for the healing that has occurred in my life, and for the opportunities to continue to heal those frightened parts that keep me separate and in pain. And I am grateful for this community and the opportunity to share with all of you. Namaste, Pam |
Posted 10 years ago
Pam, I too felt waves of gratitude for the content during this call. I received the reminder that I am forgetting to feel the messages of my body and keep jumping directly to my emotions time and time again. I intend to feel my body and listen and make conscious choices.
Posted 10 years ago
Thank you Emily. Great to be part of this community with you. Would you share an example of how you just jump directly to your emotions? And how you intend to challenge that frightened part? Hearing how someone else challenges their frightened parts helps me learn and grow. Blessings, Pam |
Posted 10 years ago
Hi Everyone, |
Posted 10 years ago
Good work Joanne! |
Posted 10 years ago
The call was so supportive for me yesterday. Directly after the call I spoke at a Local event for International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. Prior to the event and during our call I was sitting with the deep FP’s speaking at this event triggered in me, as well as being present in the moment with the call. The deep pain of powerlessness, feeling tightness in my heart, my legs feeling weak, needing to clear my throat d/t an increase in phlegm. FP thoughts of can I do this? Can I say what I deeply desire to say? What will they think if I share the truth in my heart? Will I be supportive to them? The intention of my FP was to keep me from speaking my truth; to share only what I felt they would want to hear, etc. The call supported me in looking deeply at these FP’s and setting my intention to heal this very familiar pain and the temptation to hold back and indulge my FP. When I arrived at the event the Universe kicked things up a notch when the local news was there, interviewed me and recorded my talk. If I didn’t know about the process of creating authentic power the “stress” (FP triggered by all of this) would have seemed simply too much. I wouldn’t have been able to share from an authentic place. Instead, I set the intention to create authentic power and I did my best, letting go of an attachment to the outcome. Love, Kristen |
Posted 10 years ago
Hi Pam, I am also now very curious as to what my body is saying and hope that if I can start pausing and listening I can find out what I am supposed to learn from this reaction. This is a perfect example because lately this is the space I most ignore the option I have to pause and feel and then decide to react. It is nice to know that I can keep trying and not give up. IL&G |
Posted 10 years ago
Thank you Emily. What also helps me is to remember that it is a frightened part of my personality that becomes annoyed or angry or judgmental of myself and others. Knowing that the loving parts of my personality are truly who I am, gives me the courage to let go of the frightened parts that keep me distant and re-active when I don’t challenge them. Great to hear from you and welcome to this incredible community. Love, Pam |
Posted 10 years ago
I really enjoy and feel inspired reading all of the posts in this thread. I’m amazed how often I feel afraid in my life and how the choices I made influenced whether I received love or fear reaction or response from others. I have been conscious around having those challenging conversations with those who are close to me and I’m amazed how when I first take the time to look at the sensation in my body and the thoughts that accompany those sensations and then I set my intention to speak from love and trust vs. fear how I’ve been blessed to experience loving conversations around challenging topics. |
Posted 10 years ago
I just noticed the Live Session Discussion area, and I feel such warmth, support, and appreciation reading all your posts in this thread. My heart feels so open, my abdomen has a warm “buzzing” feeling – (I love this experience of noticing the sensations in my body more and more.) I’m looking forward to the call this weekend. Big Love! |
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