Landing Forums General Discussion The US Election

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Topic: The US Election - Ame-Lia T Started 8 years, 3 months ago

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)
Posted 8 years ago

Hi Everyone,

On our Live Life School Call today I realized that in my life I have not been sending love consciously into the system of Politics. I am grateful to realize this, so now I can.

So far, I have yet to be curious about Politics and this election has increased my curiosity, for that I am grateful. My intention is to contribute love into all of the human experience, and this call broadened my awareness of an aspect I wasn’t participating in, thank you.


Posted 8 years ago

I listened to the audio talk this morning, and I must admit I probably only heard half of it. It has been very difficult to stay focused through the pain, fear, confusion. So, apologies if I missed some key points. Will be good to see in writing what I did not hear due to the haze of pain, fear confusion.

Knowing this is a safe place, I will try and express my confused thoughts, in the hope that I can hear many different responses, and pick up bits and pieces of ideas on how to keep the focus inward, and how to find and apply love in this situation.

I admittedly come from a culture that is abusive to women. Rape, groping, molestation, physical abuse of unempowered women and even little girls is in the news everyday back home these days. In my day it happened just as much, but was not spoken of. The unexpressed pain from these events therefore is probably even greater for the women of my generation.

About six months ago, I had a falling out with my friends (all US based), because they kept sending jokes about women being stupid, or jokes/ pictures of women with big body parts…. when I protested, I was told to lighten up/get a sense of humor. I see these as acts of a bully. I was told aggression and sexual domination is a physiological need for men, and I just had to accept it. I have separated myself from this group. There is unresolved pain from that situation itself, because as an immigrant, I don’t have family here, and these were my support system here.

Then along comes this powerful man who says he grabs women by their private parts, women who have less power than him, whose livelihood depends on his good grace. Worse still, he and a lot of people say this is locker room talk, boys will be boys… I had thought things were different in America. The rose colored spectacles were pulled off. But this is not all, he does worse things like disrespect the judiciary (which I held in high regard), he makes fun of handicapped people, promises to have registry for muslims, deport people… .

and he gets elected…in the face of the Pope warning against him, in the face of past presidents from both parties warning against him…he even won the white male vote in Liberal California and New York. This then was not about either factory jobs or trade deals, neither state is suffering on that count. This in my mind seems to be about keeping women down, about keeping immigrants out, about ostracizing transgender and homosexuals

I do not want to be a reverse racist/sexist. And I apologize in advance if what I am saying offends anyone. But, really, hearing white heterosexual males saying trust the universe, give love to the offender seems to me to smack of privilege. This is about raw fear for people like me who fall at the wrong end of the acceptable list. Especially as we watch the people he is accumulating on his team – Steve Bannon, Giuliani, Flynn….

Am I being overly dramatic when I ask: Should / could the Jewish people in Nazi Germany have looked at Hitler as a lost soul and given love? Should they have focused on their fear and tried to improve themselves, never mind what the aggressor was doing? I am trying, I even know at an intellectual level that he is a desperately lost soul collecting really bad Karma. But I cannot give him love, or the millions of people who voted for him. I am stuck, spinning in circles around my sense of powerlessness.

So that’s how it is for me, out here in Los Angeles. Thank you all for reading. Any helpful words will be most appreciated.


Posted 8 years ago


Thank you for sharing these thoughts on the community board. It is supportive, because you are not alone in what you are experiencing, and your courage to put these words to paper can have a powerful effect, in the light of authentic power.
What I sense, underneath all of your anger and confusion, are the strong feelings of worthlessness and powerlessness. Those are painful emotions. I’m wondering, have you been able to feel this pain in your body? Are you willing to do that? If you re-read what you wrote, what is it that you feel in your throat, chest and solar plexus? I’m asking you this, not to distract you from all of these beliefs, which I know your frightened parts feel very justified in having right now, but to offer up an alternative to being in fear. There must be some part of you that is open to experiencing this differently, otherwise you wouldn’t be in the LifeSchool.

Sometimes, when the pain is so strong, the most loving thing I can do is to challenge myself to go within. To take a deep breath and see what is happening in my body. You may feel nothing the first time, but I encourage you to keep challenging yourself. Are you willing to try?

I am holding space for you in my heart.
With love, Ame-Lia

Posted 8 years ago

Hello Shelley,

I assume that by sharing all of it you feel much lighter now. You have my full support as a spiritual partner.

In this context and in every other context the ‘should / could’ question you have raised automatically arises. When we read everything that Gary has said regarding forgiveness, it seems to be obvious that in the Grand Design of the Divine Intelligence the answer is a ‘should’. No other go, according to Gary.

In relation to the ‘could’ part of the question I like to share the following. A long time ago, when Oprah first introduced Gary in her shows, a real story of a woman was being shared. Someone had murdered her son and was in the jail. After reading, I think, if I remember right, Gary’s Seat of the Soul, she forgave him totally, went to see him at the jail, showed love for him and treated him as her own son. Maybe others who remember the details can share them here. Even in such a context the answer is a ‘could’. Learning this at that time helped me forgive someone who had done a big, totally unexpected harm in my professional life.

Hope this helps. Please give your love, although it is hard in this context. We are born to try to do just that, according to Gary.

With love and trust,

Posted 8 years ago

Gary mention during the Life School call that “The one you didn’t vote for is more like you.” My first thought was that I didn’t hear Gary correctly. I then made that statement an I statement: “The one I didn’t vote for is more like me.” Immediately, I felt a stabbing pain in my heart and tightness in my throat and solar plexus. I recognize that I have been offered an opportunity to see this person as a mirror for healing fear in me. Thank you Gary for offering me this opportunity.

With love,
Carol Ann

Posted 8 years ago

Thank you all for your responses and suggestions. At first blush, Carol Ann, your words appear to be resonating with me. I will explore how I am like Trump and try to find and heal the fears. Will keep you posted.


Posted 8 years ago

Hi Shelley, I look forward to your sharing what you learn about yourself.

As your spiritual partner, I will share with you what I am learning about myself.

Love, Carol Ann

I am

Posted 8 years ago

Just now when I read the following statement in the CNN Opinion piece titled ‘The three things Donald Trump really cares about’ by Michael D’Antonio (, the connection to Gary’s teachings seemed very obvious:

“Behind Trump’s resentful tweets, of course, resides his deeply felt insecurity and constant concern for his public image. He may be poised to accept the most powerful job in the world, but the comments prove he doesn’t really feel powerful. He remains needy and obsessed with making sure everyone recognizes his greatness.
Complaint is Trump’s longstanding practice and in the transition period he has shown he remains vulnerable to insult.”

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 8 years ago

Sorry for the long silence. I had visitors, so finding time to meditate, feel my feelings and explore my fears has been scarce. And this exploration in particular has been challenging to say the least, so I have been procrastinating a bit too.

I listened to Gary’s talk again, and meditated on what I heard, felt as best I could my feelings, and here is what I have so far.

I always knew in the back of my mind that the falling out I had with my friends was deeply intertwined with my ability /”stuckedness” in dealing with the election results. I am beginning to find the ways they are connected.

The first thing I heard Gary say is that ~”whatever label I attach to myself (environmentalist, philanthropist, feminist, equal rights fighter…), if that label is attached to make me feel good about myself, then it is based in fear.” I admit that my fight for the rights and protection of women is based in fear. Fear of the past, fear of what is happening in the present, and what will happen in the future. But the label also made me feel good about myself because I had the chutzpah to fight for the rights of women while the other women in the group mumbled/ grumbled about, but were unwilling to confront it, and the men were unwilling to acknowledge the objectification and denigration of women in their actions. So, yes, this interaction was a fight for external power, which is based in fear.

I also heard Gary say that ~”if we try to change the way people think or behave, if we create with fear, we are not creating anything new, we are giving the world more of what it already has, and does not need.”

I thought the reason for my withdrawal from the group was that I did not want to be with misogynistic people, but now I see that perhaps somewhere in me was also the hope that my withdrawing would cause at least some people in the group to see that their actions were wrong, and they might in the future act diffeeently”. Clearly, that was control, pursuit of external power. by doing so, I created more anger, pain within my circle of friends, and I gave my friends more of what they/ the world already has and does not need.

I heard Gary say, “the party you least like is like yourself, because it is most interested in itself not in the common good.” In my dealings with my friends, I was most concerned with proselytizing my pov (similar to the “right to lifers,” who want to proselytize what is morally right/ wrong, which I hate!), I was not concerned with the common good – creation of love, peace, reverence for life.

Now that is where I still find myself stuck. Gary says: Distinguish love from fear in yourself. And choose love no matter what. Act without attachment to the outcome. I think the distinguishing love and fear I am doing. But what does it mean to choose love, no matter what, in this situation? I know fighting is not the answer. Been there, tried that, and already know that fighting is insanity – doing the same thing again and again expecting different results. But How do you you work for what is needed? A 2000+ year history of subjugation, objectification, denigration of women (and people of a darker skin color, of differing abilities). Gary does say one person does not have the answer. 8 billion people will cocreate something new. So I suppose the answer may be to trust the Universe. I hear, but I don’t listen, don’t accept. Seems to be so woefully inadequate. Any help in taking the next step would be greatly appreciated.

Love and thanks to all my spiritual partners – Ame-lia, Kristen, Sundar, Carol Ann, and all others who are reading and sending good wishes silently my way. Thanks muchly for your support!

Posted 8 years ago

Hello Shelley,

A powerful analysis! Thank you again so much for sharing.

One concept in the Seat of the Soul that has helped and is helping me a lot is that in this lifetime I might be a male, but in another lifetime I am going to be a female; in this lifetime I might be of a particular skin color, but in another lifetime I am going to be of a different skin color; etc. From the multisensory point of view these aspects are just like our clothes. So, whenever a frightened part controls me, I use this concept to address it and challenge it so that I treat my wife as my equal. Maybe it will help those around you also once they understand the power of the above concept. Maybe you can help them with that. I don’t know; I am equally confused and have the same kind of sentiment you have shared also (please see below).

A second concept in the Seat of the Soul that I value very much is that we are all on the same boat. Each of us is required to challenge the various frightened parts that the soul brought in this lifetime and also cultivate the loving parts it brought. This seems to help understand the meaninglessness of exercising external power by manipulating and controlling others.

The statement of yours that I resonate with is the following: “Seems to be so woefully inadequate.”

You make the above statement after raising the question, “But How do you you work for what is needed?”, and after providing a possible answer, “So I suppose the answer may be to trust the Universe.”

It is true that every time I am involved in a conversation of this type the conclusion arrived at is always that each of has to change and that is the only solution. Just last week my son and I were discussing the current happenings and the end point was again the above conclusion: Each of us has to change.

However, can the change occur just like that in each and every person without any external help at all? Is that what the Universe’s Design is? Does trusting the Universe imply that? I know for sure that the changes that have occurred in me would have been impossible but for Gary’s sharing his multisensory perceptions in the form of the Seat of the Soul and other books. I assume this is true in the case of many other spiritual partners. This seems to show that the Universe’s Design could not be that each and every person should change on his or her own without any external help at all. Similarly, Gary offers a high praise for the contributions by people like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. So, probably in the Universe’s Design the evolution, the spiritual growth in everyone is not expected to occur in isolation. One is expected to help another in this process.

If that is correct, then it doesn’t “seem to be so woefully inadequate”.

Since through your writings I understand your strong sentiment in this regard of women being treated right, you might be an agent the Universe would like to have in helping others bring about the change in themselves after enough understanding. Of course, you cannot offer such help with the secondary agenda of ultimately feeling good about yourself. If you offer the help just because others seem to need that help, the same way Gary is offering us all the help that we are badly in need of, without attempting to exercise an external power by manipulating and controlling others, then it might be the thing to do.

I don’t intend to mislead. I am raising the same question that you have and I am trying to find plausible answers at the same time being completely open to others’ help in a better understanding. What other community board can be more appropriate for this purpose than this one!

With love and trust,

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Sundar Naga.
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