Landing Forums General Discussion The personality

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Topic: The personality - Nancy H Started 7 years, 4 months ago

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Posted 7 years ago

One morning on the way to work I listened to the video about karma of the study guide from the seat of the soul and suddenly I got it. I finally listened when Gary talked about the evolution of the soul, not the personality. Then after some time I heard inside of me this question “then what’s for me in all of this?” I was very surprised because I knew that it’s ME who asked that. The personality is to be alligned with the soul. Now, the evolution is the evolution of the soul. When the soul leaves earth school the personality is dead. What’s in it for “me”?

Posted 7 years ago


Thank you for posting the above. Can you please elaborate some more on it?

The reason for my request is the following. I have always found it difficult to make sense of the idea that the soul is evolving. If the soul’s intentions are harmony, cooperation, sharing and reverence for Life and its characteristics are forgiveness, humbleness, clarity and love for everyone and everything, where is the need for it to evolve? I find the above two ideas to be contradicting each other. Only one of them can be correct, I think.

What does make sense to me is the idea that it is the personality that is evolving. And, in the Grand Design the Divine Intelligence has made the soul responsible for closely watching this evolution and plan everything accordingly including which frightened parts and loving parts to bring with the personality in a given lifetime. I like to consider the soul to be playing the role of conscience.

In one video among the latest Q/A videos Gary addresses the above again. I listened to it several times and still cannot resolve the above issue I have.

When I read your above post, I got excited since you appear, if I understand it right, to have made sense of the idea that the soul is evolving. Can you please elaborate on your post further?

Thank you in advance.

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 7 years ago

I like to expand the third paragraph above. So, I have retyped it below.

What does make sense to me is the idea that it is the personality that is evolving. And, in the Grand Design the Divine Intelligence has made the soul responsible for closely watching this evolution and plan everything accordingly including which frightened parts and loving parts to bring with the personality in a given lifetime, which individual, familial, social, racial, etc. environment for the personality to be born into in a given lifetime, which opportunities to create to suit the personality’s current state and to aid its evolution, etc., all these in constant consultation with the other souls in the soul group and with the Teacher and guide souls. I like to consider the soul to be playing the role of conscience.

Also, the idea of the soul’s evolution seems to me to contradict the idea of the personality being required to align itself with the soul. If the soul itself is evolving, where is the question of the personality aligning with its soul?

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 7 years ago

Hi Sundar, thank you for your response. Honestly, to me, it doesn’t really make sense yet. It’s just that when I listened to Gary that morning saying it’s the soul that is really evolving (although of course the personality is evolving too to some extent in a lifetime) a lot of things fell in to place for me. For example the topic karma, when I choose to act from a loving part of my personality it affects other personalities of my soul instantly. Because for the soul all its personalities happen simultaneously; and it will create good karma. The same if I choose to act from a fearful part then it creates ‘bad’ karma for all the personalities of my soul. Some of it maybe experienced by me in my lifetime and others will be experienced by other personalities of my soul. In the end it’s my soul who experience all and everything through all its personalities. Knowing this gave me peace, because I know now some of the experiences (good and bad ones) that happens to me that I feel like I don’t deserve may be created by other personalities of my soul. Now, although I can accept this ‘concept’ for now doesn’t mean I believe it to be so. I don’t know. I can’t explain it even to my self. Somehow it resonates/feels right to me.

Posted 7 years ago

Hi Nancy,

You have made a good point. I need to think more about this. The question I am considering is the following. Is it absolutely essential for the soul to evolve so that what one personality does is experienced by all other personalities of that soul instantly and simultaneously? Or can it happen independently of the soul having to evolve?

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

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