Landing Forums General Discussion The oxymoron of challenging powerlessness

General Discussion

Topic: The oxymoron of challenging powerlessness - Pam Meyer Started 11 years, 5 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

Hello to al my spiritual partners! Yesterday I had an experience I’d like to share. I was at a meeting with Department of Child Services caseworkers and their supervisor. I have been involved with a case that has in one way or another brought up about every fp I am aware of. Finally it seemed that we were seeing some progress with the children involved, in that a lot of their fear and anxiety were being worked through and eased. At the meeting it was reported that we were going to take what appeared to be a big back-step in this process. The particulars are not so important, but what happened for me was that I could feel this intense anger arise. Protocols were having to be honored at the expense of the progress and comfort these children had achieved. I knew I was experiencing a big fp. And I was pretty sure I knew what I was going to do about it. But what I was so aware of was, how difficult it was to shift from an intention of righteous anger (fp) to a loving intention. My internal armageddon was raging!! The best I could do I initially was to just sit and listen. That only provided more fuel for the fire. What I am grateful for is my awareness of my desire to create Authentic Power, positive consequences in my life. My fp wanted me to feel powerless and defeated. But when I challenged it by willfully deciding that I was not going to engage my anger in communicating my thoughts, it changed not only how I was feeling, but I believe it changed the effectiveness of what I wanted to convey. Thus the oxymoron reference. Challenging powerlessness creates power – Authentic Power. I felt clear and decisive in what I said, not overwhelmed and angry. I’m still challenging fp’s that are coming up about how things will play out in the future, but I am doing my best to stay open and trust the Universe’s plan. Blessings, Pam

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