Landing Forums General Discussion the Oprah for millennials

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Topic: the Oprah for millennials - Sundar Naga Started 8 years, 1 month ago

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Posted 8 years ago

I just happened to read an article on Khe, referred to as the Oprah for millennials, a 37 year old who quit a very lucrative Wall Street career. He raised the question “What does it mean to live a fulfilled life?” and started to read and introspect a lot. He shares his thoughts, by the name Rad Reads, with some 4500 subscribers.

No wonder his biggest realization is the following:
Fear (especially the fear of failure or running out of money, in his experience) holds so many people back from doing what they really want to do in life.

We know that it is the case with everyone indeed. So thankful to Gary who has given us such a beautiful context for understanding the depth of the above realization.

Khe likes people to take 4 steps in 2017, all of which fit so well in Gary’s wonderful framework:
1. Have more compassion – for yourself and others.
2. Do the ‘uncomfortable introspection’. (He says one has to figure out what one is afraid of and set it aside so it doesn’t impact one’s decision making.)
3. Get comfortable with stillness. (He says it has become more necessary than ever to unplug for a few minutes a day and have a ‘quiet space’.)
4. Live your truth. (When one knows oneself and what one really wants, one finally stops living for money and prestige. It is freeing, but it is hard.)

Just thought of sharing.

Wishing each of you a loving and trusting New Year!

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 8 years ago


Thanks for sharing this. I have heard that today’s young people are more willing to walk away from a “great job” or “prestigious education” simply because it was leaving them feeling empty. One of my son’s did that and it was interesting to me how much I realized I would never have done that. What I learned was I had a deep seated fear that others would judge me and see me as a failure, a quitter, someone who “does not have their act together”. Fear of what others think about me. This fear comes up often in my life such as wanting to please someone or impress my boss or coworkers and needing other people to give me their approval of what I have done.

What I thought was interesting was that in my son’s example he too shared that he was concerned about what “everyone” would think about his decision to change directions, but made the change anyway. Gary has been telling us all that people are coming awake for the first time to multisensory perception and I think this younger generation is acting on this strange new perception they are having. But now what, they know what does not fulfil, but do they really know how to create that new life of fulfillment?

This is a magnificent time in human evolution and I humbled to be a part of it.

With Love and Gratitude,


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