Landing Forums General Discussion The Little Things

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Topic: The Little Things - David Started 11 years, 3 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

I talked to a counselor years ago and shrugged off some issue that I was having as just a little thing. He said “David never underestimate the little things.” I had a long day today (i.e. familiar frightened parts of my personality were active many times during the day at work and I unconsciously indulged them, leaving me feeling drained and exhausted). It’ll be bedtime soon and when I thought of going to the community board, I thought I was way too tired. There’s no way I can do that tonight. But I intend to challenge the frightened part of my personality that thinks when I busy, or tired, I don’t have time for my spiritual growth. Posting this evening is doing something different than what that frightened part of my personality wants to do. It’s just a little thing, but it really isn’t. I’ve noticed over the years that each time I do things with the intention to grow spiritually, I am supported, I get what I need to continue to grow. My intention is to take some time each week, maybe a few times a week and share about something I’m learning about myself. This is supportive to me and hopefully can be supportive to you. I’d also be interested in hearing what you have to share about your journey.


Posted 11 years ago

Hi David,

Thanks for sharing. I to use to underestimate the little things. I have decided to keep a journal an Authentic Power Journal. I bring this to work with me and as I go thru my day I write in it the little things or big things that I notice about how I am creating Authentic Power or not. I was suprised at all the little things that come up each day in which I can choose love or fear. By journaling this I have found everything I do gives me an opportunity to create AP. As an example as I write this I have the radio on. The morning show DJ’s are talking about something that I am having a reaction to. I will note this in my journal and than look at my choices I can continue to judge the DJ’s or I can change the channel.

Love, Joanne

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Joanne,

Just wondering, if you are judging the Dj,s and want to change the channel, then are you creating authentic power by changing external circumstances that have triggered a fp that is judging the Djs. Wouldn’t,t creating authentic power be looking inside to see what the judging fp is covering up?

Respectfully, Soula.

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Soula,
Thanks for the support. Yes this is one on those little things that happen throughout the day. So when I notice I’m having a reaction (judging) and I respond (change the channel) I write it down so I can look at it deeper. Did my response come from love or fear?I agree that looking inside to see what the judging fp is covering up is creating AP.
Love, Joanne

Posted 11 years ago

In a recent conversation with a spiritual partner, I felt I noticed a frightened part active in her and as soon as I did, my frightened part “forgot about it”….and carried on the conversation. At the end of the day, I remembered what I thought I was noticing in my friend. I immediately thought, “it’s not big deal, I’ll have another opportunity to support her in real time”…somewhere “down the road”. This frightned part is familar to me…it uses this excuse to not risk being vulnerable or “wrong”. I challenged this frightened part and called her the next day. I shared what I thought I was noticing….and it felt so good to not indulge this frightened part of my personality would want to “wait” and do it “right” (support in the moment)….NEXT time. Once I shared what I thought I was noticing with my friend, I felt so open…and it didn’t matter to me if I was “right” or “wrong”…I knew if I didn’t share I would begin to feel distant from her. Just a “little thing”….that was so significant to my learning. Love, Gail

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