Landing Forums Introduce Yourself Thank 's for suport team , fom LEO

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Topic: Thank 's for suport team , fom LEO - LEO Started 11 years, 4 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

Hello from Leo to all my spiritual partners. I am greatful to get a call from Lori, and Gail for supporting me in helping understand some of the F/PS I have been going though, since going through hip replacment surgey. Being in rehab hospital and depending on other to help me and being among others who are suffering has been overwelhming. My feelings of powerlessness and worthlessness are very strong, thoughts of aging and and being unimportant. The support team shared with me how they challanged their feelings of powerlessness and reminded me to feel were the pain is in my body and to continue to choose more loving parts of myself and not to give up. Lori insight about it was no coincdent that the universe has been bringing attention to my hip area which has been the main stength in supporting my body and to look into my 2nd and 3rd charkras regarding the choices I have been making since she knows how unhsppy I am at job doing I have been doing and the fear of retireing I will be more open to recieving more insights ,
Thanks Leo

Posted 11 years ago

Dear Leo — Is it possible that you are in a frightened part that does not want to trust the Universe? And another that does not trust yourself? With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Rosalind–due to this hip surgery and limited mobility it looks like the universe given me an opportunity to really look on how much I depended I am on my body to control my external environment This insight has me looking inside myself to find love for myself regardless of the loss of my physical
appearance and skills .I believe you are right , I would like to be open to trusting the universe and see what I am to learn from this life lesson , I know this is a work in progress thanks Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

May I suggest, dear Leo, that you experiment with simply setting the Intention to bring your soul’s unwavering trust of the Universe into your personality’s consciousness – and see what happens. (I so appreciate the reminder for myself also, as my frightened parts resent my body’s aging.) I’m noting your commitment to your growth and your courage . . . with love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Leo, isn’t it amazing how our bodies are able to tell us what our minds/fp’s don’t want to hear. I’ve had several surgeries in the past several years. What became clearer to me was how I had not been supporting myself. I believe I literally carried the weight of so much pain in my life, that it wore my joints out. Fp’s that I had been unaware of consciously, nonetheless, caused so much pain physically, that I could no longer ignore them. The powerlessness and helplessness you spoke of, took me to a place of surrender that allowed me to be fully aware of how loving and supportive the Universe really is. I remember talking with you in the gift shop at Mt. Hood after you shared so beautifully in the big group. I felt deeply your courage and commitment in wanting to grow spiritually. Thank you so much for sharing. Sending you love and support. Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Leo, I so want to support you by hold you in the energy of Love and Trust. I am wondering if you could experiment and do that for yourself also and see how that feels in your body and what thoughts come up. To your health and understanding. Regina

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Leo,
So good hearing your voice the other night even if for a brief moment. It seems like the universe is giving you an opportunity if you choose to look deeper . To look inward. I am holding the space for you.
Love Joanne

Posted 11 years ago

Thanks Pam, Regina, Joanne,
Your suggestions have been most helpful. Pam I Looked into seeing how the choices I have made has the universe presenting this challenge at this time.I guess raising my 4 children after the passing of my wife , taking care of my elderly parents, worrying about my younger brothers MS progression and doing my present stressful job of fighting to get workers back to work may have finally taken its toll on me
My thoughts have been mostly given me a victims outlook wanting to blame circumstances rather than face my fears. I have many regrets about my past and fear of my future. I have been doing well and feeling better doing rehab therapy and as my body is healing especially to the efforts of all these wonderful therapists and nurses and doctors who has made it possible for me to walk again and should be going home this Wednesday 9/11/13 only 10 days of therapy.
I have been more open for support and have been having feelings of trusting the universe . My perspective has been really changes watching those around making improvements in their health with the help of those around them . You are all right this is direct challenge to my F/PS that do not love or trust enough. I am beginning to feel more empowered and open to learn as much as I can from these experiences.
Thanks Leo

Posted 11 years ago

Leo, as you get ready to go back home in a few hours, I want you to know that your sharing and your courage have been very supportive to me. I love how you express your self awareness so clearly and how you challenge your fears, not letting those frightened parts rule over your life, especially how you will not let them destroy your precious life. You support me in trusting the Universe also. With love and warm wishes for your continued health!

Posted 11 years ago

Catherine, thank you for your sharing that I have been supportive to you. This experience has made me very humble and am very grateful to the universe in restoring my health. Although I am amazed by the restorative powers my body has it is still a temporary vehicle given to me as a gift while I am in the earthschool This experience has made me even more aware to continue to looking within myself and making my spiritual growth my highest priority since I feel the evolution of my soul is what will continue when I leave my earth suit… blessings Leo

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