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Topic: Surprising Spiritual Partner - Amy Started 11 years, 1 month ago

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Posted 11 years ago

My niece, My Teacher!
I just hung up from a call with my niece. She’s 19 and hasn’t called me in years but she couldn’t reach her mom and her intuition said Aunt Amy could help her. I wasn’t ready for the call. Someone from school, that she barely knew, posted on facebook that they were giving up and ready to end their life. My niece said at first that she didn’t know the person well, those who did were posting to him and, besides, she didn’t think he really meant it. She found out today he did commit suicide. She called feeling horrible, guilty, and like she could have stopped it if she wasn’t so afraid.

I listened, with an open heart, and allowed her to share. I was amazed at how she accessed her feelings and thought processes, taking total responsibility for herself. She said when she first read it on Fb, she couldn’t deal with it (It brought up fear and anxiety) and so she hid by playing a videogame. She didn’t want to think about. We talked of how this was common in society and that’s why people shop, drink, etc. She got it. She shared even deeper and very openly, allowing me to suggest that there really is more after this life and maybe this is a very significant opportunity for her to make choices. She shared other experiences around death that she feels may be why it terrifies her so much. My niece expressed intuitive hits she’s had over the years of something happening and then it does. I encouraged her in developing her intuition and shared some of my struggles in trusting my own.

It felt like she easily and naturally went where I have been learning to get to. I was so proud of her and shared how much awareness and courage she was using to discuss this. My little niece is a teacher and, I believe, may become a Spiritual Partner. I’m so grateful that I’ve done my work and could support her in the way she needs as she sits with what she’s learning about herself. (She said she needed to sit with this and wanted to connect with me as more stuff arises.) She makes me consider that creating Authentic Power is natural and easy, it’s just that we have moved so far away from it as a society and individually. Very eye-opening and inspiring. Grateful.

I’m curious of what surprising Spiritual Partners others have had. Would love to read your experiences.

With Love and Gratitude,

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Amy,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share.
My son Andrew is a spiritual partner. He often has fps that are resistant to feeling the physical sensations in his body. It was a lovely surprise a few days ago when he received his math mark online(teacher’s site) which was excellent. He has had challenges in math in the past. He was proud of himself and so was I. A day after this news he came to see me. He said that he has a problem and needs my help. He said that he is having alot of thoughts that the teacher made a mistake and that the math mark was much lower than what appeared in the site and that he is feeling worried. I supported him by asking him if he was open to trying to feel what was going on in his body. He said yes. He said that he had butterflies and queasy feeling in his stomach, and an unpleasant feeling in his heart. I asked him what he was afraid of. After several layers of fp thoughts, he said “wow, thanks mom I don’t really feel worried anymore!” I could see him challenging this fp as it came up again by acknowledging himself.

I am so grateful for the tools in the APLC, my children would not be who are they today had it not been for this work.

Love, Soula.

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Soula,
Thank you for sharing that. I’m smiling and on the inside, too. Feeling very fortunate to be living at this time and to witness what the younger generations can/ are bringing in if they are conscious. They didn’t pick us by accident, right? πŸ™‚ It’s just a matter of each person making responsible choices and then watching the ‘Miracles’ that we create.

With Love,

Posted 11 years ago

Beautiful postings, Amy and Soula. Thank you for sharing.

With love, Rosalind

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