Landing Forums General Discussion Support From the Universe

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Topic: Support From the Universe - Gail Started 11 years, 4 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

I recently attended a memorial celebration of a former high school friend. It was quite a process for me in deciding to go to this service as it triggered deep/core feelings of unworthiness (powerlessness)…All of my frightened parts that I didn’t feel in high school were coming to my awareness through every energy center in my body…I also discovered I had many “stories” about my high school years…As I challenged these frightened parts of my personality, I asked the Universe for a sign…some indication as to whether or not I was making the healiest choice by attending this sevice (very splintered)…to please make it clear to me. About an hour later I received a text. I pushed the text icon on my phone and what came up on the screen of my phone, was the obituary photo of my high school friend (which was my friend smiling with a “thumbs up” sign)! I felt this was the “sign” I had asked for from the Universe, supporting me in my decision to attend. I felt so blessed….and I ENJOYED myself at the service! I am so grateful for that experience…on so many levels.
I am now so curious to hear if any of you have asked for and received a “sign” of support from the Universe that you would be willing to share. With Gratitude, Gail

Posted 11 years ago

Thank you for your beautiful sharing Gail. Upon my return from the journey I have been given many opportunities it challenge deep core fps that feel unworthy and inadequate. These have appeared mostly at work where for a lifetime these fps controlled my experiences and perceptions. During this time I am involved in a major project which from the fp perspective determines my success or failure. I have been focusing and practising the APGs with commitment with the intention to learn about myself and to challenge fps that feel overwhelmed, too busy to create authentic power. The two months after the journey are the busiest months of the year for me. Last week I was stopped by a police officer on the highway on my way to work. As she got out of her car and walked towards my car I asked,”please help me act from the most loving part.” And went inward to feel the painful sensations. She said that I had not renewed my drivers license. I was stunned as I was convinced that I had sent in a check last month and shared that with her. She disagreed and said that she was going to give me a $400 ticket. I felt powerless and used all of my will not to power struggle with her but to look at her and be as open and present as possible while feeling. The next thing she said was that she would make me a deal, that I should go to the automobile bureau immediately to clear this up and that she would check in the afternoon to see that my license was paid otherwise she would mail me the ticket. As I headed to the bureau I knew that this was the universe supporting me. I later saw that I had completely forgotten to pay my license which was due three weeks prior something that had never happen to me in the thirty years that I have been driving. The one time I forget to pay I get pulled over and I don’t get a ticket. Luck? I think not.

Gail, it’s so interesting that I had a similar experience where a person whom I knew in high school and works in the same floor as I do had a loss in his family. I experienced a strong reaction to whether I should go to the memorial. I felt deep pain when I thought of the people that I would see from high school. But as you so clearly put it, it is the awareness of the core fp of powerless from that time that came up. Another opportunity to feel and to heal.

With Gratitude,

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