Landing Forums General Discussion Support desired in working with intuition

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Topic: Support desired in working with intuition - Pamela Mann Started 12 years, 1 month ago

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Posted 12 years ago

Hello Spiritual Partners,

I have really been experimenting with and using my intuition since working with Chapter 6. Something that is coming up for me that I am having difficulty with is that I have been receiving guidance and clarity for myself and the choices that I need to make for my own spiritual growth, that also involves other spiritual partners.

What I am struggling with is that I have been receiving guidance of what will happen for others. My difficulty in this beautiful gift is how to support the others that this guidance has been shown to me for. I look at what the ripple affect and consequences will be for me if I do or do not act on my part of the situation to offer support.

What am I supposed to do with the guidance I receive for my spiritual partners, especially if it the other spiritual partners actions will have consequences that will affect my personal relationship with my intimate spiritual partner?

I ask because I have seen something with clarity that I know other spiritual partners are blind to. I know that is a rich and valuable opportunity for me to choose the highest place of love that I can come from for my spiritual growth and for theirs, I am wondering the best way to offer support to my spiritual partners?

Thanks, Pamela

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Pamela
Could you give us a specific example? It could help to support you on a deeper level if we understand the situation you have concerns with.
Sending Love

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Pamela,

I agree with Lori about how a specific example would be helpful.

However, you’re post ‘asked’ me to look at how intuition has operated in my life. And when I reflect on it I realize that when I use my intuition to help decipher between making a loving choice and I do choose love then the resulting ripple effect is more love. Basically, it seems for me that a choice of love creates consequences of love. If I looked at the potential consequences of my choice and I did not foresee a ripple effect of love then I would go back to the start and ask myself, “is the guidance I am getting coming from a loving place or FP?” and see if another choice would have a ripple effect of love. As I am asking this question before making the choice I try to scan my body to see how the different choices feel inside. I try my best to chose the one that makes me feel open to other people and life.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric, I’m wondering if it could be a fp that wants to looks at the “ripple effect of love”? Perhaps attached to the outcome rather than making a choice in the moment? When I try to figure out anything I’ m usually in my head. It seems to me that it’s only in the moment that I have the choice to challenge a fp or cultivate a lp. My fp’s want to play it safe as it were, making sure that I choose the “right” outcome. What do you think? Namaste, Pam

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Pam,

Yes, an FP can only be challenged in the moment it is active however I can reflect on my potential choices if I know in advance an FP will be active (patterns). I have no context as to the situation you r in. However, as one of many spiritual partners on this forum I would ask if you are indulging an FP. My intuition feels like u are attached to making a certain choice even though deep within u may have reservations about it. Do u feel pain in your body at the thought of not making that choice? Are the associated thoughts similar to, “I really want to do this and I don’t care what people think?” I could be way, way off but just checking.

For me it is important to accept that there is no such thing as a wrong choice. There are just different consequences to any choice I make so I try my best to choose love and if I felt like I was acting from a loving place but wasn’t the consequence will let me know.

with love,

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric, I also believe that there are no wrong choices. I’m not clear about what you were asking me when said you feel that I’m attached to making a certain choice but have reservations about it. When I make a choice and I’m not sure of my intention, I scan my energy centers and if I’m experiencing pain, then I know I am experiencing a fp and have the choice to challenge it or indulge it. In that moment I want to challenge it so as to not act on it and create negative karma/consepuences in my life. Thanks for your support. Blessings, Pam

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Pam,

All I was asking is that sometimes I decide on making a choice (i.e. ‘I’m going to let my brother know how hurtful he was towards me because I need to have the courage to be honest with’) and almost become attached to it. Like in the example with my brother. So, I play with it in my thoughts and don’t want to let go the choice of telling him how I feel even though I have reservations about it because deep down I can feel the FP active (but not yet willing to acknowledge it). I have that quite a bit but do my best to come around to the loving part. Anyhow, that is all I meant.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric, I can feel your commitment to creating authentic power in your life. It’s a beautiful part of my life to be on this journey with others who are doing the work to put more love into their life and into the world we ll share. With Love, Pam

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric, I can feel your commitment to creating authentic power in your life. It\’s a beautiful part of my life to be on this journey with others who are doing the work to put more love into their life and into the world we ll share. With Love, Pam

Posted 12 years ago

Thx Pam. Yeah and doesn’t feel so good. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Posted 12 years ago


Your comment about feeling a FP but not willing to acknowledge it has been supporting me today. So often I do feel something, but I press on with whatever I think is so important in the moment, like the need to hurry, worry or judge. I have been taking more time today, allowing myself to feel and see the message from my Soul that lets me know when I am in fear and shifting my perspective to heal.

With Love,


Posted 12 years ago

Hello spiritual partners,
I have set the intention to open to learning about my intuition and trusting its guidance during this time of struggle where I have been experiencing strong fps of guilt, feeling lost, and fearing my next move because of my inner saboteur. I find that when I can remember to stop and ask myself, what is the healthiest thought I can have now about myself, it gives me the courage to move on.
After reading these posts I had an insight that I was acting from a fp that seeks validation when I sent a memo to my boss asking him to review it for corrections after I had asked a colleague of mine to do the same. Looking back I remember a little voice telling me “why are you doing that” but I was in a hurry to send it out.

Thank you for sharing!
Love, Soula.


Posted 12 years ago

It’s interesting because I have noticed a pattern in my life that I believe came up as a result of this tread. My two older brothers struggle with mental illness. My eldest brother has a more severe form where he is not functional and has not been for about 5 years (i.e. can not maintain a job). Often times when their FPs are active I am the target. Most times I do my best to respond with love but it is hard and I am not always successful.

Over the holidays we had one ‘pot luck’ style party and my elder brother cooked a meal. This is a big deal as he struggles to take care of himself. When I saw the meal I flooded him with compliments and told him how good it tasted (which was not true). After I did that (care-take) it stayed with me. I kept asking myself why did I do that, why do I do that?

Then a few weeks ago I was having lunch at my closest friends house. However, his wife for whatever reason does not like me. I seem to trigger an FP in her and am the target of either ridicule or nasty remarks from her. In response I found myself asking her questions about her work and being extra interested in the things she cares deeply about. But when I left I was asking myself that same thing, why am I doing that?

Finally, this weekend I did the same thing with my other brother. I was giving him compliments about gifts that he has but internally I was questioning why I was doing so.

The pattern that I see (if you see anything else pls chime in) is that when I perceive that people do not like me or at least they don’t like me when their FPs are active I seem to want to try to manipulate them. I seem to try to flatter and compliment them so that I can change them and their perception of me. Once I sense that I am not ‘liked’ I have an FP that becomes very active and looks to care-take so that I can change their perception but then the consequence is I feel really bad about myself…like I gave up my integrity.

Anyhow I am going to experiment with how it feels to not make excessive comments/compliments the next time to see how that feels inside. I expect that I will feel a lot of pain in my chest and stomach.

Thanks for listening.


Posted 12 years ago

What a powerful insight. I am excited to hear how this experiment goes for you.

Posted 12 years ago


What great insights you are having. I will be interested to hear how your experiences change when you challenge this frightened part of tour personality.

With Love,


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