Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Stretching Yourself

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Topic: Stretching Yourself - Joanne Started 11 years, 4 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

Hi All,

This is where you can post ways about how you have been stretching yourself as we discussed today on October 26, 2013.

Love, Joanne

Posted 11 years ago

I very much appreciated the APLC call today…about stretching myself. I recently had an opportunity to support a spiriutal partner, but I knew in doing so, I would be sharing about myself very personally. The loving parts of my personality knew exactly what I wanted to share. I sat with my response before sending my it (email)…and initially felt very good about it. 24 hours later, frightened parts became very active….and started judging me about what I had shared and how I “crossed the line”… sharing “too much information about myself”. The stretch for me has been to stay with the pain of self judgment as I challenge frightened parts that are relentless in their attempt…their need to make me “wrong”….and not go into agreement, which is very familar. My loving parts know it is not about being “right” or “wrong” when supporting others….it’s about my intention to support, sharing from my heart…and letting go of the outcome….and oh,….ya……Enjoy Myself! I appreciate this opportunity to strech myself again, by sharing. Much Love, Gail

Posted 11 years ago

I really enjoyed the topic of stretching today. I have recognized periods of transition of my personality through my life. With each ‘stretch’ I have felt a new level of awareness which takes me closer to my authentic self. It has always been painful mentally and physically but I can now trust that ‘on the other side’ it feels great and I feel joy with my each new state of awareness. Saying that, I still feel quite stuck in my present state of mind and know that I have quite a long journey still ahead of me.
It is amazing to me how I am so willing to stretch to explore and face certain FPs so easily with complete awareness, and yet with other FPs it is so very difficult and my awareness is so low. Perhaps this speaks to the intensity of the FP.
My current ability to challenge the FP which is a people pleaser has gone well. It feels wonderful to see myself after I have worked through the thoughts and physical sensations and chose to challenge those FPs. I know I need to stretch the FP which needs to trust the universe. This has a trickle down effect that affects triggers many FPs in many aspects of my life that deal with control issues and anxiety.
(Changing my name to Stretch Armstrong)….Much love, Dione

Posted 11 years ago

I have a lot of things I can do in my life to stretch myself. In the immediate short-term I think my biggest stretch will be to challenge the frightened part of my personality that needs approval from other people. This frightened part often causes me to be silent or choose my words very carefully. When I imagine I say something that is ‘wrong’ or disappointing to others in some way, often I am unable to relax until that frightened part is satisfied that everything is OK, and that people have either forgotten about what I did or said, or have let it go and forgiven me. I then may try to distract myself to keep from feeling those emotions. Needless to say, it is not a pleasant experience to allow others to have that control over my peace. I decided to challenge that frightened part today when I chose not to follow up an email I sent to someone and explain what I said. I am not sure what they think about what I said or what they may think about me. My frightened parts don’t like that kind of ambiguity, but I am choosing to feel it when it comes up and release attachment to the outcome, to know that I am lovable and to release any distance I have.


Posted 11 years ago

Hi all,
I’m responding to the invitation in today’s APLC call to write about stretching myself. I’m also posting on the community board to challenge a FP that feels uncomfortable in online forums. I think that FP doesn’t like to be seen in general.

One way I can choose to stretch myself is by practicing asking for assistance, from a loving place. I have a FP that believes asking for help is synonymous with being out of my integrity. That belief separates me from my non-physical guides and teachers and from my spiritual partners.

Two weeks ago I got some medical news triggering a FP that feels scared, wants to withdraw and be quiet. I had a heart scan that shows what my doctor says is stage one diastolic dysfunction. She said it is the result of radiation exposure.

Posted 11 years ago

I just hit submit when I intended it hit back space. ha! It resulted in me posting before I planned. My FP that is a perfectionist would not have posted until double checking all kinds of things like spelling and clarity of writing, etc. made me laugh after initial feeling of “oh no!”

Posted 11 years ago

Anyway . . . Wanted to say I am experiencing some fear around this news because last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer, induced by radiation I received 25 years ago, to treat Hodgkins Lymphoma. The result last year was I chose to have bilateral mastectomies. Now I am showing early signs of radiation induced heart disease. It is progressive. A FP fears what comes next and is projecting a sad outcome. If I don’t speak about what I am experiencing how can people know what’s going on with me?

A FP says I don’t know how to speak about this without feeling like I’m being manipulative, like just mentioning it is asking for help in an unhealthy way.

I’m setting my intention to speak up on this message board, ask questions of my doctors, inform myself as much as possible and to trust.

Whatever I write, a FP ridicules me for saying it. I am ignoring that voice and posting what I’ve written so far without further ado!
With love, Jen Weinlaeder

Posted 11 years ago

thank you, Jen your postings are encouraging for me. how do i say what i am feeling and do it with some clarity? that is the biggest stumbler or frightened part of my personality that keeps me from stretching. well maybe? after typing that sentence it feels as though there is a dozen more fps jumping forward to be in first place. my understanding from listening to and participating in the call saturday is that any attempt to post here is a stretch. i suppose there is an element of truth in that. if the pain is stimulent that brings my attention to the fp then this posting sure is working well. the thoughts of what everyone will think-being judged-and having to defend what i post has the throat on fire and the ears pounding. so be it! looking at the pain in my life and being grateful for its message and its signal that i need to stretch and find a different way to think and feel is not a new concept, its in all of Gary and Linda’s books and actually comes from many of the authors now a days, but after listening to Linda’s story about her party fears in which i sooooooooo connected i am beginning to understand the importance of sharing and listening. actually it was difficult for my fps to listen to her. they kept wanting her to get on with it and judging and being impatience with all the articulation. i had to consciously make myself stay present and listen from a loving space. i could feel the struggle and pain of unworthiness and judgement coming my way. having listened and felt the pain though Linda’s sharing i now beginning to understand the importance of sharing. it helps deepens my understanding of equality. blessings, Regina

Posted 11 years ago

Stretching Myself: I was placed in the perfect breakout group for me in yesterday’s call. When one of my spiritual partners shared about taking space so he could respond to his spouse rather than react, I felt I noticed something that might be supportive and asked if he was open to support. He felt he didn’t need support, others shared briefly and the call ended.

I experienced the feeling of a hard square board in my left throat area; my left ribs, under my breast, felt as if I had been kicked; and I felt a deep burning in my heart. My thoughts were: Why did you say support, you should have said experiment; I don’t know how to create authentic power and never will; Why did I put myself in this situation.

The pain and the thoughts were continual. I went for a walk, I cleaned the upstairs, I got on the Community Board to share but was timed out before I sent the message; I binged on food for about an hour – watching myself as I did this. I finally asked my soul to“ give me a message that I could hear”. I watched a movie on TV that touched my heart. I went to bed and received my message in a dream. ‘As I was going through a food line, I saw my husband sitting with a group of men, he turned and looked me directly in the eyes. We were not together at this place, not a word was spoken. To me this dream showed me how disconnected I am from him when my frightened parts are active.’

We both had frightened parts become active when I looked at the commitments I had scheduled for the weekend and a trip to his son’s in Kansas would have meant him accommodating my schedule which he wasn’t up for. He stated to me “Does everything you want to do take president over everything else?” My frightened parts felt the same for him but I kept silent as I withdrew from him.

Last night, I called him from my healthy self and we had a wonderful, connected conversation. I called him on his drive home today and we both connected in a loving, caring conversation. When he arrives home, his welcome will be totally different than it would have if the events yesterday and last night in my dreams had not happened.

I love and appreciate my spiritual partners and the opportunities I have when I look deeper into the frightened parts that I have allowed to make decisions for me for the past 68 years.

Love to all my spiritual partners,
Carol Ann

Posted 11 years ago

Yesterday’s call supported me with seeing a FP of my personality more clearly. When Gary was sharing about the FP’s of his personality that felt “worthy of admiration;” his words shot through me like an arrow. I was supported in seeing my FP that feels unworthy of admiration. In that moment I could see all the ways I indulge feeling unworthy of admiration in my life, by keeping small, having dreams and desires but holding them back saying I will do it “someday”; keeping my love a “secret,” trying not to be noticed or admired. If I feel I have been admired my FP pattern is to minimize what someone is saying, reflect back on them and how amazing they are, feel shame and guilt, feel threatened somehow. The FP that if I am noticed I am somehow in danger. The fear of being hurt or killed if I stand out or am recognized. I feel this as extreme tension and tightness over my entire back, urgent sense of having to urinate in my second energy center…all familiar sensations of my FP of powerlessness….tension in my solar plexus. The last few months I have been challenging these FP’s of my personality by stretching myself to create an 8 week program for divorced couples co-parenting children that I am starting Nov. 20. The call yesterday supported me with seeing all of this that much clearer so I can heal it. Now my heart feels tight at the center and my jaw is tense. The intention of the FP is for me to indulge feeling so out of control and powerless that I am paralyzed and do nothing. My intention is to heal this pain so it loses control over me and I can clearly and lovingly cultivate the loving parts of my personality.
Kristen Richardson

Posted 11 years ago

How cool, my mom and I just posted at the same time. I posted my post and realized my mom just posted hers. Fun!

Posted 11 years ago

Stretching myself…….The example I want to share happened last week. A friend and coworker has occasionally came into my office for a business transaction. While there he made some what I felt were discriminating remarks. I immediately had a reaction to what he said thinking he was offending others in the room. I told him I felt this way and he laughed and said I was too sensitive. He would stop by often and say the same thing time after time. I had such pain in my solar plexus most times I wanted to leave the office when he came in. After looking deeper what I realized was that it was actually me that was offended by his remarks. My fp’s wanted to believe I was defending others. I did not know how others felt I was caretaking them. I stretched myself spoke to him from my integrity, clearly and without attachment knowing this may end our friendship. He has been in the office recently and our interaction has been professional. We will see what happens.

Love, Joanne

Posted 11 years ago

Hello brothers and sisters,
I stretching my Fps by going on this forum and thinks it is inferior to everyone else.
My fps try’s to tell me I am too tired and no one really cares what I have to say anyway.I type slowly and poorly I frustrated easily setting my intention to being more active on this forum. I am having trouble with my daughter and how she keeps her house so messy and how her and her husband do not disciple her children . I find myself going into reacting with anger towards them feeling constriction in my chest and solar pluex areas but did not and I responed by changing my thoughts to gradatude that we where all together as a family and grateful my daughter cooked us a meal. I felt myself at ease
blessings Leo

Posted 11 years ago

Regina writes how she is “now beginning to understand the importance of sharing. it helps deepens [her] understanding of equality.” Thank you for this profound insight, Regina, which discloses the real value of our sharing on this forum.
It’s so very challenging for frightened parts of my personality to post here, because I have many thoughts going through my head at any given moment and I often feel that I have worked on an issue without having to articulate it fully. Articulating clearly, with awareness, what is happening in my life is a huge challenge to fps that would rather remain invisible and silent. Actually, I think they really are lazy, so I must stir them up to the surface with my courage and get them down into words. That is already a big stretch for me every time when I don’t feel like communicating spontaneously – my fps convince me that I don’t want to be spontaneous, loving, present among you all, and sharing.
So, right now, the biggest stretch for me is to post here.
Having said that, my fps have moved to the side and cleared the space so I can post.
One among many other stretches concerns my relation with my husband, whom I dearly love when neither of us is under the control of fps—I say “neither” of us because when he is in a reaction I often react as well. I am resolving now to step outside my fps in his presence in order to be present with my loving parts – attentive, patient, receptive, appreciative, and communicative, seeing the beauty of his soul and of his intention toward me, toward us together. And, if he is under the control of a fp that prevents him from seeing the beauty of our relationship, my option is to choose to follow the loving parts of my personality rather than timidly allow my strong fps take over and react to him.
Today, for the second time since it was released I watched my recording of Oprah’s interview of Thich Nhat Hanh, and this time I watched it with my partner, who resisted at first. Fps in me strongly wanted to oblige him to sit through this show with me, they were impatient of him and his reticence, but then I challenged them as I felt them, releasing attachment to my desire that he participate in this experience with me. Finally, everything turned out beautifully. In the end my partner did watch the whole interview and he appreciated it. Since then, he has several times told me “I’m glad you are here,” interpreting something that Thich Nhat Hanh said. My response is that I am glad he’s here. And thus, through mindfulness and the ability to appreciate the human being before each one of us, we establish a loving connection.
I have learned that if I stay in a loving space, without will to change my partner, without desire to have him be like me, without desire that he have the same interests as mine at the same time as I feel them, then we stand a chance of enjoying a truly loving relationship. I know my desires come from fps that want to control him and indeed everything in my life instead of appreciating what is right before me, ready to be recognized and cherished. I can do this with any of our 4 cat companions, so why not with a human!
Stretching feels so good. In gym terms, it’s actually the reward that comes after hard work and that supports the muscles in relaxing all tension. What a fortunate term!
Much love to all, and gratitude for everything you have posted over the past days, which I find very supportive,

Posted 11 years ago

Hello Everyone, I was not on the call Saturday. But I can feel the energy and love that are flowing from LP’s that want to co-create with spiritual partners! While reading all the above posts, I had an interesting insight. So many of us feel inferior, or impatient, or judgmental, or a million other thoughts of fp’s who’s only goal is to limit and keep us powerless. I had a thought, which I did recognize as a fp, that it is easier to deal with feeling superior (my frequent challenge) than it is feeling inferior. I felt like laughing out loud when I saw the larger perspective. I don’t for a minute underestimate the power and pain of being in the control of fp’s. But reading your posts, and feeling the courage and love you are sharing, opened for me an even deeper connection to each of you. An even deeper clarity about how I don’t want to let fp’s keep me distant by attaching a label to anyone, which is only a way to let my fp’s convince me that I’m ok and in control. I know that my true worth is inherent in the love I share with my fellow souls on this Journey. Thank you for sharing. It deepens my understanding of equality too Regina!! Love to all, Pam

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